2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar



This program is co-ordinated by the Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology.


Anna H. Lathrop

Undergraduate Co-ordinator

Stephanie Brooks


General Information

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Administrative Assistant

Susan Gale-Wolbert

905-688-5550, extension 4358

Physical Education 283


The Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology offers a 20 credit BKin degree. Core courses in this degree reflect national accreditation standards established by the Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators. The Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology has applied for accreditation by this council.

The requirement for graduation with a BKin (honours) is a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average. The requirement for graduation with a BKin degree is a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average.

The BKin degree is based on a science-practice model that prepares students for selected certification in the allied health professions. The curriculum emphasizes bioscience courses, the development of research skills, and the application of theoretical knowledge in laboratory settings.


Program Notes

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1.  Students wishing to proceed to year 2 as kinesiology majors must have achieved a minimum of 65 percent major average, with a minimum of 60 percent in PEKN 1P90, PEKN 1P93, and PEKN 1P99 or COSC 1P95.  
2.  Kinesiology majors must take one and one-half elective credits outside the Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology.  
3.  Kinesiology majors are strongly recommended to take an emergency First Aid/CPR course.  
4.  In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above.  

Program of Study

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Year 1

- PEKN 1P90 and 1P93
- PEKN 1P99 or COSC 1P95
- one Science context credit
- one Humanities context credit
- one Social Science context credit
- one-half elective credit

Year 2

- PEKN 2P04, 2P05, 2P08, 2P09, 2P84, 2P91 and 2P95
- one and one-half elective credits

Year 3

- PEKN 2P97, 3P01, 3P10, 3P70, 3P75, 3P90 and 3P95
- PEKN 3P08 or 3P18
- one elective credit

Year 4

- PEKN 3P94, 4F90, 4P10 and 4P11
- one credit PEKN numbered 4(alpha)90 or above
- one and one-half elective credits (see program note 2)
Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:56PM