Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:53PM

Applied Language Studies

John N. Sivell

John N. Sivell

Associate Professors
Glenwood H. Irons, Cheng Luo, Hedy M. McGarrell, Donna R. Patrick

Assistant Professors
Monica Sanchez, Richard J. Welland

Undergraduate Co-ordinator
Richard J. Welland

Deborah Yeager

Co-ordinator, Master of Education with Specialization in TESL
Hedy M. McGarrell

Director, Intensive English Language Program
Glenwood Irons

General Information

Administrative Assistant
Leona Volterman

905-688-5550, extension 3374
Mackenzie Chown A242

The Department of Applied Language Studies offers programs leading to honours and pass BA degrees in applied language studies, with specializations in Communication Disorders, Linguistics, or Teaching English as a Second Language. A Certificate program in Teaching English as a Second Language is also offered. The department also offers courses in areas related to communication disorders and in structures of specific languages, including Sign Language and English as a Second Language.

English As A Second Language (APLS) courses are designed to enhance and develop the English speaking and writing ability of students whose native language is not English.

Students with scores below TOEFL 580, TOEFL CBT 237, MELAB 90, IELTS 7.0 who have been accepted into academic programs are required to register in APLS 1P80 and APLS 1P81 in Year 1 along with no more than four credits.

A background in linguistics is essential for language teachers, translators, speech-language pathologists, audiologists and many other language professionals. The study of linguistics involves not only the structure of languages but also their acquisition in first- and subsequent-language settings, their role in communication and their status as the products of particular cultures and other social groups.

Three specific streams allow students to develop a strong background in the core areas of linguistics and to specialize in their area of particular interest.

The Communication Disorders stream is a pre-professional program that provides background in normal speech and language processes, language develop-ment and disorders of human communi-cation. While successful completion of these courses does not qualify students to evaluate or treat individuals with communication disorders, this stream is of particular interest to students who are pursuing careers as speech language pathologists or audiologists and who intend to pursue graduate studies in these fields.

The Linguistics stream provides background for the analysis of language. Along with the introductory courses (LING 1F91 and LING 1F94), there is a core of courses which focus on phonology, syntax, language and culture, ethno-graphy, discourse analysis, language and gender, and language learning.

The Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) stream is offered as a four-year honours program and provides background in theories and metho-dologies relevant to the learning and teaching of English as a second or subsequent language.

Students interested in teaching language in the Ontario school system should consult the Ministry of Education and Training guidelines. In those guidelines, "Language Courses" mean English or any teachable (modern language) subject.

The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) provides 25 hours of English instruction per week in: grammar and writing, guided reading, spoken English and listening. This program is open to all non-native speakers who wish to improve their English for academic, professional or social purposes. Inquiries should be sent to the Director, Intensive English Language Program.

Language Requirement for Humanities Majors

LING majors are required to complete one credit in a language other than English. Where half credit courses are used to satisfy the requirement, both half credits must be in the same language. Non-Indo-European language courses (such as Mandarin Chinese or Japanese) or Sign Language courses are recommended.

Program Notes
  1. Context credits and language requirement must be completed within the first 10 credits.
  2. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Communication Disorders stream

Year 1
·   LING 1F91 and 1F94
·   PSYC 1F90
·   one Science context credit
·   one elective credit (see program note 1)
Year 2
·   LING 2P50, 2P61, 2P93, 2P96, 2P97 and 2P98
·   two elective credits (PSYC 2F23 strongly recommended) (see program note 1)
Year 3
·   LING 3P51, 3P94, 3P98 and 3P99
·   one credit from LING 2P99, 3P92, 3P96, 3Q91, CHYS 3P11, PSYC 3P88, 3P98, 3P99
·   two elective credits (PSYC 2F12 or CHYS 2F10, and BIOL 2P97 or CHSC 2P09 recommended)
Year 4
·   LING 3P95, 4P20, 4P21 and 4P30
·   one credit from LING 4P40, 4P41, 4P50, 4P60, 4P99
·   two elective credits (PSYC 3P94 recommended)

Linguistics stream

Year 1
·   LING 1F91 and 1F94
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Science context credit
·   one elective credit (COMM 1F90 recommended) (see program note 1)
Year 2
·   LING 2P50, 2P53, 2P61, 2P62, and 2P98
·   one and one-half credits from COMM 2P15, FREN 2P57, LING 2P94, 2P95, 2P96, 2P99, SPAN 2P90
·   one elective credit (see program note 1)
Year 3
·   LING 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P95 and 3P96
·   one credit from LING 3P51, 3P98, 3P99, 3Q91, 3V80-3V99
·   one and one-half elective credits (COMM 3P88 and FREN 3P05 recommended)
Year 4
·   One LING credit
·   one LING credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   two credits from COMM 4P50 or LING courses numbered 4(alpha)00 to 4(alpha)99
·   one elective credit

Teaching English as a Second Language stream (honours only)

This stream is recognized by TESL Ontario for professional accreditation as an adult non-credit ESL instructor in Ontario.

