Last updated: March 26, 2003 @ 01:51PM

Visual Arts

Derek Knight

Associate Professors
Derek Knight, Murray Kropf, Merijean Morrissey (on leave)

Assistant Professor
Jean Bridge

Part-time Instructors
Judith Marquis, Bill Thoms, Sharon Vattay

Visiting Artist
Ed Aoki

Slide Librarian and Collections
Lesley Bell

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Monika Lederich

905-688-5550, extension 3214
Thistle west 135

The Department of Visual Arts, part of the School of Fine and Performing Arts, is concerned with the nature, function and history of visual arts, from the classics to popular culture, from ancient drawings and rituals to the avant-garde. Through critical analysis of classic works and personal creative development, the student will gain an awareness of the ways in which artistic media function. Our aim is to contribute to the vitality of the arts by developing sensitive, creative and articulate artists, teachers, audiences and graduates who are disciplined and adaptable, with both research skills and experience in studio practice.

The Visual Arts program consists of studio and art history courses that provide a practical and critical understanding of the visual arts emphasizing personal development. To this end students are introduced to a range of historical, theoretical and critical approaches to art-making and to the investigation of cultural documents. Students are encouraged to extend their experience through exposure to events sponsored by the Department of Visual Arts and the School of Fine and Performing Arts. Students are also offered opportunities to visit galleries and exhibitions through field trips organized by the Department of Visual Arts or in the context of specific course curriculum.

Studio activities that include intuitive, analytical and conceptual approaches are designed with the aspirations of the student artist in mind. Options are encouraged in the studio with introductory or advanced courses in drawing, painting and interdisciplinary workshops; additional courses in sculpture, photography or computer imaging broaden the experience and introduce the photographic, video or electronic medium to students. Students are assisted by artist-teachers who have professional experience and standing in the disciplines they teach.

Art history courses examine the development of artistic styles as well as the critical and aesthetic issues that these styles bring into play. Major artists and movements are related to their cultural contexts and artistic traditions with the goal of developing critical as well as aesthetic acumen.

Enrolment in all studio courses is limited to 15 students. VISA 4F06 might also be restricted due to space limitations.

Visual Arts facilities include a slide collection and resource centre, art studios, computer labs, video editing room and darkroom. The Department arranges for a variety of visiting artists and with Brock's School of Fine and Performing Arts Committee, organizes a program of art exhibitions in the Centre For The Arts Gallery.

Language Requirement for Humanities Majors

Students in the Department of Visual Arts are required to complete one credit in a language other than English. Where half-credit courses are used to satisfy the requirement, both half-credits must be in the same language.

Program Notes
  1. Context credits and language requirement must normally be completed within the first 10 credits.
  2. From the following list, no more than three VISA credits may be counted toward an Honours degree, single or combined major, and no more than two for a Pass degree: VISA 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P25, 3P26, 4M00-4M09, 4P13, 4P14.
  3. Students who do not have the necessary prerequisites for studio courses (VISA 1P93, 1P94, 1P96, 1P97, 2F05, 2F26, 2F95, 2F96, 2P02, 2P03, 2P93, 2P94, 3F96, 3P02, 3P03, 3P93, 3P94, 4F06) may be admitted by portfolio. Details are available from the Administrative Assistant. Enrolment in these courses will be limited; participation as an auditor is not permitted.
  4. Year 3 courses are normally restricted to students with a minimum of three credits numbered 2(alpha)00 or above or permission of the instructor.
  5. Non-majors may enroll in a maximum of one VISA studio course without a portfolio.
  6. Portfolio evaluation and interview are required for admission to the Visual Arts Program. Portfolio evaluations are held during April and May. Contact the Department for further information.
  7. Students wishing to take VISA 3F99, 4F06 or 4F99 must have a minimum 75 percent major average and permission of the Department. Proposals are normally submitted by May 1 of each year.
  8. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Year 1
·   VISA 1F98, 1P93, 1P94, 1P96 and 1P97
·   one Science context credit
·   one elective credit
Year 2
·   VISA 2P93 and 2P94 or VISA 2F96
·   one credit from VISA 2F05, 2F26, 2F95, 2M90-2M99, 2P02, 2P03
·   one credit from VISA 2P40, 2P41, 2P50, 2P51, 2P90, 2P91, 3M00-3M04, 3P05, 3P06, 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P25, 3P26
·   one language credit (see language requirement)
·   one Social Science context credit
Year 3
·   VISA 3P90 and 3P91
·   VISA 3P93 and 3P94 or VISA 3F96
·   one credit from VISA 3M90-3M95, 3P02, 3P03
·   one VISA studio credit
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   VISA 4F06
·   one VISA studio credit
·   three elective credits

Concurrent BA/BEd Programs

The Department of Visual Arts and the Faculty of Education co-operate in offering two Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd programs. The Visual Arts BA (Honours)/BEd program combines the BA Honours program or the BA Integrated Studies Honours program with the teacher education programs for students interested in teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12) and at the Junior/Intermediate level (grades 4-10.) Refer to the Education - Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) or Education - Concurrent BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) program listings for further information.

