Entrepreneurial Studies Courses

Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs and the new venture creation process: attributes of entrepreneurs and the processes involved in successfully launching new enterprises.
Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: minimum 3.0 overall credits. Not open to BBA and BAcc majors.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in ENTR 3P45.

Entrepreneurial Management
Theories of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, entrepreneurial attributes, new venture creation processes, business plan preparation.
Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BBA and BAcc majors.
Prerequisites: FNCE 2P91, MKTG 2P91, OBHR 2P91 and OPER 2P91.
Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade in ENTR 2P51.

Creativity and the Entrepreneur
Exploration of creative and personal entrepreneurial abilities. Topics include sources of ideas and their transformation into commercial opportunities, environmental scanning, trend identification and futurism.
Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ENTR 2P51 or 3P45 or permission of the instructor.

New Venture Creation
Strategies and techniques to help identify and assess appropriate forms for commercial development of new ventures. Identification and use of public and private resources and research materials. Building entrepreneurial teams.
Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite: ENTR 2P51 or 3P45 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 40 students per section.

New Venture Planning
Aspects of strategic and operational planning relevant to the successful creation of an entrepreneurial firm. Entry and early stage growth strategies based on sustainable, competitive advantages; preparation of a written formal plan to be presented to sources of venture capital.
Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: one of ENTR 2P51, 3P45, 3P91; ACTG 1P91 and FNCE 2P91 (may be taken concurrently) or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 40 students per section.

New Venture Management
Development of management concepts and techniques relevant to new and growing enterprises. Adaptations of management techniques due to limitations of management time and resources in early stage companies and changes to management approaches as companies grow.
Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: ENTR 3P92 and ACTG 1P91 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 40 students per section.

Management of innovation and entrepreneurship in midsized and larger organizations. The role of leadership in developing and maintaining innovation and entrepreneurship and the mechanisms for stimulating organizational growth and entrepreneurial culture. How organizations respond to innovation.
Lectures, discussion, 3 hours per week.
Restriction: open to BBA, BAcc, BBE, BCB and combined Business majors with a minimum of 9.0 overall credits.
Prerequisite: one of ENTR 2P51, 3P45, 3P92 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 40 students per section.

ENTR 3V90-3V99
Topics in Entrepreneurship I
Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.

Research Topic
Directed intensive study and research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.
Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.
Note: to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.

Managing High Growth Organizations
Techniques for managing organizations during high rates of growth with emphasis on stages beyond startup. Role of the team leader, external relations, human resources selection and development, financial resources, facilities and communications.
Lectures, case discussion, 3 hours per week.
Prerequisites: ENTR 2P51 or 3P45; OBHR 3P42 or permission of the instructor.
Note: enrolment limited to 40 students per section.

Research Topic
Directed study or research under the supervision of a faculty member in an area in which the student has shown particular competence.
Restriction: open to BBA, BBE and combined Business majors with a minimum of 13.5 overall credits and permission of the Chair and supervising faculty member.
Note: to be chosen in consultation with the supervising faculty member.

ENTR 4V90-4V99
Topics in Entrepreneurship II
Courses in specialized areas within the discipline.