2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar

Student Services and Academic Support


I.  Office of the Associate Vice-President

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Associate Vice-President, Student Services and Registrar

Robert J. Tiffin

Administrative Assistant

Rose Delazzer

905-688-5550, extension 3418

Schmon Tower 401

Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Closed: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

The Associate Vice-President (Student Services) has two central mandates. The first mandate is the development, enhancement and integration of student services, policies and programs to support a high quality student life at Brock, and improve students' success in their academic experiences.

The second mandate is the development and implementation of enrollment management policy and programs to build an entering class with excellent and diverse backgrounds through recruitment initiatives, and retain students through the completion of their degrees, by implementing advising and support services to increase student success.

Students are encouraged to engage in and support student affairs on campus through participation in volunteer activities, paid work placements and committee involvement. Opportunities for student participation in Student Services include residence life staff, residence advisory council, residence security, residence dons, campus tour guides, health peer educators, financial peer assistants, career services assistants, the student peer advisory committee on non-academic discipline and student representation on other Student Services committees. The Associate Vice-President's office co-ordinates several committees which provide a forum for student input on issues such as student affairs, campus accessibility, equity, race relations, non-academic discipline and campus alcohol policy and education.

The Associate Vice-President is available to assist students with their concerns. Students are invited to contact the Administrative Assistant to arrange an appointment. The Associate Vice-President provides leadership and direction to the following Student Services administrative units:

Student Development Centre

Aboriginal Student Services

Campus Ministries

Leadership Programs

Learning Skills Services

Personal Counselling Services

Services for Students with disABILITIES

Student Non-Academic Discipline

Career Services

Health Services

Office of the Registrar

Academic Services (Advising)

Academic Appeals


Examinations and Scheduling

Student Records and Registration

Financial Aid and Awards

Recruitment and Liaison Services

Residence and Food Services


II.  Student Development Centre

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Administrative Assistant

Peggy Karges

905-688-5550, extension 3240

Schmon Tower 400


1.  Aboriginal Student Services

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Sabrina Redwing Saunders

905-688-5550, extension 4273

Mackenzie Chown C302

Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Our goal is to help Native, Inuit, and Metis students make a smooth transition to life at Brock. We offer services in a culturally sensitive manner and encourage students to maintain or even increase their cultural identity while in the university setting. Services include:

- liaison and referral services for students to both the Brock campus and the local communities
- providing programming and campus wide Aboriginal events
- promoting awareness of Aboriginal culture on campus
- advocating on behalf of Aboriginal students within the University community
- providing information on Native, Inuit, and Metis specific scholarships
- assist secondary and college students with the application process
- offer free Aboriginal student computing and printing lab
- maintaining an Aboriginal resource library including newspapers, texts, and CD's
- providing training to Brock faculty and staff.

2.  Learning Skills Services

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Learning Skills Instructor

Fran Young

905-688-5550, extension 3114

Schmon Tower 400

Learning Skills Services helps you as a Brock student improve your academic success at university. Assistance is available to help you with any study or writing issues that arise while you are a student at Brock. These issues may range from the challenges of transition from high school to university, to preparing for upper-year exams or writing your honours thesis. Learning Skills Services will help you develop the study strategies you need to reach your full learning potential.

A variety of workshops is available throughout the year for a nominal fee. Workshops will address students' study skills needs in areas such as: managing your time, taking notes, reading, writing university essays, preparing for exams and more. Collaborate with a group of your new Brock friends: any group of five students can "order a workshop" at a time convenient to them. In addition, Study Write! , our drop-in service, is available to assist you with your studying or learning issues. Check at ST400 for days and times.


3.  Personal Counselling Services

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Les McCurdy-Myers

905-688-5550, extension 4750

Schmon Tower 400


Personal Counselling Services provides three key areas of service to the Brock community:

- group and individual services to students who are experiencing social/personal difficulties while studying at Brock; leadership development; and consulting with students, faculty and staff.

