Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:53PM

Child and Youth Studies

Dorothy Griffiths

Mohammed Dore, Dorothy Griffiths, Zopito Marini

Associate Professors
Jane Helleiner, Frances Owen, Teena Willoughby

Assistant Professors
Voula Marinos, Thomas O'Neill, Rebecca Raby, Donato Turulli

Christine Tardif

Rosamund Battye

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Carol Penner

905-688-5550, extension 3740
Mackenzie Chown D332

The Department of Child and Youth Studies offers a four-year program leading to the BA honours in Child and Youth Studies, a three-year BA pass degree and a concurrent four-year BA pass degree/BEd degree program in child and youth development theory and its application. Each program integrates psychological, sociological and educational perspectives (for further information see the Child and Youth Studies Student Handbook).
The BA in Child and Youth Studies is not equivalent to an Early Childhood Education diploma and does not directly lead to certification as a preschool teacher. Many colleges offer fast-track Early Childhood Education programs designed for University graduates. Alternately, the Association for Early Childhood Education (Ontario) may issue a letter of equivalency upon completion of additional qualifications. Normally, graduates must have successfully completed CHYS 3P50 and 3P52.
Applicants to the Child and Youth Studies program must have a minimum 75 percent overall average across six Grade 12 U, U/C courses or OACs; Grade 12 U or OAC English is required and one Grade 12 U or OAC mathematics is strongly recommended. (Mathematics of Data Management preferred).
Students must apply to a common first year. Following successful completion of year 1, students may continue to one of two programs in Child and Youth Studies: the honours or the pass BA; or apply on a competitive basis to the concurrent Child and Youth Studies BA/BEd program. These are limited enrolment programs and applicants must have the approval of the Chair of Child and Youth Studies. Admission is not guaranteed by attainment of the minimum requirements.
Entrance into the BA (honours) Child and Youth Studies requires a minimum major average of 65 percent and department approval. Application forms for the Child and Youth Studies, BA and BA/BEd programs are available in the Child and Youth Studies Office from April 1. The forms must be completed and returned to the office by June 1. Late applications will not be accepted. New applications to the Child and Youth Studies honours and pass BA programs are accepted in years 2 and 3. Applicants for honours Child and Youth Studies year 4 must submit a Child and Youth Studies departmental application form to the Child and Youth Studies office before June 1, in addition to the University honours application form. Students must apply to complete either a thesis or a project for an honours degree.
Students who have completed an appropriate College of Applied Arts and Technology two or three-year diploma must have a minimum 85 percent cumulative average for consideration by Child and Youth Studies and may receive between three and five transfer credits if they are admitted to Brock. Child and Youth Studies evaluates the files of eligible students in consultation with the Registrar's Office after acceptance to Brock has been completed and transferable credits have been awarded. If Early Childhood Education graduates from Niagara, Lambton and Mohawk Colleges are subsequently admitted to the Child and Youth Studies BA/BEd stream in year 2, they may receive up to one and one-half additional transfer credits. All applicants must take CHYS 1F90.

Teachable subjects
Students wishing to apply to teacher education programs in provinces other than Ontario are advised to check the admission requirements in the pertinent faculties of education with regard to teachable subjects. Students wishing to apply to teacher education programs in Ontario who do not take a minimum of three elective credits in courses designated as teachable subjects in one area may be restricted to certification at the Primary/Junior level. It is recommended that Child and Youth Studies majors seek academic advice from the Co-ordinator. See the Child and Youth Studies Handbook for more information.

Concurrent CHYS BA/BEd

The Department of Child and Youth Studies and the Faculty of Education co-operate in offering a concurrent BA/BEd program. The Child and Youth Studies BA/BEd program combines the BA pass program with the teacher education program for students interested in teaching at the Primary/Junior level (grades K-6). Refer to the Education-Concurrent BA/BEd Child and Youth Studies program listing for additional information.

