Last updated: March 10, 2003 @ 03:23PM

Environmental Economics
This program is co-ordinated by the Centre for the Environment

Anthony J. Ward

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Fran Meffe

905-688-5550, extension 3292
MacKenzie Chown F242

The Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Economics is a four-year Honours degree designed for students who wish to apply the methods and techniques of economics to environmental issues. The program includes courses in physical geography focusing on the scientific methods used for obtaining evidence of air, water and ground pollution.

Economics courses provide the foun-dation for assessing the socio-economic calculations and the institu-tional aspects affecting environ-mental policy and regulation. In year one, students choose a secondary but related area of study in Biological Sciences, Environment, Human Geography or any other secondary area of study with the approval of the Director. This cross-disciplinary program is designed for students contemplating a career with government, public interest groups or firms involved in environmental assessment, monitoring and review or the cost-benefit analysis of environmental regulation. A graduate of this program may pursue graduate work in environmental studies, law, public policy or other interdisciplinary studies.

Program Notes
  1. Students planning to pursue graduate studies in Economics should include ECON 3P91, 4P13 and 4P14 among their ECON electives.
  2. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Year 1
·   ECON 1P91 and 1P92
·   GEOG 1F91
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one credit from the chosen secondary area of study
Year 2
·   ECON 2P21, 2P22 and 2P90
·   one ECON credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above
·   one of ENVI 2P04, 2P05, GEOG 2P11
·   ENVI 2P09 or 2Q04
·   ENVI 2P28
·   one credit from the chosen secondary area of study
Year 3
·   ECON 3P27, 3P28, 3P31, 3P32, 3P90 and 3P97
·   ENVI 3P02
·   one of ERSC 3P33, GEOG 3P80, 3P81
·   one credit from the chosen secondary area of study
Year 4
·   ECON 4F90
·   one ECON credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one ECON credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   two elective credits

Secondary Area of Study

Students choose a secondary area of study, normally in Biological Sciences, Environment or Human Geography. Alternative areas of study may be pursued with the approval of the Director.

Biological Sciences:
·   BIOL 1F90, 2P05 and 2Q04
·   one elective credit
Human Geography:
·   GEOG 1F90
·   one credit from GEOG 2P02, 2P03, 2P06, 2P07, 2P10
·   one elective credit
·   ENVI 1P90 and 1P91
·   two ENVI credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above