Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:53PM


Richard W. Parker

Undergraduate Program Adviser
Carol U. Merriam

David W. Rupp

Associate Professors
Frederick H. Casler (on leave), Carol U. Merriam, Richard W. Parker

Assistant Professors
Michael J. Carter, Roberto Nickel, Danielle A. Parks

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Leslie Longo-Viccica

905-688-5550, extension 3575
Schmon Tower 1121

Classics is an interdisciplinary field, overlapping all the main areas of the humanities. The Department of Classics offers two types of courses: courses in Greek or Latin language and literature; and courses in Classics, embracing ancient civilization in all its aspects: literature, philosophy, education, history, religion and art and archaeology. In general, CLAS courses require no knowledge of Greek or Latin.

The department has special resources for illustrating ancient life. Archaeological training sessions are conducted in the summer in Mediterranean lands. Brock is a contributing member to several research and teaching institutions located in the Mediterranean including the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens.

The Brock Museum of Cypriote Antiquities contains a representative collection of art and artifacts from the Neolithic period to beyond the Roman Empire. The Niagara Peninsula Society of the Archaeological Institute of America, in conjunction with the department, organizes archaeological programs and lectures.

A study tour of Rome is offered jointly by Classics and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

The brochure Classics at Brock contains further information about the Classics department and its programs. Students are encouraged to consult the Department Chair to discuss their educational objectives and career plans.

Language Requirement for Humanities Majors

Students majoring in Classics are required to complete one credit in one language other than English to fulfill the Humanities language requirement. Where half credit courses are used to satisfy the requirement, both half credits must be in the same language. Note that either Greek or Latin, as required for a Classics degree, also fulfills the Humanities language requirement.

Students are advised that graduate programs in Classics require competence in Greek and Latin. Those considering graduate work in Classics (including classical archaeology) should plan to go beyond the minimum four GREE/LATI credits required in the Classical Studies honours program.

Program Notes
  1. A maximum of one credit in field work may be counted.
  2. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Students seeking an honours degree have a choice of three streams in Classics:
1.  Classical Languages emphasizes proficiency in the Greek and Latin languages and knowledge of Greek and Roman literature.
2.  Ancient Art and Archaeology examines the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and Near East from the perspectives of both anthropological archaeology and art history.
3.  Classical Studies combines the study of Greek and Roman history, religion and literature-in-translation.
  Honours majors should consult with their departmental adviser to arrange a suitable program.

Classical Languages stream
Twelve credits labeled CLAS, GREE or LATI are required for an honours degree:
·   CLAS 2P91, 2P92, 2P98 and 2P99
·   GREE 2P01 and 2P02
·   LATI 2P01 and 2P02
·   two CLAS, GREE or LATI credits (see program note 2)
·   six GREE or LATI credits (see program note 2)
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one Science context credit
·   six elective credits

Ancient Art and Archaeology stream
Fourteen credits labelled CLAS, GREE or LATI are required for an honours degree:
·   CLAS 2P91, 2P92, 2P98 and 2P99
·   six credits from CLAS 2P30, 2P32, 2P36, 2P38, 2P48, 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P25, 3P26, 3P75 (or 4F75), 4M00-4M09, 4P13, 4P14, 4V20-4V29, 4V30-4V39 (see program notes 1 and 2)
·   two CLAS, GREE or LATI credits (see program note 2)
·   four GREE or LATI credits (see programnote 2)
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one Science context credit
·   four elective credits

Classical Studies stream
Twelve credits labelled CLAS, GREE or LATI are required for an honours degree:
·   CLAS 2P91, 2P92, 2P98 and 2P99
·   six CLAS, GREE or LATI credits (see program note 2)
·   four GREE or LATI credits (see program note 2)
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one Science context credit
·   six elective credits

Pass Program
Students seeking a pass degree have a choice of two streams in Classics.
1.  Classical languages emphasizes proficiency in the Greek and Latin languages and knowledge of Greek and Roman literature.
2.  Classical studies combines the study of Greek and Roman history, religion, literature-in-translation and art and archaeology. Pass majors should consult with their departmental adviser to arrange a suitable program.

Classical Languages stream
Eight credits labelled CLAS, GREE or LATI are required for a pass degree:
·   one credit from CLAS 2P91, 2P92, 2P98 and 2P99
·   two CLAS, GREE or LATI credits (see program note 2)
·   five GREE or LATI credits (see program note 2)
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one Science context credit
·   five elective credits

Classical Studies stream
Eight credits labelled CLAS, GREE or LATI are required for a pass degree:
·   one credit from CLAS 2P91, 2P92, 2P98 and 2P99
·   six CLAS, GREE or LATI credits (see program note 2)
·   one GREE or LATI credit (see program note 2)
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one Science context credit
·   five elective credits

Combined Major Program

A student may combine either an honours or a pass program in Classical Studies with another major field.

The honours program consists of a minimum of seven credits labelled CLAS, GREE or LATI, four of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, two must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above; two must be GREE or LATI.

The pass program consists of a minimum of five credits labelled CLAS, GREE or LATI, two of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above; one must be a GREE or LATI credit.

Minor in Classics

Students in other disciplines can obtain a minor in Classical Studies within their degree program by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average.
·   CLAS 1P91 and 1P92 or CLAS 1P95 and 1P97
·   CLAS 3P05 and 3P06
·   one credit from CLAS 2P91, 2P92, 2P98, 2P99
·   one credit from CLAS 2P40, 2P50, 2P61, 3P00 3P02, GREE courses numbered 2(alpha)00 to 3(alpha)99, LATI courses numbered 2(alpha)00 to 3(alpha)99
·   one of GREE 1P01 and 1P02, LATI 1P01 and 1P02, LATI 2P01 and 2P02
Students in other disciplines can obtain a minor in Classical Archaeology within their degree program by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average.
·   CLAS 1P91 and 1P92 or CLAS 1P95 and 1P97
·   CLAS 2P30 and 2P32
·   one credit from CLAS 2P91, 2P92, 2P98, 2P99
·   one credit from CLAS 2P36, 2P38, 2P48, 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P25, 3P75
·   one of GREE 1P01 and 1P02, LATI 1P01 and 1P02, LATI 2P01 and 2P02