Personal Counselling Services assists Brock students with personal concerns in a number of ways. Many students seek help with specific concerns about relationships, self-confidence, weight preoccupation, loneliness, loss, stress management, sexuality, academic difficulties etc. Others ask for our help on less clearly defined issues such as low motivation or a feeling that things just are not right. If something is bothering you, there is someone objective who can help with:

- professional, confidential, individual counselling, at no cost to you. Individual counselling is typically short-term, averaging three to five sessions and builds on students' strengths
- multiple session group programs developed to meet students' interests
- responding to crises situations throughout the Brock community;
- self-help materials in our resource area.

Personal Counselling Services provides leadership development by:

- designing and facilitating training workshops for student and staff groups in areas such as basic listening skills, meeting/group skills, stress management and team building; and providing on-going clinical supervision with student groups such as the residence life staff and the financial peer assistants
- offering the Foundations in Leadership practica series.


Our Manager acts as a consultant to the Brock University community in a number of areas by:

- providing psycho-educational programming on topics such as anger management, grieving and assertiveness
- advising students, faculty and staff who are concerned about the behaviour of someone they know
- assisting with student projects, theses and seminars
- fostering and assisting in the development of self help groups, and
- acting as liaison with the Residence Life Staff and the Brock Off Campus Society.

To meet with a Counsellor/Therapist to see if we can help, just call extension 4750 or drop in to ST400 to set up an appointment. Evening and off-campus appointments can be arranged. Whatever your concern, you do not have to be alone.


4.  Services for Students with disABILITIES

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Judith Brooder

905-688-5550, extension 4122

Schmon Tower 400

Brock encourages and supports the full participation of students with disabilities in all aspects of campus life. Services for Students with disABILITIES provides accommodations and services for students who require academic support due to the impact of a physical, medical, sensory, mental health or learning disability.

All services and accommodations are determined on an individual basis, depending on your documented needs. Services include:

- support services: use of a note taker, compensatory strategy assistance, exam accommodation, use of adaptive equipment and liaison with faculty. Screening and limited diagnostic assessment for learning disabilities are available on campus
- adaptive technology: specialized computer software and other technical aids are available for use in the Student Development Centre and in locked carrels in the Library. Please see your case manager about your technology needs and to obtain access to equipment
- library services: a designated reference librarian to co-ordinate library services for students with disabilities. Library services include obtaining text on tape, assistance with computer searches and locating materials in the library
- accessible facilities: most facilities at Brock are wheelchair accessible. For a special accessibility tour of campus, please contact the Recruitment and Liaison Office. There are17 accessible housing units on campus
- attendant care: limited attendant care service is available through the Ontario March of Dimes. If you require in attendant care, contact the Student Development Centre.

Students are advised to contact the Student Development Centre early in the application process to exchange information about their needs and the services available. This exchange will in no way impact your acceptance at Brock. After being admitted to Brock, you must make an appointment with your case manager to provide appropriate documentation of your needs, preferably before the beginning of term. Your case manager will review your needs and assist in setting up the accommodations and support services you require.


5.  Student Non-Academic Discipline

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University Discipline Officer

Cathie Closs

905-688-5550, extension 3240

Schmon Tower 400

The University Discipline Officer provides advice and support to students, faculty and staff related to issues of non-academic discipline for students. The University Discipline Officer sits on the Committee on Non-Academic Discipline to advise on policy and procedures, supervises the training, organization and implementation of student peer Discipline Hearing Panels, attends hearings, and relays hearing decisions to individual students, the Associate Vice-President (Students Services), Campus Police and, where appropriate, the BUSU Business Manager, the Director of Residences and others. For more information on Non-Academic Discipline, see the University Calendar (Code of Student Conduct and Appeals in Non-Academic Matters, or see Brock's web page (http://www.brocku.ca).


III.  Campus Ministries

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Reverend George Addison

(Protestant Ecumenical Chaplain)

Donna Hollands-Hurst

(Roman Catholic Ecumenical Chaplain)

Peter Schuurman

(Christian Reformed Ecumenical Chaplain)

905-688-5550, extension 3977, 4764 or 3134

Decew Residence 202 and 216



1.  Chaplains' Office

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Campus Ministries believes that spiritual development is an integral part of the university experience and provides ecumenical worship, spiritual direction, pastoral counselling, workshops, seminars, study groups and public lectures.

