2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar

Administrative Officer


President and Vice-Chancellor: David W. Atkinson, BA, MA, PhD Calgary

Vice-President, Academic and Provost: R. Terrance Boak, BSc, MEd Manitoba, PhD Calgary

Vice-President, Administration: Steven Pillar, MPA Carleton

Associate Vice-President, Research and Dean of Graduate Studies: Jack M. Miller, BSc, PhD McGill, PhD Cambridge, FCIC, FRSA, FRSC (UK), CChem

Associate Vice-President, Student Services and Registrar: Robert J. Tiffin, BA, MA Western Ontario

Associate Vice-President, Administration and Director of Human Resources: Harold W. Leece, BA Saskatchewan, CHRP

Associate Vice-President, International Co-operation: David T. Brown, BSc, PhD McGill

Dean, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences: John T. Corlett, BSc Brock, MSc, PhD Simon Fraser

Dean, Faculty of Business: Martin I. Kusy, BComm Sir George Williams, MBA Windsor, PhD British Columbia

Dean, Faculty of Education: Michael Manley-Casimir, BA Exeter, MEd British Columbia, PhD Chicago

Dean, Faculty of Humanities: Rosemary Drage Hale, BA Kent State, MA Eastern Michigan, MTS, PhD Harvard

Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Science: Ian D. Brindle, BSc Manchester, MSc Brock, FRSC (UK)

Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences: David T. Siegel, BSc Louisville, MA Carleton, PhD Toronto

University Librarian: Margaret Grove, BA Brock, MA Toronto, MLS SUNY, Buffalo

University Secretary: Evelyn Janke

Executive Director, Office of External Relations: Grant Dobson, APR

Director, Athletics: Lorne J. Adams, BA, MA Western Ontario, EdD SUNY, Buffalo

Director, Book Store Operations: Trudy Lockyer, BA Brock

Director, Brock Centre for Canada and Asia Pacific Studies: Bill Liddell, BBA Western Michigan, MBA Wayne State, PhD Pennsylvania

Director, Campus Recreation: Karen McAllister-Kenny, BSc Waterloo, MEd Brock

Director, Career Services: Amy Elder, BA Mercy Hurst College

Director, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Educational Technologies: Barry W. K. Joe,BA, MA, PhD Toronto

Director, Communications: Michael Farrell, BA (Hons) Trent

Director, Community Adventure Training Initiatives: Claudia Valle, BEd, BSc Brock

Director of Community, Extension and Conference Services: Thomas R. Arkell, BSc Trent

Director, Co-op Programs: Cindy Dunne, BComm McMaster

Director, Development and Alumni Affairs: Christine Jones

Director, Finance: TBA

Director of Information Technology Services: Jim Lennard

Director, Institutional Planning and Analysis: Patrick D. Beard, BA, MA Brock

Director, Physical Plant: Michael Little, PEng, Alberta

Director, Recruitment and Liaison: Sandie Coppinger, BHEc, BEd, Manitoba

Director, Research Services: Michael Owen, BA Carleton, MEd Alberta,PhD Toronto

Director, Residence and Food Services: James R. Fleming, BSc Trent, BEd Queen's

Director, Rosalind Blauer Centre for Child Care: Leah Lautenback

Director, Scholarships and Awards: Rico Natale

Director, Student Development Centre: Cathie Closs, BA, BEd, MEd Queen's

Director, Brock University Wellness Institute: John Yardley, BA, BSc Otago, DipTchg Dunedin, MA Alberta, MA, PhD SUNY, Buffalo

Managing Director, Brock Centre for the Arts: Deborah P. Slade

Director, Admissions: Michelle Lea

Deputy Registrar, Barb Anderson, BA, MEd Brock

Associate Registrar, Records: Kevin J. Kiss, BA Brock

Associate Registrar, Examinations and Timetables: Patricia D. Cane

Assistant Registrar, Advising: Jeanette Ramsay, BA Brock

Assistant Registrar, Education: Debby Black, BA Bishop's

Assistant Registrar, Publications and Protocol: Diane Uppal

Assistant Registrar, Student Information and Systems: Gloria Gallagher, BA Brock

Manager, Facilities and Aquatics: Herbert deBray

Manager, Instructional Resource Centre: Joanne E. Smith, BA Brock, MLS SUNY, Buffalo

Administrative Officer, Faculty of Education: John F. Bird, BA Queen's

Manager, International Services: John F. Kaethler, BA Brock, BEd OTEC

Manager, Health Services: Melodie Shick-Porter, RN, BA Concordia

Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:53PM