Last updated: August 16, 2001 @ 08:52AM

Sport Management

Hilary Findlay

Associate Professor
Hilary Findlay

Assistant Professor
Sally Shaw, Julie Stevens

Cheri Bradish

Undergraduate Co-ordinator
Stephanie Brooks

Work Study Co-ordinator
Cheryl Mallen

Director, Co-operative Programs
Cindy Dunne

General Information

Administrative Assistant,
Charlene MacLellan
(905) 688-5550, extension 4989
Physical Education 290

The Department of Sport Management offers a four-year program and a three-year program leading to a Bachelor of Sport Management. A Co-op option is available as an honours program.

Programs are designed to meet the needs of a rapidly expanding sport industry and incorporate a series of fieldwork experiences for students.

Core course offerings in Sport Management reflect curriculum and content areas that comply with the accreditation standards established by the joint task force of the North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). Students will be prepared for sport management career opportunities that include marketing, public relations, promotions, communications, human resources and financial, facility, and/or event management in a variety of public and private organizations.

The Sport Management Co-op program combines academic and work terms over a four and one-half year period. Students spend two years in an academic setting prior to taking the first work placement. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, Co-op students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees).

Admission to the Co-op program is on the basis of marks, a review of personal resumes, a personal interview and the completion of an application form. The normal requirement for admission is a minimum 80 percent average on six OACs (or equivalent). As this is a limited enrolment program, admission is not guaranteed by attainment of the minimum requirement. The Co-op Programs Office and the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences will facilitate admission decisions.

Students admitted to the Sport Management Co-op program must follow the Co-op program schedule. Failure to adhere to the schedule may result in removal from the Sport Management Co-op program. Eligibility to continue is based on the student's major average and non-major average. A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue. A student with a major average lower than 70 percent will not be permitted to continue in the Sport Management Co-op program.
The Sport Management Co-op program designation will be awarded to those students who have honours standing and who have successfully completed a minimum of twelve months of Co-op work experience.

Program Notes
  1. A minimum 60 percent in SPMA 1F90, MGMT 1P91, 1P92 and one of SPMA 1P99, COSC 1P90, 1P98 is required to continue as a major in Sport Management.
  2. Students may choose to take SPMA 1P99, COSC 1P90 or 1P98 in year 2. If students choose this option, then an additional one-half elective credit must be taken in year 1.
  3. Entrance to year 4 (honours) requires second-class honours standing and submission of an application by July 1.
  4. In all 20 credit degree programs at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Sport Management

Year 1
·   SPMA 1F90
·   one of SPMA 1P99, COSC 1P90 or 1P98(see program note 2)
·   MGMT 1P91 and 1P92
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Science context credit or Social Science context credit
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   SPMA 2P05, 2P06, 2P96 and 2P97, 2Q07
·   ENTR 2P51
·   the Science context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   SPMA 3P06, 3P08, 3P21, 3P95 and 3P97
·   SPMA 3Q07 or 3Q17
·   POLI 2P62
·   one and one-half elective credits
Year 4
·   SPMA 4F02, 4P04 and 4P05
·   SPMA 4P11 or 4P95
·   one credit from SPMA 4P06, 4P07, 4V90 - 4V99
·   one and one-half elective credits

Sport Management Co-op (honours only)

Year 1
·   SPMA 1F90
·   one of SPMA 1P99, COSC 1P90 or 1P98(see program note 2)
·   MGMT 1P91 and 1P92
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Science context credit or one Social Science context credit
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   SPMA 0N90, 2P05, 2P06, 2P07, 2P96 and 2P97
·   ENTR 2P51
·   POLI 2P62
·   the Science context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1
·   one elective credit
Summer Term:
·   SPMA 0N01
Years 3 and 4
·   SPMA 3P06, 3P08, 3P21, 3P95, 3P97, 4P04 and 4P05
·   SPMA 3Q07 or 3Q17
·   one credit from SPMA 4P06, 4P07, 4V90-4V99
·   five elective credits
Year 3
Winter Term:
·   SPMA ON02
Year 4
Fall Term:
·   SPMA 0N03

Sport and Exercise stream

Years 1, 2 and 3 of the Sport and Exercise Studies stream are now closed.

Year 4
·   SPMA 3P10, 4P04, 4P05 and 4P11
·   ENTR 3P52
·   PHED 3P75
·   two elective credits

Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.