Last updated: September 4, 2001 @ 09:12AM

Physical Education

Anna H. Lathrop

Robert Kerr

Associate Professors
Lorne J. Adams, Maureen Connolly, Paulette Côté-Laurence, Panagiota Klentrou, Anna H. Lathrop, Nancy R. Murray, Danny Rosenberg

Assistant Professors
Susan L. Forbes, David Gabriel, Michel Ladouceur, James Mandigo, Sandra J. Peters, Michael L. Plyley, Diane Stevens, Philip J. Sullivan

Christian Duval, James L. Mandigo

Movement Specialist
Janet Westbury

Adjunct Professor
Joseph P. Kenny

General Information

Administrative Assistant,
Susan Gale-Wolbert
(905) 688-5550, extension 4358
Physical Education 286

Physical Education majors may choose a 20 credit BPhEd degree or a BPhEd (honours)/BEd degree. Within the BPhEd degree students may choose one of four streams. Core courses in these streams reflect national accreditation standards established by the Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators. The Department of Physical Education has applied for accreditation by this council.

The requirement for graduation with a BPhEd (honours) is a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average. The requirement for graduation with a BPhEd with a Major is a minimum 60 percent major average and a 60 percent minimum overall average.

Successful graduates of the concurrent BPhEd (honours)/BEd degree will receive an honours Bachelor of Physical Education degree and a Bachelor of Education degree. As well, the concurrent BPhEd (Honours)/BEd degree core courses reflect national accreditation standards established by the Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators. The Department of Physical Education has applied for accreditation by this council. The Dean of the Faculty of Education may recommend that the Ontario College of Teachers grant an Ontario Certificate of Qualification certifying them to teach grades K - 6.

The BPhEd General major provides students with a broadly based understanding of the discipline. This stream allows maximum opportunity for students to pursue various combinations of courses within their particular areas of interest.

The BPhEd Disability Studies major focuses on the therapeutic and holistic benefits of physical activity. This stream allows students to gain an understanding of the application of movement analyses and programming to persons living with disabilities and chronic conditions.

The BPhEd major in Kinesiology focuses on the biophysical and social sciences in physical education. This stream aims to equip the student with a knowledge in kinesiology and the related fields of exercise prescription, motor performance, sport psychology and coaching.

The BPhEd Movement Studies major offers a combination of theoretical and practical courses in physical education. This stream allows students to apply movement knowledge in educational contexts such as teaching, coaching, programming and administration.

Program Notes
  1. The requirement for admission to all majors is a minimum 60 percent average in year 1 PHED courses.
  2. Changing majors may require additional courses; students should consult the Department of Physical Education.
  3. Students should consult with the Physical Education department regarding their program requirements.
  4. Physical Education majors must take one and one-half elective credits outside the Department of Physical Education.
  5. OAC Biology and OAC Mathematics required for students who wish to pursue the Kinesiology major effective 2002.
  6. Students intending to pursue teacher certification upon completion of their degree should consult the Calendar entry for the Faculty of Education for the program admission requirements.
  7. Physical Education majors are strongly recommended to take an emergency First Aid/CPR course.
  8. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above.

Programs of Study


Year 1
·   PHED 1P90 and 1P93
·   one of PHED 1P99, COSC 1P90, 1P98
·   one Science context credit
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   PHED 2P00, 2P04, 2P05, 2P09, 2P41, 2P84, 2P91 and 2Q07
·   PHED 2P03 or 2P06
·   one-half elective credit
Year 3
·   PHED 2P95, 2P97, 3P00, 3P10 and 3P70
·   PHED 2P44 or 2P92
·   PHED 3P03 or 3P06
·   one-half PHED credit
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   One of PHED 3P41, 3P93, 4P11, 4P50
·   one credit from PHED 4F90, 4F91, 4M90-4M99
·   two PHED credits
·   one and one-half elective credits (see program notes 4 and 8)

Disability Studies

Year 1
·   PHED 1P90 and 1P93
·   one of PHED 1P99, COSC 1P90, 1P98
·   one Science context credit
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   PHED 2P00, 2P04, 2P05, 2P09, 2P41, 2P84, 2P92 and 2Q07
·   PHED 2P03 or 2P06
·   one-half elective credit
Year 3
·   PHED 2P95, 2P97, 3P00, 3P23, 3P41, 3P70 and 3P92
·   PHED 2P44 or 2P92
·   PHED 3P03 or 3P06
·   one-half elective credit
Year 4
·   PHED 3P10, 3P93, 4F02 and 4P12
·   one credit from PHED 4F91, 4F93, 4M90-4M99
·   one-half PHED credit
·   one elective credit (see program notes 4 and 8)


Year 1
·   PHED 1P90 and 1P93
·   one of PHED 1P99, COSC 1P90, 1P98
·   one Science context credit
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   PHED 2P04, 2P05, 2P09, 2P84, 2P91, 2P95 and 2Q07
·   one and one-half elective credits
Year 3
·   PHED 2P97, 3P00, 3P10, 3P70, 3P75 and 3P95
·   PHED 3Q07 or 3Q17
·   one and one-half elective credits
Year 4
·   PHED 3P90, 3P94, 4F90, 4P10 and 4P11
·   one credit from PHED 4F91, 4M90-4M99
·   one elective credit (see program note 4)

Movement Studies

Year 1
·   PHED 1P90 and 1P93
·   one of PHED 1P99, COSC 1P90, 1P98
·   one Science context credit
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
·   one-half elective credit
Year 2
·   PHED 2P00, 2P03, 2P04, 2P05, 2P06, 2P09, 2P41, 2P84 and 2Q07
·   one-half elective credit
Year 3
·   PHED 2P95, 2P97, 3P00, 3P03, 3P06, 3P10 and 3P70
·   PHED 2P44 or 2P92
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   PHED 3P41, 3P93, 3P97 and 4F93
·   one credit from PHED 4F90, 4F91, 4M90-4M99
·   one and one-half elective credits (see program note 4)