Pass Program

Year 1
·   VISA 1F98, 1P93, 1P94, 1P96 and 1P97
·   one Science context credit
·   one elective credit
Year 2
·   one credit from VISA 2F05, 2F26, 2F95, 2P02, 2P03
·   one credit from VISA 2F96, 2M90-2M99, 2P93, 2P94
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one language credit (see language requirement)
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   VISA 3P02 and 3P03, or one elective credit
·   one credit from VISA 2P40, 2P41, 2P50, 2P51, 2P90, 2P91, 3M00-3M04, 3P05, 3P06, 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P25, 3P26, 3P90, 3P91
·   one VISA studio credit
·   two elective credits

Combined Major Programs

·   VISA 1F98, 1P93, 1P94, 1P96 and 1P97
·   four VISA credits
·   VISA 1F98
·   four VISA credits

Minor in Art History

Students in other disciplines can obtain a Minor in Art History within their degree program by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:
·   VISA 1F98
·   two credits from VISA 2P50, 2P51, 2P40, 2P90, 2P91, 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P25, 3P26
·   one credit from VISA 3P05, 3P06, 3P90, 3P91, 4P13, 4P14

Course Descriptions

Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable term timetable for details.

Prerequisites and Restrictions

Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.

Introduction to the History of Art: from Prehistory to the Present
(also offered as GBLS 1F98)
Critical survey of major styles in architecture, sculpture and painting from antiquity to the 20th century. Principal monuments, buildings or studio artifacts, their period characteristics, the artist's cultural role and the critical or theoretical trends that have influenced our reading of the history of art.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Note: no studio work. Materials fee required.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in VISA 1F90.

Introduction to Drawing
Fundamental principles of drawing. Analytic, creative and graphic notation.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to VISA or VISA (single or combined) majors.
Note: portfolio assessment required prior to registration. Enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Figure Drawing
Fundamentals of drawing the figure anatomically and expressively.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to VISA or VISA (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisite: VISA 1P93.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Foundation Studio
Basic aesthetic and conceptual processes that underlie visual art production. Two- and three-dimensional formal principles, fundamental critical issues and stylistic/material development. Examples from historic and contemporary art practice provide context for studio projects and readings.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to VISA, or VISA (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
Note: portfolio assessment required prior to registration. Enrolment limited to 24 students in studio courses. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Studio Now: Introduction to Contemporary Practice
The making, thinking and language of contemporary art from the perspective of the studio practitioner. Exploration of the dynamics between contemporary art practice and theory. Emphasizing multimedia, alternative or marginal practices, current studio trends and the cultural reception of art.
Lectures, studio work, gallery visits, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to students admitted to VISA, or VISA (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisite: VISA 1P96.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Introduction to Sculpture
Fundamentals of three-dimensional work: design, construction and formal analysis. Emphasizing modelling techniques and principles of assemblage including mold or form making, casting and fabrication.
Lectures, studio work, 20 hours per week.
Restriction: open to VISA (single or combined) majors until date specified in BIRT guide.
Note: offered in spring or summer session only. Enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Introduction to Photography
Fundamentals of the camera, the exposure and processing of black and white film and basic darkroom printing emphasizing non-silver and alternative processes and their relationship to other art forms. Reference to the history of photography, critical analysis and photographic theory will supplement group critiques.
Lectures, studio work, off-campus visits, 20 hours per week.
Restriction: open to VISA (single or combined) majors until date specified in BIRT guide.
Prerequisite: VISA 1P97 or permission of the instructor.
Note: offered in Spring or Summer session only. Enrolment limited to 15 students in studio courses. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Introduction to Digital Imaging
(also offered as COMM 2F95)
Basic concepts in two-dimensional image creation and manipulation for print and the web. Systematic overview and project-based application of fundamental graphic software including Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMaker, Flash and Dreamweaver.
Lectures, lab, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to VISA (single or combined) or COMM (single or combined) majors until date specified in BIRT guide.
Prerequisite: VISA 1P97, COMM 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Note: Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Interdisciplinary Workshop I
Currency of multimedia and the influences of interdisciplinary practice on conceptual, video, performance and information art, public projections and site-specific or installation art. Emphasizing collective and individual exhibition practices, alternative spaces, applied technology and critical approaches to institutional, cultural or independent models of art.
Lectures, studio work, off-campus projects, 5 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1P97 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

VISA 2M90-2M99
Special Studies in Studio
Studies in a specialized area of the visual arts.
Lectures, studio work, field trip, 5 hours per week.

