2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar

Education - Continuing Studies



Donald H. Dworet


General Information

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Administrative Assistant

Marie McCallum

905-688-5550, extension 3342

Education Room 124


The Centre for Continuing Studies offers a consecutive degree program and courses leading to a BEd for students who already hold a university degree. at both the St. Catharines and Hamilton campus, with some selected courses offered in Mississauga. This program does not lead to teacher certification in Ontario. Those interested in obtaining an OCQ should consult the Department of Pre-service Education. Note: the OCQ replaces the Ontario MET certification to teach in the province, that is, the Ontario Teacher's Certificate (OTC).

A BEd program open to educators wishing to further their professional education beyond the basic level in specialized areas. Although the program is designed specifically for candidates who already hold an undergraduate degree and certification to teach in Ontario, enquiries from those with an equivalent background are welcomed. Equivalence granted by the OCT will be accepted by the Continuing Studies Program for entrance into any of our courses.

Under the condition noted in program requirements, candidates who hold an OTC or OCQ on admission to Continuing Education, and who successfully complete specified courses and have appropriate prerequisites, will be recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) for additional qualifications recommendation.



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Candidates for admission must be certified to teach in Ontario and must hold an undergraduate degree acceptable to Brock.

All candidates admitted to the BEd Program II should note:

a)  Recommendation to the Ontario College of Teachers may not be dependent on completing the total requirement for the BEd degree.
b)  EDUC courses numbered 9(alpha)00 and above may not be used for initial basic certification purposes.

Advanced standing

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Candidates for admission to Program II may be granted advanced standing in one credit at the time of initial application. Advanced standing is for Brock BEd credit only. Candidates are requested to contact the Ontario College of Teachers if they believe their academic background is equivalent to a Brock Additional Qualifications course. Advanced standing will be based on the relationship between work already completed and the content of courses required for the Brock degree. Advanced standing will not be granted on the basis of courses credited towards a completed degree or diploma unless such courses have been taken as electives beyond the minimum requirement for the degree or diploma. Students who completed Continuing Studies courses prior to June 30, 1979, cannot count these courses toward the Program II BEd degree. For further information, contact the Director of the Centre for Continuing Studies.

The University has been advised that the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO) normally accepts each course in the BEd (Program II) program as either a university credit or an Ontario College of Teachers course credit depending upon how the individual wishes the course applied. However, the University cannot guarantee the applicability of any specific course to QECO insofar as salary evaluation is concerned. Students who have concerns in this regard should contact QECO directly.

Where provincial regulations require documentation of qualifications (i.e., experience, specialized employment), it is the responsibility of the student to provide this documentation to the Director of the Continuing Studies Program in the Faculty of Education. Documentation must be completed before any recommendation can be made to the Ontario College of Teachers.


Program requirements

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Candidates entering program are required to complete a minimum of five credits numbered EDUC 9(alpha)00 or above, of which a minimum of three will be in a specialized area of study. Specialized areas of study may be identified in the course descriptions by sequential titling, e.g., EDUC 9F11 (Teaching French as a Second Language I); EDUC 9F12 (Teaching French as a Second Language II); EDUC 9F13 (Teaching French as a Second Language III).

Students who already hold the Ontario Certificate of Qualifications and who successfully complete courses numbered 9(alpha)00 or above will be recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers for their Additional Qualifications.

Normally, candidates in this program will hold certification to teach in Ontario and an acceptable undergraduate degree. Candidates holding neither of the above qualifications may be admitted as special students. Special students may not receive OCT recognition for courses taken prior to holding the Ontario Certificate of Qualifications or Interim Ontario Certificate of Qualification. University regulations require that a copy of your valid certificate be on file and, for those students proceeding toward the BEd Program II degree, an official copy of a transcript showing the conferring of an appropriate university degree.

All Continuing Studies courses have minimum and maximum enrolments. Courses with enrolments of fewer than 20 students may be cancelled. Candidates are encouraged to apply early. For further information and details of Program II requirements, candidates should consult the Director of the Centre for Continuing Studies.

Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:54PM