Last updated: April 2, 2003 @ 10:23AM

Oenology and Viticulture
This program is co-ordinated by the Department of Biological Sciences.

Alan J. Castle
TBA (as of July 1, 2003)

Co-ordinator, Experiential Learning
E. Brian Grant

Instructors/Senior Demonstrators
Daryl Dagesse, Kevin W. Ker

Senior Laboratory Demonstrator
Gail Higenell

Participating Faculty
Linda Bramble, Margaret Cliff, Carman Cullen, Helen Fisher, Debra Inglis, Ronald S. Jackson, Wendy McFadden-Smith, Gary Pickering, Andrew G. Reynolds, Ronald E. Subden, Anthony B. Shaw

Co-operating Faculty from:
Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Geography, Management, Marketing and Human Resources, Mathematics, Physics and Recreation and Leisure Studies

General Information

Administrative Co-ordinator
Barb Tatarnic

905-688-5550, extension 4652
Inniskillin Hall 206

A four-year Honours Co-operative program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Oenology and Viticulture is designed to meet the growing needs of the grape, grape juice and wine industries of cool climate regions. The aim of the program is to provide a comprehensive scientific education as well as practical skills in Oenology and Viticulture together with exposure to marketing, tourism and wine appreciation. Since "wine begins in the field and ends in the glass", our graduates will be trained to work in the vineyard and the winery or may become owners and operators of vineyards and wineries. A unique feature of this program is its strong base in biotechnology which has been used for centuries in fermentation and the making of bread, wine and cheese. It encompasses the scientific disciplines pertaining to the grape and wine industry such as sensory science, biochemistry, chemistry, microbiology, genetics, cell and molecular biology, plant physiology and environmental biology. The program can enable our graduates to pursue higher education in any of these disciplines.

Oenology and Viticulture considers industry experience to be an essential part of our students' preparation. In order to gain that experience all students are required to participate in Co-op work terms. Students will participate a minimum of three work terms as indicated in the program of study. Each student is required to do at least one work term in a vineyard setting and one at a winery during the harvest and crush.

These work terms will be paid positions providing a meaningful, academically relevant employment experience within the grape and wine industry. The primary goal of the Oenology and Viticulture Co-op Program is to arrange and monitor placements within the Canadian industry. However, suitable international work terms may be used to meet the program requirements. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, students are assessed an administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees).

Students can participate in Intern Experiences, consisting of an approved program of industry service. Each provides an opportunity for the student to participate in a variety of industry activities not available during the longer Co-op work placements. Intern Experiences are not program requirements but students are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities to gain a wider range of industry experience.

A student must register for the appropriate work term before starting employment. Each student's performance will be evaluated using a combination of employer questionnaires, journals and work term reports. Unsatisfactory work term evaluations may result in a student being asked to withdraw from the program.

Work terms will normally be done as indicated in the Program of Studies but other sequences are possible. For more information consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning and the Experiential Learning Opportunities & Policies section of the calendar.

The program of Oenology and Viticulture is associated for the purposes of research with the Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute.

Program Notes
  1. Students are required to complete three Co-op work terms. Students must contact the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding these courses.
  2. ECON 1P91 and 1P92 are strongly recommended as the Social Science context credit.
  3. RECL 2P08 or 3P68 recommended.
  4. Because of the Fall term crush placement, all academic credits in year 4 should be taken in the Winter and Spring terms. Students participating in a crush placement may not register for other courses without approval of the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning.
  5. In all 20 credit degree programs at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Year 1
·   OEVI 1P20
·   BIOL 1F90
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   PHYS 1P23 or 1P93
·   one Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit (see program note 2)
Spring/Summer Sessions:
·   OEVI 0N30 (optional)
Year 2
·   OEVI 0N01 or 0N02
·   OEVI 0N90, 2P45 and 2P99
·   BIOL 2F01 and 2P96
·   CHEM 2P20, 2P21 and 2P42
·   the Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1
Spring/Summer Sessions:
·   OEVI 0N31
Year 3
·   OEVI 0N01 or 0N02 (not taken in year 2)
·   OEVI 3P21, 3P25, 3P98 and 4P20
·   BCHM 3P01
·   BIOL 2P98
·   BTEC 3P50
·   one of OEVI 2P97, BIOL 2P93, 3P43, 3P51, 3P64, 3P91, BTEC 2P09, 2P63, 3P62, 3P63,
·   one elective credit (see program note 3)
Spring/Summer Sessions:
·   OEVI 0N32
Year 4
Fall Term:
·   OEVI 0N33
Winter Term/Spring Session:
·   OEVI 4P30 and 4V92
·   OEVI 4F90 and 4F91, or OEVI 4F92 and one elective credit
·   CHEM 3P41
·   one of OEVI 2P97, 3P12, BIOL 3P43, 3P51, 3P64, 3P91, 4P03, 4P06, 4P57, 4P58, 4P64, BTEC 3P09, 3P62, 3P63, 4P08
·   one elective credit (see program notes 4 and 7)

Certificate in Grape and Wine Technology

Eligibility requirements:

For those individuals having completed an undergraduate degree in biological sciences or chemistry or some related area (biotechnology, biochemistry)


For those individuals admissible to the University with relevant work experience in the grape and wine industry.

