Last updated: August 20, 2001 @ 02:00PM

Earth Sciences

Gregory C. Finn

Undergraduate Program Adviser
Richard J. Cheel

Uwe Brand, Richard J. Cheel, Simon J. Haynes, Wayne T. Jolly, John Menzies, Keith Tinkler

Associate Professors
Gregory C. Finn, Jean-Jacques Flint (on leave), Frank Fueten, Daniel McCarthy, Francine McCarthy

Adjunct Professors
Kent Novakowski, Andy Panko, Hans Tammemagi

General Information

Administrative Assistant,
Diane Gadoury
(905) 688-5550, extension 3526
Mackenzie Chown D410

The field of earth sciences is central in solving current problems such as waste disposal, pollution, groundwater management, volcano and earthquake hazards. It is also vital in the exploration and utilization of natural resources such as oil and gas, minerals and aggregates. A very important area of research in the earth sciences aims to determine how the planet has evolved from its origin 4.6 billion years ago to the present. The geological record that is made up of the rocks of the earth is a long record of global change in response to a variety of stimuli. Many earth scientists are involved in the unravelling of the record of global change and in predicting future changes to the planet.

The Department of Earth Sciences offers four-year programs of study leading to a BSc honours in Earth Sciences, BSc honours in Environmental Geoscience, a BSc with a Major in Earth Sciences, a BSc with a Major in Environmental Geoscience and a three-year BSc pass degree program.

The four-year BSc honours and BSc with a Major programs consist of a set of core courses in year 1, year 2 and part of year 3. During year 3 students choose from elective courses to specialize in a curriculum reflecting their personal interests. Students normally enter directly into the BSc honours program and are required to maintain at least second-class honours standing. Students not meeting this requirement may continue in one of the BSc with a Major programs.

The department has teaching and research laboratories which include facilities such as radiocarbon dating, a recirculating sediment flume, a dendrochronology laboratory, a glacial micromorphology laboratory, palynology laboratory, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence, cathodo luminescence microscopic analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry, halogen analysis, image analysis, digitizer, water quality analysis equipment, fluorometric analysis and stable isotope preparation. These are supported by rock specimen preparation and drafting facilities, dark rooms and cold rooms. Departmental as well as University computing facilities are available. The department shares the facilities of electronic, woodworking and glass blowing shops with other departments.

Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario

Graduates of any of the 20 credit single major programs offered through the department of Earth Sciences may apply for membership in the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario, allowing for the use of the designation P.Geo. (Professional Geoscientists). Candidates who have followed the recommended program should meet the knowledge requirements for eligibility and are encouraged to check with the Chair or the academic adviser for more information regarding accredidation.

Program Notes
  1. The unspecified science elective credit is to be taken from BIOL, CHEM, COSC, MATH or PHYS (except ASTR 1F90, BIOL 1F25, CHEM 1P00, MATH 1F92 or SCIE 1F30).
  2. ERSC 3P99 or BIOL 3P71 is required for entry to year 4.
  3. ERSC 3P99 is normally required at the end of year 3.
  4. Students enrolled in the BSc honours program are required to maintain at least second-class honours standing (minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent average in the remaining credits).
  5. Students wishing to transfer from the BSc with a Major program into BSc honours program are required to have at least second-class honours standing (minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent average in the remaining credits).
  6. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Earth Sciences

Year 1
·   ERSC 1F95
·   CHEM 1F92
·   one of BIOL 1F90, PHYS 1F25 or 1F90
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit
Year 2
·   ERSC 2P01, 2P21, 2P22 and 2P31
·   ERSC 2P05 or 2P32
·   one of BIOL 1F90, PHYS 1F25, 1F90 (not taken in year 1)
·   WRIT 2P15
·   the Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1
Year 3
·   ERSC 3P21, 3P25, 3P31, 3P71 and 3P99
·   ERSC 2P05 or 2P32 (not taken in year 2)
·   one ERSC credit numbered 2(alpha)900 to 3(alpha)99
·   one-half credit from BIOL, CHEM, COSC, MATH, PHYS
·   one-half elective credit
Year 4
·   ERSC 4F91 or one ERSC credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   three ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit (see program note 6)

Environmental Geoscience

Year 1
·   ERSC 1F95
·   BIOL 1F90
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit (see program note 4)
Year 2
·   ERSC 2P05, 2P21, 2P31, and 2P32
·   BIOL 2P05 or 2Q04
·   PHYS 1F25 or 1F90
·   WRIT 2P15
·   the Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1
Year 3
·   ERSC 2P01, 2P90, 3P01, 3P24, 3P25 and 3P71
·   one credit from ERSC 2P00, 2P02, 3P00, 3P22, 3P23, 3P24, 3P31, 3P33, 3P43, 3P61
·   one-half credit from CHEM, COSC, MATH, PHYS
·   one-half elective credit
Year 4
·   Three credits from ERSC 3P97, 4F91, 4P10, 4P16, 4P26, 4P28, 4P41
·   one ERSC credit numbered 3(alpha)00 or above
·   one elective credit (see program note 6)

BSc with a Major Program

This program is identical to the honours programs listed above in years 1 to 3. It differs from the honours program in that honours standing is not required for entry into year 4, and year 4 does not include the thesis course (ERSC 4F91). Combined majors should consult the Chair (see program note 5).

