Last updated: October 23, 2001 @ 10:11AM

Your Career Begins Here: Experiential Learning Opportunities at Brock University

I.  Overview of Experiential Learning at Brock

Brock University is committed to our promise to students: Your Career Begins Here. We offer a variety of Experiential Learning Opportunities for student employment and career preparation, on and off campus. Experiential learning at Brock incorporates both alternatives that are integral to students' academic programs, and alternatives that are optional, non-credit services for students.

Academic experiential learning opportunities are offered by each of the Faculties and include:
·   Co-op degree programs
·   Internship degree programs
·   Teaching placements
·   Course-based internships and field work projects
Non-credit experiential opportunities for current students are co-ordinated in Student Services and include:
·   Experience Plus
·   Skills Plus
·   Volunteers Plus
·   Med Plus
Experiential learning at Brock is designed to develop students' skills as productive, competent, responsible and reputable graduates that are well prepared for the workplace.

II.  Co-op and Internship Programs

1.  Co-operative Programs Office

Cindy Dunne

Taro 4th Floor, extension 4325
Hours: Monday­Friday, 8:30­4:30

The Co-operative Programs Office at Brock provides information and assistance to applicants and registered students for all campus co-op and internship programs, and will:
·   advise students regarding application to co-op programs, academic program requirements, job placements, and job searches
·   recruit employers for co-op and internship placements
·   maintain computerized on-line job banks for co-op and internship postings
·   facilitate the co-op placement process from employer job posting through co-op employer offer to hire
·   prepare students for successful placement experiences with pre-employment workshops
·   introduce students and employer through co-op job postings and on-campus interview assistance;
·   monitor and support employer/student placements with regards to placement quality and student contribution through work site visitation and performance evaluation
·   support student recruitment to co-op and internships programs and evaluate student applications for admission decisions
· provide placement information to the Registrar's Office for inclusion on students' academic transcripts

Students who are interested in applying to a co-op or internship program are encouraged to contact the Co-operative Programs Office for information.

2.  What is a Co-op or Internship?
Co-operative education combines traditional undergraduate academic programming and relevant work experience in alternating terms. The work term experiences are designed to prepare students for their transition from university to the professional community. The 4 and 5 year programs enable students to acquire experience in their areas of career interest. The practical experiences and academic studies complement one another. The Co-op Programs Office manages the administration and facilitation of the co-op experience at Brock. Co-op coordinators for each program support students throughout their co-op experience.

Brock University co-op programs have clear advantages, particularly the limited class sizes that ensure appropriate time is allocated to each individual student. Students can explore career possibilities, where their interests lie and the type of work environment that best suits them, helping them make informed decisions about their career options. Co-op graduates have the highest rates of employment after graduation. Many employers use co-op programs as a way to identify and recruit their future permanent workforce.

2.  List of Current Programs

Please consult calendar copy of program for specific requirements.

Co-op programs:

(BAcc Honours, 4 yr)

Business Administration
(BBA Honours, 4 yr)

Business Economics
(BBE, 4 yr)

(BSc Honours, 5 yr)

Communications, Business
(BA Honours, 4 yr)

Communications, Information
(BA Honours, 4 yr)

Communications, Media and Culture (BA Honours, 4 yr)

Communications, Policy
(BA Honours, 4 yr)

Communications, Popular Culture (BA, 4 yr)

Computer Science
(BSc Honours, 4 yr)

Computing and Solid-State Device Technology
(BSc Honours, 4 yr)

(BSc Honours, 4yr)

Oenology and Viticulture
(BSc Honours, 4 yr)

(BSc Honours, 4 yr)

Sport Management
(BSM Honours, 4 1/2 yr)

Theatre and Dramatic Literature
(BA Honours, 5 yr)

Workplace Health
(BA Honours, 4 yr)

Computer Science
Computing and Business
Oenology and Viticulture

III.  Practica and Course-based Experiential Learning

1.  Courses With Work Placements
In addition to co-op and internship programs, many other academic programs at Brock include specific courses that require a significant work placement. Normally, these course-based experiences are arranged with public service agencies, schools or employers on a voluntary work basis rather than as paid employment. Most of these courses are a core program requirement for a particular degree program in the discipline.