The chaplains are appointed by several religious denominations and are available to discuss any topic with you, particularly concerning spiritual and ethical aspects of your life.

Anyone who wants to be a part of a faith community, to share concerns and experiences or to speak in confidence about any matter is welcome to contact any of the campus chaplains in our Decew Residence Offices.


2.  Rita Welch Meditation Centre

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The Rita Welch Meditation Centre was dedicated April 10, 1996. It was established in memory of Rita Welch, wife of the late Chancellor Robert Welch. The facility is available both for individual mediation and for all groups of all faiths who wish to use it for spiritual/religious purposes. For use at a particular time it can be booked through Campus Ministries. However, the Centre is open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and at other times as arranged and all are encouraged to use it when they can. During the academic year a monthly schedule of events is posted in the glass case outside the Centre.


IV.  Career Services

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Amy Elder

Administrative Assistant

Sherry Seibel

905-688-5550, extension 3242

Schmon Tower 411

Career Services provides four key areas of service for Brock students:

- assisting Brock students with career exploration, employability skills development and job search
- recruiting employers to advertise employment opportunities at Brock and hire Brock students/graduates
- administering the EXPERIENCE Plus! careers oriented, work experience program
- administering the Med Experience Plus health career exploration program

Career Services provides assistance to Brock students with career planning and job search with a variety of services, whether you're looking for part-time work while you study, or if you're ready to launch your career after graduation.

We offer:

- drop-in career consultations with our Career Assistants
- workshops on writing cover letters, resumes, job search strategies and interviewing
- a career resource library to investigate occupations, employers, volunteer opportunities, further education programs
- postings for permanent, part-time and summer jobs
- Graduating students employer recruitment program
- annual Spring Career Day for students to meet potential employers
- annual Canadian Graduate Education Fair for students to explore postgraduate education opportunities
- drop In Resume Write for tips on constructing effective resumes
- annual Part-time Job Fair, Summer Job Fair, and Volunteer Opportunity Fair
- computers to use for career and job searching, resumés, cover letters and portfolio development
- career assessments and career development planning.

Career Services recruits employers to come to the Brock campus to recruit Brock graduates with several services including:

- annual mailings to employers across Canada to promote the employability strengths of a Brock degree
- job posting sites in the Career Centre and on the Internet
- organization of annual Careers Day and other on-campus presentation opportunities
- interview arrangements and campus interview rooms.

Career Services co-ordinates EXPERIENCE Plus!, a careers-oriented work experience program, that is open to students in any faculty at Brock. Students in the program build their experience and employability skills in specific career streams by combining a variety of paid part-time work experiences, volunteer activities, and employment skills workshops into a documented career portfolio. The EXPERIENCE Plus! program supplements Brock's high quality academic environment with hands-on pragmatic work skills and instruction in employability skills development, to give you a competitive edge in finding the right career after graduation.

Career Services also co-ordinates Med Experience Plus, a four year, non-credit program for students interested in pursuing medical school or a health-related career. Med Plus is an intensive, extracurricular program that runs concurrently with a Brock student's academic degree. The program enhances a student's academic studies with experience and skills developed through six components: Lecture/Discussion Series, Observation Visits, Volunteer Placements, Student Mentoring, Individual Development Workshops and Program Advising. Enrolment in Med plus is limited, and to be eligible for the program, applicants must have a minimum academic average of 80 percent in their previous year of schooling. Students must apply and be accepted to participate in the Med Plus program activities.


V.  Student Health Services

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Director of Clinical Services

Melodie Shick-Porter

Harrison Hall

905-688-5550, extension 3243

Monday to Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Walk-In Clinic - Thursday: 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Closed: May - August



1.  General Information

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Don't feel you have to wait for a problem to arise to visit the Student Health Services.