Earth Sciences

Year 4
·   Four ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit (see program note 6)

Environmental Geoscience

Year 4
·   ERSC 3P97, 4P10, 4P16, 4P26, 4P28, 4P41
·   one ERSC credit numbered 3(alpha)00 or above
·   one elective credit (see program note 6)

Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of a twenty credit program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Concurrent BSc/BEd

The Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the Faculty of Education co-operate in offering a concurrent Pass BSc/BEd program for students interested in teaching mathematics or science at the elementary level to grade 8. Refer to the Education-Concurrent BSc/BEd Program listing for additional information.

Combined Major Programs

The Department of Earth Sciences, in co-operation with other departments, offers combined major programs in Earth Sciences with Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Environment, Geography and Physics. Prospective students should have their programs approved by the two departments concerned and are advised to follow one of the following patterns:

Earth Sciences and Biology


Year 1
·   ERSC 1F95
·   BIOL 1F90
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit
Year 2
·   ERSC 2P31 and 2P32
·   two credits from BIOL 2F01, 2P05, 2P92, 2P93, 2P96, 2P98, 2Q04
·   one ERSC credit numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99
·   the Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1
Year 3
·   Two ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha) 00 to 3(alpha)99
·   two BIOL credits numbered 2(alpha) 90 to 3(alpha)99
·   one elective credit in BIOL or ERSC (see program note 2)
Year 4
·   One and one-half ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one and one-half BIOL credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one of BIOL 4F90 and 4F91 or BIOL 4F92 and one elective credit or ERSC 4F91 and one ERSC credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Earth Sciences and Chemistry


Year 1
·   ERSC 1F95
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P01 and 1P02
·   PHYS 1F90
·   one Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit
Year 2
·   ERSC 2P21 and 2P22
·   CHEM 2P12, 2P20, 2P32, and 2P42
·   one ERSC credit numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99
·   the Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1
Year 3
·   ERSC 3P31
·   CHEM 2P21 and 3P40
·   one credit from CHEM 3P20, 3P21, 3P30, 3P31, 3P41, 3P51, 3P53, 3P60
·   one and one-half ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 3(alpha)99
·   one elective credit in CHEM or ERSC (see program note 3)
Year 4
·   One CHEM credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one ERSC credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one of CHEM 4F90 and 4F91, or ERSC 4F91 and one ERSC credit numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   one elective credit

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Earth Sciences and Geography


Year 1
·   ERSC 1F95
·   GEOG 1F91
·   MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one Social Science context credit (GEOG 1F90 strongly recommended)
·   one Humanities context credit
Year 2
·   ERSC 2P00, 2P01, 2P11 and 2P21
·   one-half ERSC credit numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99
·   one and one-half credits from ERSC 2P05, 2P09, GEOG 2P04, 2P07
·   one elective credit
Year 3
·   ERSC 2P31
·   GEOG 3P56
·   one and one-half ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 3(alpha)99
·   one and one-half GEOG credits numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99 from groups B and C (see Geography department)
·   one Science credit from BIOL, CHEM, COSC, MATH or PHYS (see program note 1)
Year 4
·   Two ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
·   GEOG 4F99
·   one GEOG credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from group B
·   one elective credit (see program note 6)
The courses selected must include ERSC 4F91 or GEOG 4F90.

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Earth Sciences and Physics


Year 1
·   ERSC 1F95
·   MATH 1P01and 1P02
·   one of PHYS 1F20, 1F25, 1F90 (preferred)
·   one Humanities context credit
·   one Social Science context credit
Year 2
·   ERSC 2P01
·   one and one-half ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99
·   MATH 2F05
·   two PHYS credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99
Year 3
·   Two ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 3(alpha)99
·   one PHYS credit numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99
·   one PHYS credit numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99
·   one ERSC or PHYS credit (see program note 3)
Year 4
·   ERSC 4F91 or PHYS 4F90
·   two ERSC credits numbered 2(alpha)99 or above
·   one PHYS credit numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99 or one credit from PHYS 3P20, 4P41, 4P70, 4P71
·   one elective credit


Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.

Master of Science (MSc) Program

Candidates will normally have an honours BSc or BA degree for admission to the program.

Candidates without an honours degree will be required to take a qualifying year similar to year 4 of the honours program before formally enrolling for the MSc degree.

Candidates with an honours degree, or who have completed a qualifying year, require a minimum of one year to complete the MSc.

The following are possible foci of this program: Quaternary geology, sedimen-tology, hydrogeology, fluvial and glacial geomorphology, isotope geochemistry, limnogeology, palyno-logy, paleo-ecology, paleoclimatology, volcanology, structural geology and ore genesis.

For details, see the Graduate Calendar or consult the Chair of the department.