Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:55PM


Anthony Ward

Professor Emeritus
Robert C. Hoover

Mohammed H. Dore, Diane P. Dupont, Steven J. Renzetti,

Associate Professors
David T. Brown, Karen L. Krug, Francine McCarthy, John Middleton, Anthony J. Ward

Co-operating Faculty
Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Economics, Geography, Political Science, and Sociology

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Fran Meffe

905-688-5550, extension 3292
Mackenzie Chown F242

The Centre for the Environment offers programs in conjunction with seven other departments. It consolidates the former Environmental Sciences and Environ-mental Policy programs, and coordinates them with Environmental Economics. The Centre provides a core of inter-disciplinary courses shared by BA and BSc students. The interdisciplinary core is complemented by courses from other academic disciplines, required context courses, and free elective space. The Centre offers a co-op program in Applied Environmental Science and Technology, as well as four-year programs of study leading to a BA and BSc honours in Environment and three-year BA and BSc pass degree programs with the following options: BA in Environment, with streams in Economics, Geography, Political Science, or Sociology; BSc in Envi-ronment with streams in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, or Geography. As well the Centre offers a Concentration and Certificate in Environment.

Program Notes
  1. Due to their primary focus on environmental sciences the following are designated as ENVI Science List courses: ENVI 1P10, 2P04, 2P05, 2P09, 2P61, 2P92, 2P93, 2Q04, 3P01, 3V10-3V15, 4F92.
  2. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

BSc Honours Program

Biological Sciences stream

Year 1
·   ENVI 1P90 and 1P91
·   BIOL 1F90
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit
Year 2
·   ENVI 2P28, 2P91 and 2Q04
·   CHEM 2P42
·   one-half credit from ENVI Science list (see program note 1)
·   two credits from BIOL 2P05, 2P92, 2P93, 2P96, 2P98
·   one-half elective credit
Year 3
·   ENVI 3P02
·   one ENVI credit
·   one-half credit from ENVI 3V10-3V15, 3V20-3V24, 3V25-3V29, 3V30-3V34
·   two BIOL credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   ENVI 4F91 and 4F92 or BIOL 4F90 and 4F91
·   ENVI 4P88
·   one BIOL credit
·   one BIOL credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   one-half elective credit

Chemistry stream

Year 1
·   ENVI 1P90 and 1P91
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P01 and 1P02 or MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one elective credit
Year 2
·   ENVI 2P28, 2P91 and 2Q04
·   CHEM 2P12, 2P20, 2P32 and 2P42
·   one-half credit from ENVI Science list (see program note 1)
·   PHYS 1F20 or 1F90
Year 3
·   ENVI 3P02
·   one ENVI credit
·   one-half credit from ENVI 3V10-3V15, 3V20-3V24, 3V25-3V29, 3V30-3V34
·   one CHEM credit
·   one credit from CHEM 3P20, 3P30, 3P31, 3P60
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   ENVI 4F91 and 4F92 or CHEM 4F90 and 4F91
·   ENVI 4P88
·   one CHEM credit
·   one CHEM credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   one-half elective credit

Physical Geography stream

Year 1
·   ENVI 1P90 and 1P91
·   CHEM 1F92
·   GEOG 1F91
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit
Year 2
·   ENVI 2P28, 2P91 and 2Q04
·   one-half credit from ENVI Science list (see program note 1)
·   CHEM 2P42
·   GEOG 2P11
·   one and one-half credits from ENVI 2P04, 2P05, 2P09, GEOG 2P07
·   one-half elective credit
Year 3
·   ENVI 3P02
·   GEOG 3P56
·   one ENVI credit
·   one-half credit from ENVI 3V10-3V15, 3V20-3V24, 3V25-3V29, 3V30-3V34
·   one GEOG credit numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99 from Group B (see Geography department calendar entry)
·   one-half GEOG credit numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99 from Group B or C (see Geography department calendar entry)
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   ENVI 4F91 and 4F92 or GEOG 4F90 and one GEOG credit from group B or C (see Geography department calendar entry)
·   GEOG 4F99
·   one GEOG credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above from group B or C (see Geography department calendar entry)
·   one elective credit

Environmental Geoscience
Consult the Earth Science entry for a listing of program requirements

Applied Environmental Science and Technology Co-op (honours only)

Students are advised to discuss with the Director the possibility of taking some third year biology courses during their second year, in order to expand the variety of courses open to them in their final year. For this purpose, ENVI 2P28, 2P91, 2P92 or 2P94 or the elective credit may be taken at a later stage in the program.

Students who do not successfully complete the Co-op work terms, but complete the requirement for the Niagara College certificate, will be awarded a BSc (Honours) Applied Environmental Science and Technology, with the Post Graduate certificate from Niagara College.

Year 1
·   ENVI 1P90 and 1P91
·   BIOL 1F90
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit
Year 2
·   ENVI 0N90, 2P28, 2P91 and 2Q04
·   ENVI 2P92 or 2P94
·   BIOL 2F01 and 2P05
·   one credit from ENVI 2P09, BIOL 2P98, BTEC 2P09
·   one-half elective credit
Year 3
Niagara College Post-graduate Certificate in Ecosystem Restoration (or Ecosystem Management)

Spring/Summer Sessions:
·   ENVI 0N01
Year 4
Fall Term:
·   ENVI 0N02
Spring/Summer Sessions:
·   ENVI 0N03
Year 4
Winter Term and Year 5 Fall Term:
·   ENVI 3P02 and 3P95
·   one and one-half BIOL credits
·   two BIOL credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   one-half credit elective credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
Students with a minimum 75 percent average can at the discretion of the Director take ENVI 4F92 (thesis).

