Last updated: June 25, 2001 @ 02:35PM

Academic Computing Information

I.  Computing Access for Students

Students may obtain a user code for access to the Badger server. This user code will authorize electronic mail (E-mail) and Internet access from within and outside the University. There is no charge for access from within the University; the charge for access from outside the University is on a "per hour" basis. Such a user code is to be regarded as a privilege, not a right.

II.  A Guide to Academic Computing Behaviour

The purpose of these guidelines is to promote the ethical, considerate and responsible use of Brock's computing facilities. In a community of users, one should not do anything that would place at risk these facilities, the network or its users.

The following points are of general nature and are not meant to be definitive. Clarification of individual concerns may be done through the use of readily available public documents such as, but not limited to, Brock's Academic Misconduct Policy, the Criminal Code, the Libel and Slander Act of Canada and individual academic department policies. Disciplinary or legal actions could be instituted by Brock if there are infractions of such policies.
1.  Computers in labs may be used only with authorization.
2.  User codes for networked facilities are available to the Brock community and must be protected and not shared. Users are expected to keep their password secret and secure.
3.  Use of any facilities for business or financial gain is specifically prohibited, unless prior written approval is obtained from the Vice-President, Administration.
4.  As Brock's network facilities are connected to the Internet, usage of the network is governed by the acceptable use policies of connected nets and the laws of other countries. Users are urged to be sensitive and aware of other cultures and nations in their postings to the Internet.
5.  It should not be assumed that E-mail and other data is private as it traverses Brock's internal network or the Internet. Users are urged to act accordingly.
6.  Due to inevitable system upgrades or malfunctions, Brock's system administrators may need to inspect user directories. If any data are required to remain private at all times, then the user must use encryption or removable storage media.
7.  Any deliberate attempt to discover or alter other users' passwords is expressly prohibited, as are any attempts to subvert system security or operation of any of Brock's computers or other networked computers.
8.  Brock's facilities may not be used for illegal purposes and it is expressly noted that copying copyrighted software and the execution of illegally copied software on Brock's facilities is prohibited.
9.  Harassment in any form is not allowed. Brock has specific policies regarding harassment which will be enforced.
10.  Any attempt to hide the identity of the sender/originator of a message will be treated as a serious infraction.
11.  Any violation or attempted violations of these guidelines should be reported quickly to the lab supervisor or the appropriate system administrator for further action.

Users will be required to acknowledge the content of this document. Further clarification of any points should be addressed to the Chair, Senate Committee on Computing and Communications Policy, in care of the University Secretary.

III.  Computer Based Training

All Brock students have access to computer based training modules covering a wide range of topics in computer use. The modules can be used to enhance course material and leads to Microsoft certification at a variety of levels.