2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar

Accounting and Finance



Sandra Felton

Professor Emeritus

J. Robert Hanrahan


William Richardson (on leave), Raafat R. Roubi, Robert Welch

Associate Professors

Ian Adamson,Thomas H. Barnes (on leave), Gail Lynn Cook, Louis Culumovic, Donald Cyr, Maureen E. Donnelly, Sandra M. Felton, Barbara Sainty, Paul Scarbrough, Anamitra Shome, Linda Stillabower

Assistant Professors

Mohamed Ayadi, H. Donald Brown, Ernest N. Biktimirov, Paul Dunn, Onem Ozocak, Allister W. Young


Daniel Arimishaw, Fred Cranston, Carolyn J. Davis, Shari Leitch

Director, Co-operative Programs

Cindy Dunne


General Information

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Administrative Assistant,

Marisa Battista

905-688-5550, extension 3918

Taro Hall 233


The Department of Accounting and Finance offers four-year, 20 credit programs in Accounting and Business Administration. Subsequent degrees are available in the Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Business Administration programs for students holding an undergraduate degree in another discipline. A five credit minor in Business is open to Brock students pursuing degrees in other Faculties. The Faculty of Business also offers a Bachelor of General and Applied Studies to qualified students from Seneca College.

The program in Accounting is designed for students pursuing careers in the accounting profession. The program is professionally oriented and combines a high degree of specialization in accounting along with studies in Business, the Social Sciences, Humanities and Mathematics and Science.

The program in Business Administration is designed for students pursuing careers in business and government. The program is professionally oriented and combines studies in the Business disciplines with studies in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Mathematics and Science.

Please consult the relevant entries for a listing of courses and program requirements.

Last updated: March 20, 2003 @ 06:52PM