Last updated: October 22, 2001 @ 02:49PM

Admissions Criteria

Please check the following to ensure you will have the proper background for admission to Brock University. You must have six Ontario Academic Courses (OAC) and have completed the OSSD to be considered for admission to Brock.

Admission Requirements under the New Ontario Secondary School Curriculum
Ontario Secondary School students will be required to have a minimum of six Grade 12 U or U/C courses (including any program-specific prerequisites) and have completed the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, to be considered for admission.

The most current Faculty/program specific requirements are listed on the web at http://www.BrockU.CA/registrar/admissions/index.html.

Beginning in 2003, prerequisite courses will be used in the calculation of admission averages for all programs regardless of the diploma presented.


Child Health (BA)

Required OAC Subjects:
English OAC1 and biology.

Normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Enrolment is limited.

Community Health (BA)

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Health Sciences (BSc)

Required OAC Subjects:
English OAC 1, biology and two of chemistry, mathematics or physics.

Normally a minimum average of 75% on 6 credits for consideration.

Nursing (BScN) ­ Collaborative program with Loyalist CAAT

Required OAC Subjects:
English OAC 1, one mathematics, biology and chemistry (minimum average of 70% on required courses).

The Honours BSc in Nursing is taken in collaboration with Loyalist College. This is a limited enrolment, four year program. The first two years are taken at Loyalist College and the final two years are taken at Brock. Following completion of the degree, students will be eligi- ble to write the certification exam to become a Registered nurse.

Physical Education (BPhEd)

Required OAC Subjects:
All majors, English OAC 1. For the Kinesiology major, biology and one mathematics also required.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
Physical Education and Health.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Recreation and Leisure Studies

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Sport Management (BSM)
Sport Management (BSM) Co-op

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum of 75% on 6 credits for consideration; Co-op Sport Management normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Tourism Studies (BTS)

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 75% on 6 credits for consideration.

Workplace Health (BA)
Workplace Health (BA) Co-op

Recommended OAC Subject:
English OAC 1, biology and one mathematics.

Normally a minimum average of 75% on 6 credits for consideration; Co-op Workplace Health normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.


Accounting (BAcc)
Accounting (BAcc) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
English OAC 1 and one mathematics (calculus or finite preferred). Required subjects will be included in average of 6 credits.

Recommended OAC Subject:
A second mathematics.

Normally a minimum average of 75% on 6 credits, including required OACs for consideration; Co-op Accounting, normally a minimum 80% average on 6 credits including required OACs, for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Business Administration (BBA)
Business Administration (BBA) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
English OAC and one mathematics (calculus or finite preferred). Required subjects will be included in average of 6 credits.

Recommended OAC Subject:
A second mathematics.

Normally, a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits, including required OACs, for consideration. Students with an 80% average on 6 OACs and Grade 12 mathematics are encouraged to apply for consideration by the Faculty of Business. Co-op Business Administration, normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits, including required OACs for consideration. Supplemental application for co-op required.

Computing and Business (BCB)
see Faculty of Mathematics and Science.


Concurrent Child and Youth Studies BA/BEd
Students interested in the Child and Youth Studies BA/BEd concurrent program apply to a common year 1 in Child and Youth Studies. Students who achieve a minimum of 75% overall academic average with a minimum of 4.0 credits and a maximum of 8.0 credits, are eligible to apply to the BA/BEd program. All BA/BEd applicants must have completed CHYS 1F90, PSYC 1F90 and SOCI 1F90 or equivalents.

Concurrent French Teaching Specialization BA(honours)/BEd
Students interested in the BA (honours)/BEd (French) program apply to the BA French common first year. Students who achieve a minimum of 75% overall academic average are eligible to apply. Program includes a one-year (total immersion) exchange in France or Québec.

Concurrent BPhEd(honours)/BEd
Students must complete the common first year in the Physical Education program before applying for admission to the BPhEd(honours)/BEd program. Admission will be based on a minimum of 75% overall average on a minimum of five credits and a minimum grade of 70% in both PHED 1P90 and 1P93.

Concurrent BSc/BEd
Students in the BSc/BEd program must be registered full time and follow the prescribed program. Any exceptions must have the approval of the Program Director. Students must maintain a 75% overall average in each year in all academic grade-marked courses. See Faculty of Mathematics and Science for more detail.


Applied Language Studies, Canadian and European Union Studies, Canadian Studies, Classics, Contemporary Cultural Studies, English, French, German, History, Italian, Great Books/Liberal Studies, Philosophy, Spanish (BA).

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
History and a second language.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Drama in Education/Theatre (BA)
Drama in Education/Theatre (BA)

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Recommended OAC Subject:
History and a second language.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration. Co-op Drama in Education/Theatre, normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration plus supplemental application.

Dramatic Literature (BA)
Dramatic Literature (BA) Co-op

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Recommended OAC Subject:
History and a second language.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration. Co-op Dramatic Literature, normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration plus supplemental application.

Music (BMus and BA)

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
History and a second language.