BSc Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

BA Honours Program

Human Geography stream

Year 1
·   ENVI 1P90 and 1P91
·   GEOG 1F90
·   MATH 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Science context credit (GEOG 1F91 strongly recommended)
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   ENVI 2P28 and 2P91
·   GEOG 2P10
·   one ENVI credit
·   one and one-half credits from GEOG 2P02, 2P03, 2P06, 2P07
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   ENVI 3P02
·   GEOG 3P57
·   one-half credit from ENVI 3V10-3V15, 3V20-3V24, 3V25-3V29, 3V30-3V34
·   one ENVI credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one GEOG credit numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99 from Group A (see Geography department calendar entry)
·   one-half GEOG credit numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99 from group A or C (see Geography department calendar entry)
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   ENVI 4F90 and 4F91 or GEOG 4F90 and one GEOG credit from group A or C (see Geography department calendar entry)
·   GEOG 4F99
·   one GEOG credit numbered 2(alpha)90 from group A or C (see Geography department calendar entry)
·   one elective credit

Political Science stream

Year 1
·   ENVI 1P90 and 1P91
·   MATH 1P98
·   one POLI credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Science context credit
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   ENVI 2P28 and 2P91
·   POLI 2P80
·   one of POLI 2P91, 2P92, 2P93
·   one ENVI credit
·   one POLI credit
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   ENVI 3P02 and 3P66
·   POLI 3P91 or 3P92
·   one-half credit from ENVI 3V10-3V15, 3V20-3V24, 3V25-3V29, 3V30-3V34
·   one ENVI credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one POLI credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   ENVI 4F90 and 4F91, or POLI 4F99, one-half elective credit and one-half ENVI credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   ENVI 4P88
·   two POLI credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   one-half elective credit

Sociology stream

Year 1
·   ENVI 1P90 and 1P91
·   MATH 1P98
·   SOCI 1F90
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Science context credit
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   ENVI 2P28 and 2P91
·   SOCI 2P11 and 2P13
·   one ENVI credit
·   one SOCI credit
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   ENVI 3P02
·   SOCI 3P00 and 3P01
·   one-half credit from ENVI 3V10-3V15, 3V20-3V24, 3V25-3V29, 3V30-3V34
·   one ENVI credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one SOCI credit
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   ENVI 4F90 and 4F91, or SOCI 4F90, SOCI 4P01 and one-half SOCI credit
·   SOCI 4F91 or one credit from SOCI 3P99, 4P10, 4P11, 4P15, 4P16
·   one SOCI credit
·   one-half SOCI credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   one-half elective credit

Environmental Economics (honours only)
Consult Environmental Economics entry for a listing of program requirements.

BA Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Combined Major Programs

Combinations with other departments may be allowed subject to a coherent plan of study approved in advance by both academic units. Please consult the Director for more information.

Certificate in Environment

The Certificate in Environment provides focussed training for those who already hold a degree, or have equivalent professional experience. The admission requirements are the same as for the degree programs. Prospective students should consult with the Director before beginning the certificate program.

The Certificate is awarded upon completion of the five credits with a minimum 60 percent overall average.
·   Four ENVI credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (chosen in consultation with the Director)
·   MATH 1P98
·   one-half COSC credit
The MATH/COSC requirement will be waived if equivalent courses have already been taken.Courses cannot be counted twice; therefore no ENVI course can count for both a degree and a certificate. (See "Certificate Requirements" under Academic Regulations.)

Concentration in Environment

Students earn a Concentration in Environment by successfully completing the courses listed below together with the requirements for a BSc or BA honours degree.
·   ENVI 1P90, 1P91 and 4P88
·   one and one-half ENVI or approved credits
·   two ENVI or approved credits numbered 2(alpha)00 level or above
·   one of BIOL 1F90, ECON 1P91 and 1P92, ERSC 1F90, 1F95, GEOG 1F90, 1F91, POLI 1F90, SOCI 1F90
The words "Concentration in Environment" will be added to the student's transcript if the Director approves the program.

Approved Environment Courses Offered by Other Departments

Concepts in Biology

Principles of Population and Behavioural Ecology

Introductory Insect Biology

Ontario Universities Field Biology Course

Ontario Universities Field Ecology Course


Advanced Seminar in Population and Behavioural Ecology

Insect Behaviour

Principles of Microeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics

The Economics of Natural Resources

Environmental Economics

CostBenefit Analysis

Advanced Environmental Economics

ENVI (all courses, including cross lists)

Geology and the Environment

(also offered as GEOG 3P33)

Introduction to Human Geography

Principles of Physical Geography

Community Development and Social Planning

Geography and Gender
(also offered as COMM 3P74 and WISE 3P74)

Environmental and Developmental Problems in the Third World

Geography of Water Resources

Themes in Political Geography

Globalization and Sustainability

Business Ethics
(also offered as PHIL 2P82)

Introduction to Political Science

Local Government

The State and Economic Life
(also offered as LABR 3P33)

Introduction to Tourism
(also offered as TOUR 1P98)

Tourism Planning and Development
(also offered as TOUR 3P18)

International Tourism
(also offered as TOUR 3P78)

Introduction to Sociology

Globalization, Inequality and New World Disorders

Animals and Human Society

Contemporary Issues in Tourism
·   Any other course approved by the Director.