Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:56PM

Labour Studies

Daniel G. Glenday, Department of Sociology

Participating Faculty
Robert Andersen (Sociology), Ann D. Duffy (Sociology), Daniel G. Glenday (Sociology), Felice Martinello (Economics), Carmela Patrias (History), Roberta E. Robb (Economics), Garth Stevenson (Political Science)

General Information
Administrative Assistant
Barb Alexander

905-688-5550, extension 4753
MC C331

Our work determines how we spend many of our waking hours and it largely defines our position in society, our economic well-being and our self-image. It also defines the nature of our society and economy, since these are determined by the work efforts of individuals. Restructuring of the labour force, technological change, de-skilling, re-skilling, changing labour legislation, labour market segmentation, women's work and equality in the workplace are some of the issues that stimulate teaching and research in the Centre for Labour Studies.

Given the complex and multifaceted nature of work, Labour Studies adopts a multidisciplinary approach to its study. Labour Studies is a combined major program leading to a pass BA degree. The program provides a social science perspective on the study of work with the participation of the departments of Economics, History, Political Science and Sociology. Students may earn a Concentration in Labour Studies by including Labour Studies and other approved courses, as part of their academic work leading to an honours BA in Economics, Political Science or Sociology.

Program Notes
  1. At least one-half LABR credit must be from outside the student's disciplinary co-major.
  2. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Programs

Students wishing to major in Labour Studies must declare a combined major with either Economics, Political Science or Sociology.

Labour Studies and Economics

Consult the Economics entry for a listing of program requirements.

Labour Studies and Political Science

Year 1
·   LABR 1P91 and 1P92
·   one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99
·   ECON 1P91 and 1P92 or SOCI 1F90
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Science context credit
Year 2
·   LABR 2F00
·   POLI 2F12 and 2P80
·   one of POLI 2P91, 2P92, 2P93
·   one LABR credit
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   LABR 3F00 and 3P13
·   two POLI credits numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99
·   one-half LABR credit
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   LABR 4F90 or 4F91
·   LABR 4P91
·   one half LABR credit
·   two POLI credits
·   one elective credit (see program note 1)

Labour Studies and Sociology

Year 1
·   LABR 1P91 and 1P92
·   SOCI 1F90
·   ECON 1P91 and 1P92, or one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Science context credit
Year 2
·   LABR 2F00
·   LABR 2P32 or 2P34
·   one SOCI credit
·   SOCI 2F10
·   one-half LABR credit
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   LABR 3F00
·   one LABR credit
·   SOCI 3P00 and 3P01
·   one SOCI credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   LABR 4F90 or 4F91
·   LABR 4P91
·   one half LABR credit
·   two SOCI credits
·   one elective credit (see program note 1)

Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Certificate in Labour Studies

The Centre for Labour Studies offers a Certificate in Labour Studies designed for persons who already have a degree or do not wish to pursue a degree. The program consists of required courses with core concepts in Labour Studies and electives, where students cover Labour Studies topics in more detail. The admission requirements are the same as for the degree program.

The certificate is awarded upon completion of at least five credits as set out below with an overall minimum average of 60 percent.
·   LABR 1P91, 1P92 and 2F00
·   one credit from ECON 1P91 and 1P92, one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 level or SOCI 1F90
·   two credits from LABR 2F98, 2P15, 2P32, 2P34, 3P13, 3P24, 3P25, 3P30, 3P33, 3P34, 3P66, 3Q95
See "Certificate Requirements" under Academic Regulations.

Concentration in Labour Studies

Students may earn a Concentration in Labour Studies by successfully completing the courses listed below as part of their academic work leading to an BA (honours) in Economics, Political Science or Sociology.
·   LABR 1P91, 1P92, 2F00 and 3F00
·   one credit from ECON 1P91 and 1P92, one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99 or SOCI 1F90
·   two credits from LABR 2F98, 2P15, 2P32, 2P34, 3P13, 3P24, 3P25, 3P30, 3P33, 3P34, 3P65, 3P66, 3Q95, 3V95-3V99, 4P15, 4P32, 4P54.
The words "Concentration in Labour Studies" will be added to a student's official transcript when the student graduates with a BA (honours) and completes the above listed requirements.