Theory placement test (Royal Conservatory Grade II level) and aural skills test must be passed. Audition required for applied music. Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Theatre (BA)
Theatre (BA) Co-op

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Recommended OAC Subject:
History and a second language.

A successful audition or interview is required. Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration. Co-op Theatre, normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration plus supplemental application.

Visual Arts (BA)

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
History and a second language.

A satisfactory portfolio submission and interview are required. Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.


Child and Youth Studies, Economics, Environmental Economics, Environment, Film, Geography, Labour Studies, Political Science, Popular Culture, Psychology, Sociology, Women's Studies (BA)

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
For Child and Youth Studies and Psychology majors, one mathematics. For Economics and Environmental Economics majors, one mathematics (finite preferred).

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration for all programs within the Faculty of Social Sciences except for Child and Youth Studies which may be a minimum 80% for consideration.

Business Economics (BBE)
Business Economics (BBE) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
English OAC 1 and one mathematics,
(minimum 65%).

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration; Co-op BBE normally minimum 80% average on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Communication Studies (BA)
Communications Studies (BA) Co-op

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration; Co-op Communications (all streams), normally 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Physical Geography (BSc)

Required OAC Subjects:
One mathematics (minimum 70% required) and one from biology, physics, or chemistry.

Recommended OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Popular Culture (BA)
Popular Culture (BA) Co-op

Required OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration; Co-op Popular Culture, normally 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.


Biological Sciences (BSc)
Biochemistry (BSc)
Biotechnology (BSc)

Required OAC Subjects:
One mathematics (minimum 70% required) and three from biology, chemistry, a second mathematics or physics.

Recommended OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Concurrent BSc/BEd
Science program

Required OAC Subjects:
Minimum average of 80% on four credits including two sciences, one mathematics and English OAC 1. (Calculus is required for Chemistry and Physics).

Recommended OAC Subject:
Calculus strongly recommended for Biology and Earth Sciences.

For teaching at the junior/intermediate level (grades 4 - 10); a personal letter, letters of recommendation and an interview may be required of applicants.

Concurrent BSc/BEd
Mathematics program

Required OAC Subjects:
Minimum average of 80% on four credits including two mathematics (calculus required), one science and English OAC 1.

Recommended OAC Subject:
A third mathematics.

For teaching at the junior/intermediate level (grades 4 - 10); a personal letter, letters of recommendation and an interview may be required of applicants.

Chemistry (BSc)
Chemistry (BSc) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
Chemistry, physics and two mathematics (including calculus). Minimum 70% required on at least one mathematics.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
A third mathematics and English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration. Co-op Chemistry, normally 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Computer Science Honours (BSc)
Computer Science (BSc)
Computer Science (BSc) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects for Honours BSc:
Two mathematics including calculus (minimum 70% on at least one MATH required).

Required OAC Subject for BSc:
One mathematics (minimum 70% required).

Recommended OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration. Co-op Computer Science, normally 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Computing and Business (BCB)
Computing and Business (BCB)

Required OAC Subjects:
English OAC 1 and two mathematics (averaging 75%).

Normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Computing and Solid-state Device Technology (BSc)
Computing and Solid-state Device Technology (BSc) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
A minimum 75% in physics and two mathematics including calculus (minimum 70% on at least one mathematics required).

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration. Co-op Computing and Solid State Device Technology, normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Earth Sciences (BSc)

Required OAC Subjects:
One mathematics (minimum 70% required) and one from biology, physics or geology.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
Mathematics and English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Environmental Geosciences (BSc)

Required OAC Subjects:
One mathematics (minimum 70% required) and one from biology, physics or geology.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
Mathematics and English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Environment (BSc)

Required OAC Subjects:
Chemistry and one mathematics (minimum 70% required), and two from biology, geography or physics.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Applied Enviromental Science
and Technology (BSc) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
Chemistry and one mathematics (minimum 70% required), and two from biology, geography or physics.

Normally a minimum average of 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Health Science (BSc)
see Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Mathematics (BSc)

Required OAC Subjects:
Two mathematics including calculus (minimum 70% on at least one mathematics required).

Recommended OAC Subjects:
A third mathematics and English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration.

Neuroscience (BSc)
Neuroscience (BSc) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
Biology, chemistry and either one mathematics (minimum 70% required) or physics.

Recommended OAC Subject:
English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration. Co-op Neuroscience, normally 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.

Oenology and Viticulture (BSc) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
One mathematics (minimum 70% required) and three from biology, chemistry, physics and a second mathematics.

Normally 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required.

Physical Geography (BSc)
see Faculty of Social Sciences

Physics (BSc)
Physics (BSc) Co-op

Required OAC Subjects:
Chemistry, physics and two mathematics (including calculus). Minimum 70% required on at least one mathematics.

Recommended OAC Subjects:
A third mathematics and English OAC 1.

Normally a minimum average of 70% on 6 credits for consideration. Co-op Physics, normally 80% on 6 credits for consideration. Supplemental application required for co-op.