Painting I
Fundamentals of painting: introduction to colour theory, media and methods.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to VISA (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisites: VISA 1F98 (1F90); VISA 1P94 or 1P97 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Painting II
Fundamentals of painting: introduction to the analytic, narrative and expressive concepts of acrylic painting.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to VISA (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisite: VISA 2P02.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Early to High Renaissance Art and Architecture
(also offered as ITAL 2P40)
Major monuments, buildings and artworks of the period from several critical perspectives including the humanist influence on the arts in Florence and Rome, the issue of patronage and the question of the artist's cultural status.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90), ITAL 1F90, or permission of the instructor.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in ITAL 2P10.

Baroque Art and Architecture
Influence of artists such as Caravaggio, Gentileschi, Rembrandt, Rubens and Poussin examined in terms of the broader definition of Baroque art within 17th- and 18th-century Europe.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.

Canadian Identities: From Nouvelle France to the Mid-20th Century
Canadian cultural life from Nouvelle France to the art and architecture of Confederation; from 18th-century topographical sketches to the landscape icons of the Group of Seven; from the Social Realism of the 1930s to the beginnings of abstraction; emphasizing historical identity, cultural definition and nationalism in art.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.

Canadian Art since 1960: Contemporary Trends
Major conceptual, critical and theoretical concerns of the visual artist; from Les Automatistes to neo-expressionism, Pop to neo-Pop, conceptual art to photo-conceptualism, installation to site-specific sculpture, video to multi-media.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.

Art in Revolution: 1750-1851
(also offered as GBLS 2Q90)
Art's role and function within the paradigm shifts of the modern world, its relation to politics, social and cultural change. Neoclassicism and the principal movements leading up to the French Revolution and beyond, Romanticism, Realism and the Industrial Revolution.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.

Modernism, Modernity and Contemporaneity: 1851-1907
(also offered as GBLS 2Q91)
Thematic examination of individuality, contemporaneity and progress in the context of the period's cultural, political and technological changes.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.

Drawing III
Further investigation of drawing materials and techniques emphasizing compo-sitional structures.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to VISA (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisite: VISA 1P94.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Drawing IV
Idea development, integration of media and conceptual approaches.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to VISA (single or combined) majors.
Prerequisite: VISA 2P93.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Interdisciplinary Workshop II
(also offered as DART 3F96)
Studio workshop for the development of independent projects based on the multi-disciplinary examination of critical discourses with reference to identity, visual culture, representation and the construction of meaning. Projects involve new media exploration, collaboration, collective practice and investigation of alternatives in public dissemination.
Lectures, studio work, off-campus projects, 5 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 2F96 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 15 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply. Several field trips are organized outside of the regular course meeting time. Students participating in field trips are expected to pay their own expenses.

Honours Tutorial
Advanced study in an area of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Restriction: students must have a minimum 75 percent major average and permission of the Department.
Note: a written proposal, normally submitted in May of each year, must be approved by the Department before registration.

VISA 3M00-3M04
Special Studies in Art History

VISA 3M05-3M10
Art Studies Abroad
Unique cultural, architectural or regional setting examined through the eye of the visual artist, critic or art historian. Utilizing the host country's institutional resources, museums and galleries. For students with an interest in both studio and art history.
Restriction: permission of the Chair.
Prerequisite: one VISA credit or permission of the instructor.

VISA 3M90-3M95
Special Studies in Visual Arts
Studies that combine theory and studio.

Painting III
Personal painting strategies reflecting individual ideas. Writing artist's statements. Readings in contemporary practice.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 2P03.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Painting IV
Creation of a body of paintings that reflect the inter-relationships among critical strategies, personal mythologies, process and meaning.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 3P02.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

The European Avant-Garde: 1905-1970
Contextual analysis of the European and Russian avant-garde movements in art, design and architecture emphasizing principal artists, theoretical or primary documents and the critical reaction.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.

The American Avant-Garde: 1912-1970
From the Armory Show to the European influence on American art and photography of the Early Century, the International Style in architecture, to the emergence of the New York school, the Pop movement, Minimalism and conceptual art and their hold on the art and culture of the 60s.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or permission of the instructor.

Art and Architecture of Iron Age Italy and the Roman Republic
(also offered as CLAS 3P22)
Art and architecture of the cultures of the Italian peninsula, in the first millennium BC, within the framework of cultural change and external influences.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or one credit from CLAS 1P91, 1P92, 1P93, 1P95, 1P97.