See "Requirements for a Certificate " under Academic Regulations concerning transfer credits and letters of permission.

Students must maintain a minimum 70 percent average of the required and additional courses listed below to continue in the certificate program.

The certificate is awarded upon completion of the following courses with a minimum 70 percent overall average:
·   OEVI 1P20, 2P45, 2P99, 3P21, 3P25, 3P98 and 4P30
·   one and one half credits from OEVI 2P97, 3P12, 4P20, 4V92, BCHM, BIOL, BTEC or CHEM courses numbered 2(alpha)00 or above (see program note 6)

Course Descriptions

Note that not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable term timetable for details.

Prerequisites and Restrictions

Students must check to ensure that prerequisites are met. Students may be deregistered, at the request of the instructor, from any course for which prerequisites and/or restrictions have not been met.

Introduction to Wines
Scientific principles of wine production, grape production, microbiology, fermentation, stabilization of wine and the application of sensory science to the evaluation of wine quality as well as health aspects, classification, regulation, marketing of wine and wines of the world.
Lectures, 2 hours per week; lab, 3 hours per week.
Note: materials fee required. Students must be of legal drinking age. Other students should consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning.

Cultural Practices
Site selection, pruning, training, canopy management, crop control, mechanization, soil management and vineyard establishment.
Lectures, lab, 6 hours per week; field trips.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: OEVI 2P99.
Note: students must be of legal drinking age. Other students should consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade credit in OEVI 3P45.

Introduction to Soil Science
(also offered as GEOG 2P97)
Physical, chemical, biological, and hydrological processes within the soil system, their interrelationships and relationships between these processes and the potential use of the soil. Emphasis on soils in Southern Ontario and individual student analysis of those soils.
Lectures, lab, 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GEOG 1F91 or permission of the instructor.

Grapevine Biology
Varieties, rootstocks, clones, physiology and biochemistry of grapevine growth and fruit maturation; soil science, winter hardiness; grapevine propagation.
Lectures, 3 hours per week; lab, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1F90 and CHEM 1F92 (CHEM 1P80 and 1P81 or CHEM 1P90 and 1P91).
Note: students must be of legal drinking age. Other students should consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning.

Climate and Winegrape Production
(also offered as GEOG 3P12)
Climatological aspects of winegrape production emphasizing on wine regions of Ontario and British Columbia. Effects of climate, weather-related diseases, topography, soil and viticultural practices on winegrape quality.
Lectures, lab, field work, 4 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GEOG 2P04 or permission of the instructor.
Note: students enrolled in the OEVI program and OEVI certificate students are permitted to register without the prerequisite.

Winery Equipment
Theory and operation of grape and wine processing equipment in commercial wineries, including crushers, presses, filters, pumps, tanks; winery layout; sanitation and waste water management.
Lectures, lab, 6 hours per week.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1F92 (CHEM 1P80 and 1P81 or CHEM 1P90 and 1P91) and OEVI 3P25; PHYS 1P23 or IP93.
Note: materials fee required. The laboratory section will include fermentations to demonstrate the equipment being used. Students must be of legal drinking age.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade credit in OEVI 2P21.

Wine Chemistry
Chemical reactions in fermentation, sulfiting, fining, casse formation and removal, ageing and wine supplementation. The laboratory section will include sampling grapes, fermentation chemical analysis and evaluation of wine.
Lectures, lab, 6 hours per week.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: BIOL 2F01, CHEM 2P20 and 2P42.
Co-requisite: BCHM 3P01.
Note: materials fee required. Students must be of legal drinking age.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade credit in OEVI 2P25.

Wine Microbiology
Identification and enumeration of indigenous micro-organisms in grape must. Alcoholic fermentation; metabolism of nitrogen compounds and organic acids; production of sulphur compounds; killer yeasts; malolactic fermentation; wine spoilage micro-organisms; genetic improvement of wine yeasts.
Lectures, lab, 6 hours per week.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: OEVI 3P25, BCHM 3P01, BIOL 2F01 and 2P98.
Co-requisite: BIOL 3P50.
Note: students must be of legal drinking age.