2.  Records and Fees Policy
The course number, course title and final grade are listed on the student's academic transcript. At the discretion of the individual faculty teaching the course, course-based experiential learning can also be linked to students' Experience Plus Records in the following ways:
·   students may find exclusive course work placement opportunities for their course on the Volunteers Plus posting service at Career Services
·   through the on-line posting, students can begin their placement search in the summer, to have an approved placement arranged when the course begins in the fall
·   in collaboration with their professor, students can arrange with their placement supervisor for the placement details (location, job title, duties/employability skills) to be recorded on their Experience Plus Records
The standard course tuition fee normally covers the costs of course-based experiential learning.

IV.  Experience Plus: Part-time Experiential Learning

1.  Career Services Office

Cindy Nogradi
Career Services

Schmon Tower 411, extension 3242
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. ­ 4:30 p.m.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays: 8:30 a.m. ­ 7:00 p.m.

Career Services works on students' behalf by offering the following services:
·   Career Planning: individual career exploration, personal assessment and employment preparation
·   Experience Plus: students can start building their Experience Plus official record in first year, and add to it every year with volunteer experience, skills workshops, paid on-campus jobs
·   Community Plus: on-line posting service of part-time and summer jobs, and full-time jobs for graduating students
·   Volunteers Plus: on-line posting service for on-campus and community volunteer placements (eligible for inclusion on students' Experience Plus records) and annual Volunteer Fair provides students who are seeking volunteer positions with the opportunity to learn valuable skills enhancing their employability skills
·   Skills Plus: build employability skills through workshops related to: on-line computer training, service training, teaching skills, resume writing, leadership, interviewing skills, and many more (all eligible for inclusion on students' Experience Plus records)
·   Career Services Drop-In Resource Centre at ST 411: career and employment resources, computer access to web posting services and Experience Plus, interview and job search assistance
·   Graduate Education Fair in November: explore opportunities in graduate studies and professional degrees and certificates with over 60 representatives from universities, colleges across North America and Internationally
·   Career Fairs: students bring their resumes and meet prospective employers across the region and beyond, accessing recruiters from a variety of industries and careers, maximizing students opportunities to get the job they want
·   Med Plus: a unique program for students interested in a career in medicine or health

2.  What is Experience Plus?

Experience Plus Coordinator
Julie Fennell
Career Services

Schmon Tower 411, extension 4414
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. ­4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesdays: 8:30 a.m. ­ 7:00 p.m.

The Experience Plus program is a non-credit opportunity for students to prepare for their future careers. Experience Plus was created to:
·   centralize on-campus job and volunteer postings so students know what is available
·   register individual students' interests in paid or volunteer work, so that Career Services can notify them by E-mail when suitable opportunities become available
·   enhance students' future employability with practical experience now;
·   help students try out a variety of career streams
·   assist students with their job search after graduation by documenting their experience on an individual Experience Plus record
·   support students' academics through increased campus involvement and commitment
Experience Plus is open to all Brock University students. Students participate to the level of their interest.
Experience Plus activities are pursued on a part-time basis, in parallel with students' academic studies.

Students interested in participating in Experience Plus should visit the Career Services web site to register as an Experience Plus student. We recommend students use Experience Plus to build a strong resume over the four years of their university experience, by participating in a variety of practical experiences that build employability skills. Any of the following opportunities are eligible for inclusion on students' Experience Plus records:
·   approved campus leadership activities
·   campus paid jobs (Note: some positions are restricted to students in financial need)
·   Volunteers Plus non-paid activities on campus and in the community
·   course-based community placements (with the agreement of the instructor);
·   Skills Plus workshops training
Career Services helps students use their Experience Plus record, combined with their other off-campus employment and experience, to build a Career Portfolio for a competitive edge in the work place.

3.  What is Skills Plus?
Skills Plus is offered by Career Services to centralize students' access to the many workshops and opportunities offered by various campus departments. Skills Plus focuses on employability skills development for Brock students. All Skills Plus workshops are eligible for inclusion on students' Experience Plus records, including:
·   Foundation in Leadership practicum series (Student Development Centre)
·   Partners workshop series on service training (Human Resources and Career Services)
·   Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Centre for Teaching and Learning)
·   Employability skills development: Career Planning, Career Search, Interview and Resume Skills, Internet Job Search (Career Services)

4.  What is Volunteers Plus?
Volunteers Plus is offered by Career Services to centralize students' access to the many service opportunities offered by various campus organizations and by many organizations in the community. All Volunteers Plus activities are eligible for inclusion on students' Experience Plus records with the appropriate documentation. Students are encouraged to participate in Volunteers Plus at some point in their Experience Plus activities. Volunteering provides excellent experience for career development. Many employers look very favourably on applicants who can demonstrate volunteer experience as well as paid work experience.

