German Courses

Language (Introductory)
Basic skills: conversational patterns, reading ability emphasizing the spoken language using films tapes and recordings.
Lectures, language/computer lab, 4 hours per week.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in GERM 1P01 and GERM 1P02.

(Intermediate I)
Intermediate level. Conversational and written language skills. Introduction to 20th-century German literature using language/ computer laboratory, films, tapes and recordings.
Lectures, language/computer lab, 4 hours per week.
Prerequisites: GERM 1F00 (1P01 and 1P02) or OAC German or permission of the instructor.

Culture and Civilization of Central Europe: From the Prehistoric to the Carolingian Period
(also offered as CLAS 1P93)
The cultural development of central Europe from the earliest stone and pottery cultures, through the Bronze and Iron Ages, the Celts and Romans and the first Germanic kingdoms. Beliefs and practices, artistic style and architecture. Slides are used to illustrate the cultural evidence.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Note: given in English.

Culture and Civilization of Central Europe: The Holy Roman Empire
Forms of cultural expression in central Europe from the foundation of the Ottonian Empire to the Counter-Reformation. An illustrated survey of the arts, architecture and literature.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Note: given in English.

Culture and Civilization of Central Europe: Reformation to Revolution
Stages in early modern central European cultural development. Art and architecture of the 15th- to 18th-century in their social and political contexts.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Note: given in English.

Culture and Civilization of Central Europe: Romanticism to Postmodernism
The evolution of modern central Europe. Art and architecture in the context of growing nationalism during the 19th- and 20th-centuries.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Note: given in English.

Language and Literature (Intermediate II)
Intensive study of present-day German language and culture designed to improve communication skills. Selected readings from contemporary German literary texts.
Lectures, language lab, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in GERM 2F00.

History of the Germanic Languages
(also offered as LING 2P95)
Development of the Germanic languages from their roots in Indo-European to the present day; morphology; phonology; syntax. The evolution of words throughout the ages.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 1F90 or LING 1F94 or permission of the instructor.
Note: given in English.

Deutsch Digital: The German Text in the 21st-Century
Comparative study of selected German texts in both scribal and digital forms examining the ways in which the construction of literary meaning is influenced by the modality of its transmission. Models of meaning will be derived from modern literary theorists, such as Barthes, Derrida and Saussure. Texts selected from the High Middle Ages to the 20th-century.
Lectures, computer lab, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 1F90 or permission of the instructor.
Note: given in English.

Advanced Language Study I
Fluency at an advanced level in speaking, writing and comprehension through tapes, films, written and oral projects, discussions and advanced interpreting and translating.
Lectures, language lab, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00 or 2P91 and 2P92) or permission of the instructor.

German Literature from 1900 to 1945
Poetry, drama and prose of the first half of the 20th-century. Experiments in form and content: Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Franz Kafka. The literature of totalitarianism.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00 or 2P91 and 2P92) or permission of the instructor.

German Literature from 1945 to Present
Poetry, drama and prose of the postwar period in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. New experiments in Frisch, Handke, Süskind.
Lectures, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00 or 2P91 and 2P92) or permission of the instructor.

Practicum in Germany
An opportunity to work for three months in a German firm to acquire practical skills as well as language proficiency.
Prerequisite: working knowledge of German.
Note: the practicum may be repeated as GERM 4P98 only by students in the honours program.

Advanced Language Study II
The development of greater proficiency in German through simultaneous translation, written translations, discussions and essays on contemporary issues.
Language/computer lab, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00 or 2P91 and 2P92) or permission of the instructor.

Tutorial I
Advance study in an area of language or literature of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Tutorial, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Chair.

Tutorial II
Advanced study in an area of language or literature of mutual interest to the student and the instructor.
Tutorial, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: permission of the instructor.
Note: a written proposal must be approved by the Chair.

Criticial theory and literature of the first half of the 19th-century. Works by writers such as Novalis, Eichendorff, Kleist, Heine and Büchner.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00) or permission of the instructor.

Realism to Naturalism
Critical theory and literature from the second half of the 19th-century. Works by writers such as Hebbel, Fontane, Keller, Storm, Hauptmann and Wedekind.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00) or permission of the instructor.

Enlightenment to Storm and Stress
Literature and literary theory from the Enlightenment to Storm and Stress. The dramatic literature and criticism of the 18th-century from Gottsched to Goethe.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00) or permission of the instructor.

Classic drama, prose and essays by Goethe and Schiller. Goethe's Faust.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00) or permission of the instructor.

Medieval German Literature
An introduction to the poetry of the Minnesänger from 1050 to 1250. The Tristan of Gottfried von Strassburg.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: GERM 2F20 (2F00) or permission of instructor.
Note: GERM 2P95 recommended.

Practicum in Germany
See GERM 3P98.