Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:56PM

Integrated Studies

Students wishing to pursue a pattern of studies which does not coincide with either a single major or a combined major program may choose an Integrated Studies Program.

An Integrated Studies Program is offered at both honours and pass levels for students whose special interests cannot be accommodated by a major, combined major or General Studies program. (An Integrated Studies program in Education is not available). A student choosing an Integrated Studies program must receive prior approval for such a program or any subsequent changes to an approved program from the appropriate Dean.

Program Requirements

A student electing to pursue an Integrated Studies Program must maintain second-class honours standing in order to continue in the program and to graduate. Additionally, an Integrated Studies Program must include an appropriate credit in MATH or COSC if the pattern of studies includes an emphasis in Science or Social Science or a credit in a language (in accordance with the language requirement of the Faculty of Humanities) if the pattern of studies includes an emphasis in the Humanities. Both may be required where circumstances warrant. When choosing a program, students should take care that prerequisites for advanced courses are met and that the schedule for cycled courses be considered.

Program Notes
  1. Students enrolled in the program are invited to participate in the study year in Germany at the University of Freiburg and are eligible for the practicum in Germany (GERM 3P98, 4P98). Both opportunities are offered by the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies. Students may also avail themselves of the many summer programs offered by universities in Québec and France.
  2. In all honours degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all pass degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.
  3. A typical example of an Integrated Studies Program is the BA (honours) program in Canadian and European Union Studies.

BA Integrated Studies in Canadian and European Union Studies

The program is offered only as a four-year honours program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Integrated Studies in Canadian and European Union Studies. Only students who have obtained a 70 percent overall average in year 2 may proceed to years 3 and 4.

Students will be required to pass an oral proficiency test in either French or German prior to graduation. Competence in both languages is strongly recommended.

One credit in FREN and GERM at the 1(alpha)00 level or above must be taken in years 1 and 2. At least two credits in either FREN or GERM, numbered 2(alpha)90or above, must be taken during years 3 and 4.

Students must fulfil the University's context requirements.

Of the remaining credits, at least five must have European content and at least five must have Canadian content. A minimum of six credits must be taken in either HIST or POLI, including a year 4 honours research credit. Students should consult the Dean of Humanities regarding course selection.

Either OAC French (or FREN 1P01, 1P02) or German (or GERM 1F00). FREN 1P01, 1P02 or GERM 1F00 or both, may be taken in year 1.