A team of nurses and physicians provide comprehensive medical/clinical services as well as health education and counselling. We can help you with a medical problem, provide treatment or a referral, give allergy injections or update your immunization. We provide health education and counselling about many issues including contraception, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, nutritional or weight concerns, stress or lifestyle issues.

The health fee paid by all full-time students at registration covers many value added services including the Health Education Program etc. OHIP, UHIP or other health insurance is needed in order to be seen by a physician. All visits and treatments are strictly confidential.

Students with special needs who are carrying fewer than three credits, but for whom this is a full-time academic load, can request to pay the full-time student health fee and thus be eligible to access all services at Student Health Services. Students wishing to be considered should contact the Student Development Centre.

If you have questions or require any additional information about a health issue or specific health concern, feel free to drop in.


2.  Required Medical Documentation

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It is the University's policy to accept medical certificates from qualified medical practitioners attesting to a student's inability to write a test, examination etc. due to an incapacitating medical condition at the time of the scheduled test, examination etc. The University may, at its discretion, request more detailed documentation in certain cases.

Medical documentation must be written on a Student Health Services Medical Excuse Form or the physician's letterhead and must show the physician's address and telephone number. It must include the student's name, date the student was examined at Student Health Services or by the physician and must bear the physician's signature. The letter must include an indication of the severity of the illness. Please note that some faculties require their own Medical Excuse letter to be completed.

Student Health Services Policy

Student Health Services will provide medical documentation only if:

1.  Medically warranted.
2.  The student presents him/herself to Student Health Services before the exam.
3.  The student is seen in our office the day of the exam.
  If your exam is at a time of day when the Student Health Services is not open, then you must go to another medical facility to obtain the necessary written medical excuse documentation.

VI.  International Services

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John Kaethler

Assistant Director

Geeta Powell

905-688-5550, extension 4318

Decew Residence R209


"Every student is an international student", according to John Kaethler, Director of International Services.


1.  International Student Advising

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International students may find it helpful to discuss academic or personal problems with the Director or his assistant. They can offer assistance with such things as immigration, health, banking, accommodation and the completion of various forms, as well as providing liaison with instructors, the University administration and the community at large. It would be useful to see them when you arrive at Brock.

2. Host Family Program

International Services, in conjunction with the St. Catharines University Women's Club, offers international students a Host Family Program. This is not an accommo-dation service, but an opportunity for international students to meet informally with Canadian families.


3.  Peer Partner Program

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The office offers this program to new international students at Brock. Each interested international student is matched with an international or Canadian student who is familiar with Brock and Canada. Each peer partner can help international students adjust to life at Brock.


4.  International Study, Employment and Development

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The Director and his assistant also assist Canadian students interested in studying or working in other countries. They administer exchange programs to Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Finland, France, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States and Uruguay. They are also responsible for international development activities on campus. Students with disabilities are welcome to apply.


VII.  Office of the Registrar

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Deputy Registrar

Barb Anderson

905-688-5550, extension 3566

Schmon Tower 301

Assistant to the Deputy Registrar

Linda Rynberk

905-688-5550, extension 3550

Schmon Tower 301

The Office of the Registrar is located on the third and fourth floors of Schmon Tower and is comprised of the following units:

- Academic Advising
- Admissions
- Examination and Classroom


- Student Records and Registration

Our office hours are Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Friday 8:30 - 4:30 p.m.

The Office of the Registrar strives to provide a high level of quality services that support the enrolment, progression, and graduation of Brock students. We serve as the principal custodian of all confidential student enrolment data, including course registration, grades, and address information. Our office has contact with students from the point of application for admission through to graduation and beyond as we maintain each student's permanent academic transcript. Our knowledgeable staff is here to provide students with information on courses, grades, appeals, yearly progression and graduation eligibility, as well as academic counselling.

The University offers a wide range of programs to recognize students with high academic achievement and provides financial assistance to those having difficulty meeting their educational costs. In addition to the federal and provincial loans programs, e.g., OSAP, Bursary for Students with Disabilities, our Awards and Financial Aid department administers all academic and financial need-based awards and bursaries.

