Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:56PM

This program is co-ordinated by the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

Leonard A. Rosmarin

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Hajnalka Bela-Zavodni

905-688-5550, extension 3312
Mackenzie Chown A240

The Department aims to provide students with a thorough and comprehensive coverage of spoken and written German, its literature and culture. In addition to the courses taught in German, the department offers a series of courses taught in English that may be acceptable for credit toward a degree in German. Students are encouraged to participate in the study program in Germany.

Canadian Year in Freiburg
In cooperation with Acadia University, the University of British Columbia and Trent University, the German section of the department offers students who have completed GERM 1F90 or its equivalent the opportunity to spend a year abroad at the University of Freiburg. The Canadian resident director will offer an immersion program in the German language and courses in German literature, but students may select courses in any area of study offered by the University of Freiburg. While in Freiburg, students normally assume a full, five-credit load in their disciplines of choice. Among these courses a maximum of three credits may be in German. Two additional credits must be in courses offered by the University of Freiburg, such as: English, another language, history, science.

German Area Studies
Students who wish to pursue German studies beyond the language and literature orientation as contained in the honours single and combined major description, a co-ordinated program leading to an honours BA in German Area Studies is available. Participating departments are Classics, English Language and Literature, Geography, History, Music, Philosophy, Political Science and Psychology. Contact the department regarding the program.

Program Notes
  1. Students with OAC standing or equivalent in German take GERM 1F90 and may not take GERM 1F00 without permission of the department. Permission is granted only in the most exceptional cases.
  2. Students without OAC standing or equivalent would normally take GERM 1F00 in year 1, which would count towards their degree, and GERM 1F90 in year 2.
  3. GERM 1F00 is an introductory language course. Students who register in this course must bring their official high school transcript to the department as proof of their level of competency in order to receive departmental confirmation of registration before the end of the second week of classes (see Undergraduate Academic Calendar). Failure to do so will result in deregistration from the course.
  4. Unless otherwise noted in the course description, courses numbered 2(alpha)00 and above are taught in the language while courses numbered 1F90 and below are taught in the language to the extent possible.
  5. GERM 1F00, 1F90 and 2F90 constitute a sequence. Once credit has been obtained in one of these courses, students are not allowed to take for credit a course in the same language with a lower number in the sequence. Students may not take two courses at different levels in the sequence during the same term. This regulation also applies to courses taken at other institutions.
  6. Courses noted as given in English may be included in major programs. Single honours programs may include no more than two and onehalf credits in such courses; single pass and combined honours programs may include no more than two credits in such courses; combined pass programs may include no more than one and onehalf credits in such courses.
  7. The department reserves the right to refuse admission to and/or credit for any of its language courses to a student who has, in the view of the department, a level of competence unsuited to that course.
  8. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Year 1
·   GERM 1F90, 1P93 and 1P94 (see program note 1)
·   one Science context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one elective credit
Year 2
·   GERM 2F90,2F92, 2P30 and 2P31 (or GERM 1F90 if GERM 1F00 taken in year 1)
·   three elective credits
For students in Freiburg:
·   a maximum of three GERM credits
·   two elective credits
Year 3
·   Three credits from GERM (including GERM 2F90, 2F92, 2P30, 2P31 if not taken in year 2), MLLC 3P91, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P95 (see program note 6)
·   two elective credits (see program note 8)
Year 4
·   Three credits from GERM, MLLC 3P91, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P95 (see program note 6)
·   two elective credits (see program note 8)

Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Combined Major Program


Year 1
·   GERM 1F90 (see program note 1)
·   one credit from the co-major discipline
·   one Science context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one elective credit
Year 2
·   GERM 2F90, 2P30 and 2P31 (see program note 1)
·   two credits from the co-major discipline
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   Two GERM or MLLC credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   two credits from the co-major discipline
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   Two GERM or MLLC credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   two credits from the co-major discipline
·   one elective credit

Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.