Art and Architecture of Rome in the Imperial Age
(also offered as CLAS 3P23)
Roman art and architecture from Augustus to Late Antiquity. Christian art and architecture and the influence of Roman aesthetics on the Renaissance and beyond.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or one credit from CLAS 1P91, 1P92, 1P93, 1P95, 1P97.

Art and Architecture of Early Greece
(also offered as CLAS 3P24)
Greek art and architecture from the Bronze age through the end of the Archaic period within the framework of historical and cultural change.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or one credit from CLAS 1P91, 1P92, 1P93, 1P95, 1P97.

Art and Architecture of Classical Greece and the Hellenistic World
(also offered as CLAS 3P25)
Greek art and architecture from the early Classical era through the Hellenistic period within the framework of historical and cultural change.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or one credit from CLAS 1P91, 1P92, 1P93, 1P95, 1P97.

Art and Architecture of the Byzantine Empire
(also offered as CLAS 3P26)
Material culture of the Byzantine Empire from its origins in late antiquity to the Ottoman conquest. Monumental mosaic, painting, sculpture, the luxury arts and domestic artifacts within the architectural framework of house, church and city.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or one credit from CLAS 1P92, 2P36, 2P38, 2P99.

Readings in Contemporary Art I: 1970-1990
Advanced seminar emphasizing what constitutes the paradigm shift from Late Modernism to Postmodernism.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum of 9.0 overall credits.
Prerequisites: VISA 1F98 (1F90); two credits from VISA 2P50, 2P51, 2P90, 2P91, 3P05, 3P06 or permission of the instructor.
Note: required for all Honours students in VISA.

Readings in Contemporary Art II: Art Now
Current trends in the production, reception and interpretation of art and discursive approaches to contemporary issues including the critical text, theoretical and cultural readings.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum of 9.0 overall credits.
Prerequisite: VISA 3P90.
Note: required for all Honours students in VISA.

Expressive Drawing
Advanced drawing as a means of expressing personal and subjective imagery.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 2P94 (2F92).
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Contemporary Drawing
Advanced drawing which questions the boundaries of media, process and creative expression.
Lectures, studio work, 5 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 3P93.
Note: enrolment limited to 24 students. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply.

Honours Studio
Advanced studio practice from concept to public exhibition. Readings, grant applications, production schedules, exhibition coordination, catalogue preparation, and advertising.
Studio work, 5 hours per week.
Restriction: students must have a minimum 75 percent major average and permission of the Department.
Note: enrolment may be restricted due to limitations of space. A written proposal, normally submitted in May of each year, must be approved by the Department before registration. Honours standing in VISA is required. Materials fee required. Students might need additional materials, which they must supply. Several field trips are required outside regular course meeting time. Students participating in field trips are expected to pay their own expenses. Students should contact the Department for further information.

Honours Thesis
Critical, historical or creative project in the visual arts of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Restriction: students must have a minimum 75 percent major average and permission of the Department.
Note: projects must be arranged in the spring for the following year. A written proposal, normally submitted in May of each year, must be approved by the Department before registration. Honours standing in VISA is required.

VISA 4M00-4M09
Study in Mediterranean Lands
(also offered as CLAS 4M00-4M09)
Topographical investigations of ancient sites and monuments. Study tours of the great cities and museums of the Mediterranean world emphasizing the art and architecture of the Prehistoric, Classical and later periods.
Restriction: permission of the Department.
Note: offered in the Summer Session for three or four weeks of intensive study abroad. Students are expected to pay their own expenses.

2003-2004: Monumental Rome from Romulus to the Renaissance
(also offered as CLAS 4M01 and ITAL 4M01)
Rome as a city of monuments, from its founding to the Renaissance. The Roman and imperial fora, baths, Colloseum, mediaeval and Renaissance churches and palaces, including St. Peter's and the Vatican. Emphasizing sites both as monuments and relics, and for their social function.
Note: offered in Italy: 4 weeks. Students are expected to pay their own expenses.

Art and Archaeology of Cyprus
(also offered as CLAS 4P13)
Cultural history of Cyprus from the Neolithic period through the early Byzantine period, based on the archaeological record. Role of Cyprus in the civilization of the eastern Mediterranean.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or one CLAS credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above or permission of the instructor.

The Aegean Bronze Age
(also offered as CLAS 4P14)
Development of the Bronze Age cultures of the Aegean Basin from 3000 to 1100 BC. Art and architecture of the Minoans on Crete and the Mycenaeans on the Greek mainland will be stressed.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or one CLAS credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above or permission of the instructor.

VISA 4V30-4V39
Topics in Mediterranean Art and Architecture
(also offered as CLAS 4V30-4V39)
Topics and problems in current art historical and archaeological research pertaining to the art and architecture of the ancient Greek or Roman world.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: VISA 1F98 (1F90) or one credit from CLAS 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P25.