Students may obtain additional information about other on-line registrarial services by contacting our web site: http://www.BrockU.ca/registrar.


VIII.  Recruitment and Liaison Services

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Sandie Coppinger

Administrative Assistant

Cindy Curtis

905-688-5550, extension 4293

Thistle East 261

Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Recruitment and Liaison staff communicate information about Brock's academic programs and campus life to high schools, prospective students, parents and the general public.

Recruitment and Liaison Services coordinates Brock's undergraduate recruitment activities, including :

- Fall Preview Day and Spring Open House
- responses to queries about Brock programs
- presence at educational fairs across Ontario, Canada and internationally
- defining advertising needs
- direction of Campus Tour program
- hosting visiting dignitaries, school representatives and individual
- families or students during their campus visits

There are many opportunities for students to assist with open houses and campus tours.

Campus tours are available weekdays throughout the year at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Saturday tours are available in October and November. Registration is required.

Prospective students are encouraged to make arrangements ahead of time so that appointments can be made for them to speak with professors in their area of interest. Tours for students with special needs are available by calling the Office of Recruitment and Liaison. These tours outline specific access routes to buildings, classrooms and parking and may include the wheelchair accessible housing units on campus.

To arrange a tour, call the Office of Recruitment and Liaison Services at 905- 688-5550, extension 4293 or visit



IX.  Residence and Food Services

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Director, Residence and Food

James R. Fleming

Decew Residence 205

905-688-5550, extensions 3370, 3594


Brock has four residences: DeCew, a traditional-style on-campus residence with all-male, all-female and co-ed accommodations and self-contained dining hall; Vallee and Earp Residences are also traditional-style residences on campus, having all single rooms and students eat in the same dining hall as DeCew residents; or The Village, that combines the independence of townhouse living with the convenience of an on-campus location.

All residence rooms provide the basic necessities including phone, internet and cable television connections and all residences provide opportunities for residents' input through the Residence Action Council or the Residence Life Staff.

Students who indicate an interest in residence on their OUAC form will be sent information about applying for residence along with the University's offer of admission. There are a limited rooms available for students with wheelchair accessiblity needs. Special housing needs should be discussed with both the Department of Residences and the Services for Students with disABILITIES Office.

In addition, the Department of Residences staff posts listings of available rooms, apartments and houses for those looking for off-campus accommodations. Off-campus housing listings are available on the Web as well. A package that contains everything you need to make the search a little easier, from a list of average rents to basic landlord/tenant issues.


X.  Day-care Centre

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Leah Lautenbach

Day-care Centre

905-688-5550, extensions 3515 and 4433

The Rosalind Blauer Centre for Child Care offers licensed day care for 56 children from three months to five years, 12 months per year. A school age program for six to 12 year old children is available during the summer months. The centre offers full- and part-time programs and is open to Brock students, staff and faculty of the University and community members. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The Centre is a non-profit charitable, parent co-operative and is operated by a volunteer board of directors. All the staff are qualified Early Childhood Educators. The Day-care is located in a large, well equipped building that was completed in 1995. Subsidy is available for those families who qualify.


XI.  Sexual Harassment Adviser

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Sexual Harassment Adviser

Carolyn Brendan

905-688-5550, extension 3240

Schmon Tower 400

Sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour in the form of sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or physical or verbal conduct of a gender- or sexually-oriented nature that interferes with your studies or academic performance by creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive academic environment.

We hope that you do not experience any type of harassing behaviour during your time at Brock. If, however, you feel upset or confused by any behaviours similar to those given above, please come and talk to me about it. All visits are confidential. I can help you clarify the situation so that you can decide on a course of action or I can act on your behalf.

For more information, drop in or call

905- 688-5550, extension 4019.


XII.  University Library

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University Librarian

Margaret Grove

Administrative Assistant

Fatima Noorbhai

905-688-5550, extension 3226

Schmon Tower


The Library is central to the academic programs of the University. Its function is to provide access to information in a variety of formats to support both teaching and research programs. The library staff, aided by the University community, works to make the Library a base for teaching, study and research. The University Library comprises the James A. Gibson Library and the Map Library.