Program Notes
  1. Students wishing to proceed to years 2 and 3 of the BA program must have achieved a minimum of 65 percent in Child and Youth Studies required courses. All CHYS courses; PSYC 1F90 and SOCI 1F90; one of MATH 1F92, PSYC 2F23, SOCI 2P11, 2P13 (for combined CHYS/SOCI majors); will be used to calculate the CHYS average. Students failing to maintain the required average may request an opportunity to upgrade their marks and to be reinstated. A request to upgrade may be granted only once and for only one full academic year (Spring, Summer, Fall/Winter).
  2. All Child and Youth Studies majors are encouraged to choose electives from other departments to broaden their academic experience. If CHYS majors register in more than one-half credit from required CHYS courses as electives, they may be deregistered.
  3. Combined CHYS/SOCI majors who change to a single CHYS major will be required to take MATH 1F92 or PSYC 2F23.
  4. SOCI 4F90 is restricted to students with a minimum major average of 80 percent.
  5. SOCI 4F91 is restricted to students with a minimum major average of 75 percent.
  6. CHYS and CHYS BA/BEd majors cannot take PSYC 2F12, 3P18 or 3P93 in fulfillment of their degree requirements.
  7. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Year 1
·   CHYS 1F90
·   PSYC 1F90
·   SOCI 1F90
·   one Humanities context credit or Science context credit
·   one elective credit
Year 2
·   CHYS 2F10, 2P35 and 2P38
·   MATH 1F92 or PSYC 2F23
·   the Humanities context credit or Science context credit not taken in year 1
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   CHYS 3P10 and 3P15
·   one of CHYS 3P11, 3P25, 3P65
·   one of CHYS 3P20, 3P35, 3P90, 3P94, 3P96
·   one of CHYS 3P23, 3P38, 3P92, 3Q93, 3Q94
·   two and one-half elective credits
Year 4
·   CHYS 4F97 and one-half elective credit, or CHYS 4F99 and 4P99
·   one credit from CHYS 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 3P99, 3Q90, 3Q91, 3Q93, 3Q94, 3V92-3V93, 4P31, 4P32, PSYC 4F11
·   one of CHYS 4P35, 4P38, 4P65
·   two elective credits

Pass Program
Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Combined Major Programs
Students may take a combined degree in Child and Youth Studies and another discipline. For requirements in the co-major discipline the student should consult the relevant department. It should be noted that not all departments provide a combined major option.

Child and Youth Studies and Linguistics
Consult the Applied Language Studies entry for a listing of program requirements.

Child and Youth Studies and Psychology

Entrance to the CHYS/PSYC combined honours program requires application to the Psychology department and a minimum of 9.0 overall credits.

Year 1
·   CHYS 1F90
·   PSYC 1F90
·   SOCI 1F90
·   one Humanities context credit or Science context credit
·   one elective credit
Year 2
·   CHYS 2F10, 2P35 and 2P38
·   PSYC 2F23
·   one of PSYC 2F20, 2F25, 2F30, 2F36, 2F45
·   the Humanities context credit or Science context credit not taken in year 1
Year 3
·   CHYS 3P10 and 3P15
·   one of CHYS 3P11, 3P25, 3P65
·   one of CHYS 3P20, 3P23, 3P35, 3P38, 3P90, 3P92, 3P94, 3P96, 3Q93, 3Q94
·   PSYC 3P30 and 3P39
·   one PSYC credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   CHYS 4F97 and one elective credit or CHYS 4F99, 4P99 and one-half elective credit
·   one-half credit from CHYS 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 3P99, 3Q90, 3Q91, 3Q93, 3Q94, 3V92-3V93, 4P31, 4P32
·   PSYC 4P92
·   one of CHYS 4P35, 4P38, 4P65
·   one and one-half PSYC credits numbered 3(alpha)90 to 4(alpha)99
Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the combined honours program entitles a student to apply for a combined pass degree (students may substitute one PSYC credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above for PSYC 3P30 and 3P39).

Child and Youth Studies and Sociology

Year 1
·   CHYS 1F90
·   PSYC 1F90
·   SOCI 1F90
·   one Humanities context credit or one Science context credit
·   one elective credit
Year 2
·   CHYS 2F10, 2P35 and 2P38
·   SOCI 2P11 and 2P13 (see program note 3)
·   one SOCI credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above
·   the Humanities context credit or Science context credit not taken in year 1
Year 3
·   CHYS 3P10 and 3P15
·   SOCI 3P00 and 3P01
·   one of CHYS 3P11, 3P25, 3P65
·   one of CHYS 3P20, 3P23, 3P35, 3P38, 3P90, 3P92, 3P94, 3P96, 3Q93, 3Q94
·   one SOCI credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit
Year 4

Students may select one of three streams:
1.  CHYS project stream:
·   CHYS 4F97 and 4P38
·   one-half credit from CHYS 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 3P99, 3Q90, 3Q91, 3Q93, 3Q94, 3V92-3V93, 4P31, 4P32, 4P35, 4P65
·   SOCI 4F91 or one of SOCI 3P99, 4P10, 4P11, 4P15, 4P16, 4P70 and one-half SOCI credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above (see program note 5)
·   one SOCI credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit
2.  CHYS thesis stream:
·   CHYS 4F99 and 4P99
·   SOCI 4P38
·   one-half credit from CHYS 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 3P99, 3Q90, 3Q91, 3Q93, 3Q94, 3V92-3V93, 4P31, 4P32, 4P35, 4P65
·   one and one-half SOCI credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit
3.  SOCI thesis stream:
·   CHYS 4P38
·   one and one-half credits from CHYS 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 3P99, 3Q90, 3Q91, 3Q93, 3Q94, 3V92-3V93, 4P31, 4P32, 4P35, 4P65
·   SOCI 4F90 and 4P01
·   one-half credit from SOCI 4V90-4V99 (see program note 4)
·   one elective credit
4.  Pass
  Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the combined honours program entitles a student to apply for a combined pass degree.