Year 1
·   LING 1F94
·   one Science context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
·   two elective credits (see program note 1)
Year 2
·   LING 2P50, 2P53, 2P61, 2P62, 2P98, and 2P99
·   two elective credits (see program note 1)
Year 3
·   LING 3P92, 3P94, 3Q91, and 3Q92
·   one credit from LING 3P51, 3P93, 3P95, 3P96, 3V80-3V99
·   two elective credits
Year 4
·   LING 4P40, 4P41, 4P80, 4P82, 4P83 and 4P84
·   two elective credits (LING 4P50 strongly recommended)

Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Combined Major Programs

Students proceeding towards a BA or BA (honours) in one of these streams may complete a combined major in conjunc-tion with one other Humanities, Social Science or Science department/centre.


Year 1
·   LING 1F91 and 1F94
·   one credit from the co-major discipline
·   two elective credits (see program note 1)
Year 2
·   LING 2P50 and 2P61
·   one credit from LING 2P53, 2P62, 2P93, 2P94, 2P95, 2P96, 2P97, 2P98, 2P99
·   two credits from the co-major discipline
·   one elective credit (see program note 1)
Year 3
·   Two credits from LING 3P51, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P95, 3P96, 3P98, 3P99, 3Q91 and 3Q92
·   two credits from the co-major discipline
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   Two credits from LING 4P20, 4P21, 4P30, 4P40, 4P41, 4P50, 4P60
·   two credits from the co-major discipline
·   one elective credit

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Linguistics and Child and Youth Studies


Year 1
·   LING 1F91 and 1F94
·   CHYS 1F90
·   PSYC 1F90
·   SOCI 1F90
Year 2
·   LING 2P50 and 2P98
·   CHYS 2F10, 2P35 and 2P38
·   MATH 1F92 or PSYC 2F23 (preferred)
·   one Science context credit (BIOL 1F25 preferred)
Year 3
·   LING 2P96, 2P97, 3P98 and 3P99
·   CHYS 3P10 and 3P15
·   one of CHYS 3P11, 3P25, 3P65
·   one of CHYS 3P20, 3P23, 3P35, 3P38, 3P90, 3P92, 3P94, 3P96, 3Q93, 3Q94
·   one humanities context credit
Year 4
·   LING 4P20, 4P21, 4P30, 4P41
·   CHYS 4F97
·   one-half credit from CHYS 3P90, 3P91, 3P92, 3P94, 3P96, 3P97, 3P98, 3P99, 3Q90, 3Q91, 3Q93, 3Q94, 3V92 - 3V93, 4P31, 4P32
·   one of CHYS 4P35, 4P38, 4P65
·   one elective credit

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

For further information on the LING/CHYS combined program, please see the Undergraduate Co-ordinator, Applied Language Studies or the Co-ordinator, Child and Youth Studies.

Linguistics and English


English requirements must include one ENGL credit from List A; one ENGL credit from List B; one ENGL credit from List C. Consult the English Language and Literature entry for relevant list requirements.

Year 1
·   LING 1F94
·   one ENGL credit numbered 1(alpha)00 to 1(alpha)99 (ENGL 1F91 recom-mended)
·   one Science context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one language credit (see language requirement)
Year 2
·   LING 2P50, 2P53, 2P61 and 2P62
·   two ENGL credits (see program note 2)
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   LING 3P92, 3P93, 3P94 and 3P95
·   ENGL 3F91 or 3F92
·   one ENGL credit (see program note 2)
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   LING 4P50
·   one and one-half LING credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above (LING 4P60 strongly recommended)
·   two ENGL credits (see program note 2)
·   one elective credit

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language

The Department of Applied Language Studies offers a Certificate in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language (TESL/TEFL) for those who already possess an undergraduate degree. The program consists of five credits and introduces students to a wide range of practical and theoretical issues related to the teaching of English as a second language. This Certificate is recognized by TESL Ontario for professional accre-ditation as an adult non-credit ESL instructor in Ontario.

The certificate is awarded upon completion of at least five credits in LING with an overall average of 60 percent.
·   LING 1F94, 3Q91, 3Q92, 4P40, 4P80, 4P82, 4P83 and 4P84
·   one of LING 2P50, 2P61, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94, 3P95, 4P41, 4P50

Master of Education (MEd) with a Specialization in Teaching English as a Second Language

Applied Language Studies, in colla-boration with the Graduate Department of the Faculty of Education, offers courses leading to the MEd degree - Curriculum Studies (with specialization in TESL). Please refer to the Graduate Calendar for details. For further information, please contact the Co-ordinator, Master of Education with a Specialization in TESL.

For Linguistics courses, click here.