The James A. Gibson Library is housed on seven floors of the Schmon Tower, the focal point of the campus. All students have access to its collections, numbering over one million items. Individual study and specialized seating is available for 700 readers. The Library is open, including evenings and weekends, for over 90 hours each week; hours are extended during exam periods.

Detailed information on collections, services and hours can be found in a series of printed guides available in the Library and is also available on the Library's Web page.

Access to Resources

Access to the collections is available through an online catalogue which may be searched from computer work stations on each floor of the Library. Access to library resources is also available throughout the University and from any location off campus.

The Library home page

(http://www.brocku.ca/library/) is designed to help Brock Library users locate information on the World Wide Web. It offers direct access to the on-line catalogue, a large number of electronic databases, electronic journals and a broad range of other subject resources.

Assistance in Using the Library

Librarians are available at the Reference Information Desk on the main floor to assist in the use of the collections and other resources. Individual and group orientation tours are provided at the beginning of term; library instruction and subject-related seminars are scheduled on request. Special services are provided for students who are taking courses at off-campus teaching sites; details may be obtained from the Reference Information Desk.

Services for Students with Disabilities

The Library is wheelchair accessible. Equipment for the use of special needs students has been installed in the Library, access to which must be arranged with the Services for Students with disABILITIES Office in the Student Development Centre (Schmon Tower, fourth floor). These students may also apply, in the Library, for the use of individual closed study carrels and lockers. The Brock catalogue is available at an adjustable work station which has voice-over and large print capabilities. The Library can also provide access to talking book material. Students with special needs are encouraged to ask Library staff for assistance in retrieving library materials or in using equipment. Further information is available at the Reference Information Desk.

Other Library Services

Debit card photocopy machines are located throughout the Library. One coin-operated machine is available on the main floor. Equipment is available for reading and for making paper copies from microforms and for printing from library work stations. Requests for special copying should be directed to staff in the Photocopy Office.

Library Collections

The Library maintains a number of separate collections. The Reserve Collection contains heavy-demand books and articles which are required course reading. The Government Documents Collection contains official publications of all levels of government and of international organizations and is an important source of information on a variety of economic, social and political subjects. The Library is a selective depository for Canadian federal publications and a full depository for Ontario provincial publications. The Niagara Regional Collection, located in Special Collections, contains materials published about or in the Niagara Region. The Sound and Video Collection contains recordings of music, plays, documentaries and lectures, and a collection of instructional and cultural videos. Players for records, compact discs and cassette tapes are provided, plus viewing stations for videos. The Microforms Collection is a major research resource and includes journals (especially extensive runs of major newspapers), books, theses and a complete collection of ERIC reports. The University Map Library contains roughly 72,000 maps and airphotos, and offers a growing number of digital resources and services.

Borrowing from Other Libraries

Items not available in the Library's collections may be borrowed from other libraries through the Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Service. Students may also visit any other university library in Ontario to use its resources and while there, may borrow books which normally circulate (except from the University of Toronto). These books may be returned directly to the library from which they were borrowed, or may be returned via the Circulation Desk at Brock.


XIII.  Map Library

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Map Librarian

Colleen Beard

MacKenzie Chown C306


The Map Library is located in the Mackenzie Chown Complex, Room C306. It contains 54,000 map sheets, including a complete set of Canadian federal topographic maps, geologic maps, hydrographic charts, local trails and many other special-purpose maps, 1,000 atlases and 16,800 airphotos of the Niagara Region dating from 1921 to the present. The Map Library carries an extensive collection of digital geospatial data, including Canada topographic, soil, agriculture and census data, outline maps, as well as a selection of electronic world atlases. A PC cartographic workstation is available for accessing digital map products and also supports GIS (Geographic Information Systems). A description of the collection, an electronic census atlas of Niagara, and digital outline maps are accessible through the web site at http://www.brocku.ca/maplibrary/

A colour Laser printer and a black and white photocopier with enlargement and reduction features are available.