Research Project
Experimental research carried out under faculty supervision.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors with approval to year 4 (honours).
Co-requisite: OEVI 4F91.

Thesis will incorporate results of the research project and will form the basis of a seminar presented by the student.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors with approval to year 4 (honours).
Co-requisite: OEVI 4F90.

Library Research Essays
Students will carry out two detailed studies of the scientific literature under faculty supervision.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors with approval to year 4 (honours).
Note: for students not registered in OEVI 4F90 and 4F91. The results of the studies will be presented in major essays and presented as formal seminars. One research topic is to be completed each term.

Sensory Evaluation of Wine
Measurement techniques used in the sensory evaluation of wine, physiology of taste and olfaction, chemistry of aroma and flavour, origins of off-odours in wines and readings in current topics in sensory evaluation and sensory science.
Lectures, 2 hours per week; lab, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: MATH 1P98.
Note: materials fee required. Students must be of legal drinking age.

Grape Pest Management
Biology and dynamics of grapevine pest activity - insects, diseases, weeds, nematodes, vertebrates. Integrated pest management approach looking at all aspects of control chemical, biological, cultural. Application techniques, pest identification and monitoring.
Lectures, lab, 6 hours per week.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite: OEVI 2P99.

OEVI 4V90-4V99
Special Topics in Oenology and Viticulture
Selected issues in Oenology and Viticulture on the basis of faculty expertise.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors.
Note: under certain circumstances a student may carry out, under faculty supervision a detailed study of the scientific literature pertinent to a specific topic. The results of this study will be presented as a major essay and as a formal seminar.

2003-2004: Wine Marketing
(also offered as MKTG 4V92)
Application of the principles of marketing in the wine business; understanding the wine consumer, segmentation, positioning, marketing mix, marketing research, marketing strategy, domestic and international wine marketing issues.
Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors and OEVI certificate students or permission of the instructor.

Wine Appreciation I
Special interest course focusing on the tasting of wines from Canada and around the world.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required. Students must be of legal drinking age. Other students should consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning. This course must be taken by OEVI majors in year 2 or year 3. Available to the general public.

Introduction to the Wines of Ontario
Special interest course focusing on the tasting of wines from Ontario.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required. Students must be of legal drinking age. Other students should consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning. Admission to the course requires application through the Institute. This course may be taken by OEVI majors in year 2 or year 3. Available to the general public. This course includes the Wine Council of Ontario Certification.

Wine Appreciation II
Special interest course focusing on the practice and art of winetasting.
Prerequisite: OEVI 0N01 or permission of the instructor.
Note: materials fee required. Students must be of legal drinking age. Other students should consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning. Admission to the course requires application through the Institute. This course may be taken by OEVI majors in year 2 or year 3. Available to the general public.

Experiential Learning: Viticulture
Participation largely in a vineyard setting.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Experiential Learning: Oenology
Participation concentrating on some aspect of the wine making process.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Experiential Learning: Tourism and Marketing
Participation in sales and/or promotion of local grape products and/or events.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Experiential Learning: Industry Preparation
Participation requiring successful completion of an approved program of industry workshops and short courses.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.
Note: any fees charged for this activity are the responsibility of the student.

Experiential Learning: Ice Wine Production
Participation in the full range of procedures for ice wine production
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Experiential Learning: Sparkling Wine Production
Participation in the full range of procedures for sparkling wine production
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Experiential Learning: Cellar Operations
Participation in an approved program of cellar activities other than those included in OEVI 0N11, 0N14 and 0N15.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Employment Experience Viticulture
Participation in an appropriate range of vineyard operations.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Employment Experience The Crush and Fermentation
Participation in an appropriate range of winery operations during the crush and early phases of the wine making process.
Restriction: restricted to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Employment Experience Cellar Operations
Participation in an appropriate range of winery operations during a period of time other than the crush and early phases of the wine making process.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Employment Experience Tourism and Marketing
Participation in a range of experiences in sales and/or promotion of local grape products and/or events.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Co-op Work Term
Optional work experience in an appropriate sector of the Grape and Wine industry.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Co-op Work Term I
Work experience in an appropriate sector of the Grape and Wine industry.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Co-op Work Term II
Work experience in an appropriate sector of the Grape and Wine industry.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Co-op Work Term III
Work experience in an appropriate sector of the Grape and Wine industry.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors. Consult the Co-ordinator of Experiential Learning regarding permission to register.

Co-op Training and Development
Framework for the development of learning objectives by students for individual work terms. Includes orientation to the Co-op experience, goal setting, résumé and interview skills preparation.
Lectures, presentation, site visits, 1.5 hours per week.
Restriction: open to OEVI majors.