Last updated: March 11, 2003 @ 11:26AM

Education - Native Teacher Education

Merle Richards

Romaine Bomberry

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Leslie Wenzl

905-688-5550, extension 4112
Welch Hall 104

The Centre for Aboriginal Studies and Native Teacher Education offers two programs to prepare Native elementary school teachers. These programs meet the certification requirements of the Ontario College of Teachers.

Aboriginal candidates who hold an undergraduate degree may apply to the regular Pre-service Education program.

The Primary/Junior Certificate Program prepares candidates for teaching grades K-6 in elementary schools. The basic courses are adapted for the needs of Native pupils. Along with the basic requirements, the program includes experiences in the Aboriginal languages and cultures of the participants. At least eight weeks of practice teaching will be completed by each candidate.

The Native as a Second Language Certificate program is open to speakers fluent in a Native language. It focuses on teaching methods for language specialists, as well as on the grammar and writing systems of the candidates' Native languages. At least eight weeks of practice teaching will be completed by candidates in this program.

Successful candidates of the Primary/Junior Certificate Program of the Native Teacher Education program may be recommended by the Dean of the Faculty of Education to the Ontario College of Teachers for certification to teach in Ontario at the Primary/Junior level.

Successful completion of the Native as a Second Language Certificate Program of the Native Teacher Education program leads to certification in Native as a Second Language (NSL). To qualify for the NSL certificate, candidates must complete at least one year of successful teaching after completing the first year of the NSL program.

Those interested in a teaching career in Ontario are advised to refer to the Ontario College of Teachers Act 1966 and (Regulation 184/97 Teachers Qualifications) with respect to teachable subjects, definitions, basic qualifications and regulations.

Ontario College of Teachers Criminal Records Screening Policy
1.  The Ontario College of Teachers requires both a criminal record check and a criminal record declaration by the applicant as necessary components of registration for new applicants.
2.  The costs associated with the provision of the criminal record check and any appeals are to be borne by the applicant.
3.  All positive reports of criminal offences will be examined by the Ontario College of Teachers' Registrar to determine whether the record of offence(s) is relevant to the applicant's honesty, integrity and/or suitability to practise the profession and whether the offence(s) constitute reasonable grounds for refusal to issue a certificate of qualification and registration, or to impose terms, conditions or limitations on registration, in accordance with Section 18(2) of the Ontario College of Teachers Act.
4.  Applicants for registration by the Ontario College of Teachers will be advised of the reasons for the decisions of the OCT Registrar to refuse certification or to impose terms, conditions or limitations and that appeals to these decisions will be determined in accordance with Part III of the Ontario College of Teachers Act.
  Questions regarding the policy should be directed to the Ontario College of Teachers.


Aboriginal candidates who hold an undergraduate degree may apply to the regular Pre-service Education Program (see Education-Pre-service Education).

Primary/Junior Certificate Program

Aboriginal candidates may be admitted to this program with Grade 12 or equivalent. Preference will be given to applicants with university credits.

Native as a Second Language Certificate Program

Candidates must be fluent in a Native language.

Program Requirements

Primary/Junior Certificate Program
·   EDUC 8L09, 8P06, 8P08, 8P10, 8P30, 8P33, 8P93, 8P94, 8P96, 8P99, 8Y04, 8Y05, 8Y31, 8Y36, 8Y38 and 8Y39

Native as a Second Language Certificate Program
·   EDUC 8P08, 8P10, 8P11, 8P33, 8P91, 8P93, 8P94, 8P96, 8P97, 8P98, 8P99

Description of Courses

See relevant calendar entry for course descriptions.