The Map Library is wheelchair accessible. Students with special needs who require assistance in retrieving library materials or in using equipment should ask Library staff.

The Map Library resources and facilities are available to the general public for reference purposes. Orientation tours are available on request.


XIV.  Instructional Resource Centre

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Joanne Smith

Faculty of Education


The Instructional Resource Centre provides specialized library, media and computer services for the Faculty of Education. The IRC curriculum libraries are located on Floor 2 of Robert S. K. Welch Hall (St. Catharines Campus) and in Room 6/7 at the Hamilton Campus (1842 King Street East, Hamilton). The curriculum libraries offer a variety of curriculum resources to support elementary and secondary teaching as well as a special collection of Master of Education projects and theses.

IRC Media Services are located on Floor 2 of Robert S. K. Welch Hall (St. Catharines Campus) and in Room 6/7 at the Hamilton Campus. Media Services has production areas with laminating presses, lettering systems, video editing facilities and other equipment to assist in the production of teaching aids at the Hamilton Campus.

Two computer laboratories are located at the Hamilton Campus in Room 8 and Room 14.

The IRC is wheelchair accessible. Students with special needs are welcome to ask library staff for assistance in retrieving library materials or in using equipment.

Although focussing on the specialized needs of the Faculty of Education, all members of the University community may use the IRC's library and media facilities.


XV.  Information Technology Services

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Jim Lennard

Administrative Assistant

Barb White

MacKenzie Chown F301

905-688-5550, extension 3479


The University's Computing Centre, which services both the academic and administrative needs of the University, is located in F block of the Mackenzie Chown Complex. It houses a Unisys Clearpath NX4600 enterprise server and several NT servers to support administrative computing and 4 large Silicon Graphics UNIX servers to support academic teaching and research. Information Technology Services also supports many departmental UNIX machines placed throughout the University. All of these machines are networked via the campus-wide fiber optic backbone which is also connected to the Internet.

Computing facilities are available to all faculty, staff and students. Students requiring the use of specific pieces of software on the servers are supplied with a user code by their instructor, otherwise general Internet access and electronic mail accounts are freely available via an automated system in any of the general computer labs on campus.

The academic systems support standard programming languages such as FORTRAN (77/90), PERL, C and C++, together with a number of application packages which include SAS, SPSS, IMSL,Gausian94 and MATHEMATICA.

The University supports scheduled micro labs and drop-in labs for general purpose academic use. The scheduled facilities are located in rooms A203, F316, F317, J201, J202 and TA304. The drop-in labs are located in C300 and A204. A203 supports the Windows operating system on 46 Pentium microcomputers; F316 contains 24 Power Macintosh computers; F317 is a Windows lab with 20 Pentium computers installed with colour monitors; J201 supports 48 Pentium microcomputers; J202 supports 41 Pentium colour microcomputers. During the Fall and Winter terms, some micro computing labs are open from 7:30 a.m. until 1:00 a.m. All computer labs are networked and have Internet access. Each year the technology is reviewed and upgraded as required in order to have the necessary equipment for academic needs. All computer labs have a wheelchair accessible work station.

Communications and Network Services, a division of Information Technology Services, provides multiple services for Faculty, Staff and Students. Located in the west corridor of the Thistle Complex, the Media Services section supplies portable computers for teaching and student presentations. Other equipment available for classroom use includes overheads, flip-charts, slide projectors, video cassette recorders, portable stereo systems, and video projection systems. Equipment requests must be at least 24 hours in advance and can be scheduled by calling extension 3588.

Our technical support team services Brock University's microcomputers and associated network infrastructure. Additionally, Communications Services ensure telephone, network access and cable television is available to all on campus residential students. During the academic term staff may also assist students with configuring their personal computers for network access and when appropriate, repair computers. The network centre staff is responsible for network operations and assigning network addresses to student computers. Student photo identification cards are produced during normal working hours.

Office hours are: Monday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Communication and Network Services can be contacted by dialing extension 3260.

Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:58PM