5.  Records and Fees Policy
Career Services at Brock University produces an Experience Plus record to record the employability skills that students develop through workshops, computer training, volunteering, paid jobs, and leadership activities on campus. To create this Experience Plus record, students must sign up as a member on the Experience Plus web site, ensure that they complete with each of their campus employers/professors the verification form for Experience Plus, ask their employer to send these forms to the Experience Plus Coordinator in Career Services, and contact Career Services annually to ensure their Experience Plus record is complete. Students use their Experience Plus record as a key part of their career portfolio to find both summer jobs and employment after graduation. Currently, students pay nominal fees for workshops and copies of their Experience Plus record.

V.  Med Experience Plus

Dan Malleck, PhD,
Career Services

Schmon Tower 411, extension 3106
Monday- Friday: 8:30 a.m. ­ 4:30 p.m.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays: 8:30 a.m. ­ 7:00 p.m.

1.  What is Med Plus?
Med Experience Plus at Brock is a fee-based, non-credit part-time program of activities that runs concurrently with each year of the Brock academic degree program. It is designed to enhance students' studies, and their eligibility for their chosen health-care field, by providing practical experience with:
·   site visits to hospitals, social service agencies and community health centres
·   volunteer placements to gain valuable experience
·   presentations by physicians and other health professionals
·   workshops in first aid, CPR, allied health care
·   workshops in communications, team work and self-awareness
·   current medical student mentors
·   personalized program counselling and information on admissions to medical school
·   University-validated documentation of your Med Plus experiences Med Plus is a community-based programme that draws on the resources of the Niagara region (physicians/public health/social services/hospitals) for speakers, workshops, site visits, and volunteer placements.

2.  Application to Med Plus
Med Experience Plus is a limited enrolment program and requires a separate application. Admission is competitive; minimum requirements for consideration include:
·   a minimum 80% average, as indicated by an official transcript of marks
·   a strong interest in pursuing medicine or another health-related career, as indicated by a one page Statement of Interest and a confidential letter of reference, to be submitted with the application
·   application deadline is April 1st each year
New students are admitted in September to the first year of Med Plus.

3.  Continuation in Med Plus
Once admitted, students must participate in the full mandatory curriculum. The Med Plus program runs from September to April, over four years. Med Plus students who withdraw from the program forego their place, which is reassigned to a student on the waiting list.

A significant strength of the Med Plus program is developing an understanding of team work in academic and health delivery settings. Therefore the University may withdraw a student's place under certain conditions, including inadequate attendance, unacceptable words or actions in a placement or visit, unsatisfactory placement evaluation, or unacceptably competitive behaviour with fellow Med Plus students. Students must maintain an average of 75% to continue in the program each year.

4.  Records and Fees Policy
Students receive an official Med Experience Plus record, separate from their academic transcript and from their Experience Plus record. The Med Plus record documents the personal and public health learning that students have acquired by listing the workshops, speakers, site visits, and volunteer placements in which each student has participated. Attendance is taken at each Med Plus event to ensure the accuracy of this record. Since Med Plus is a full cost-recovery program, students pay an annual membership fee to Career Services. The current annual fee is $600; students may expect annual fee increases in the order of 10%. If students withdraw from the program after accepting admission, partial fee refunds are pro-rated after June 15th. The fee is non-refundable after October 31st.

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

Clinical & Field Practises in Athletic Therapy

Disabilities Studies Practicum

Leisure Services Field Work

Outdoor Recreation Leadership

Recreation and Tourism Agency Field Work Project

Sport Management Internship

Tourism and Recreation Field Work Project

Faculty of Humanities

Publishing & Harpweaver Magazine Practicum

Clinical Observation in Communication Disorders

Music Work Study Practicum

Faculty of Education

Field Studies, Individualized Instruction and Practicum

Instructional Strategies: Intermediate/Senior

Teaching Techniques for the Classroom

Instructional Strategies: Early Primary

Faculty of Social Sciences

Child and Youth Development

Applied Studies of Diversity and Development

Film Studies: Experiential Learning

Internship in Communication Industries

Film Studies: Experiential Learning

Honours Geography Internship

Politics Internship

Honours Practicum

Experiential Learning in Women's Studies