Last updated: August 15, 2001 @ 08:38AM


Department of Accounting and Finance

Donald Cyr

Professor Emeritus
J. Robert Hanrahan

A.  William Richardson, Robert Welch

Associate Professors
Thomas H. Barnes, Gail Lynn Cook, Louis Culumovic, Donald Cyr, Maureen E. Donnelly, Sandra M. Felton, Raafat R. Roubi, Paul Scarbrough, Linda Stillabower

Assistant Professors
Ian Adamson, Ernest N. Biktimirov, Paul Dunn, Howard B. Nemiroff, Barbara Sainty, Alfred Seaman, Anamitra Shome

Adjunct Professors
Donald Brown, Allister W. Young

Shari Leitch, Frances Tuer

Director, Co-operative Programs
Cindy Dunne

Department of Management, Marketing and Human Resources

Eli Levanoni

Barbara J. Austin, A. Tansu Barker, W. D. Kenneth Kernaghan, Martin I. Kusy, William W. Liddell, Kenneth E. Loucks

Associate Professors
Danny Cho, Nina D. Cole, Carman W. Cullen, Eugene Kaciak, Eli Levanoni, E. Sharon Mason, Teresa V. Menzies, H. Brian W. Metcalfe, Thomas M. Mulligan, Howard W. Prout, Sanjay Putrevu, Ronald H. Rotenberg, Carol A. Sales, Mark J. Thomas, J. David Whitehead, Peter Yannopoulos

Assistant Professor
John Walker

M. Sharon Broderick

General Information

Accounting and Finance
Administrative Assistant,
Marisa Battista
(905) 688-5550, extension 3918
Taro Hall 233

Management, Marketing and Human Resources
Administrative Assistant,
Jila Boal
(905) 688-5550, extension 3944
Taro Hall 336

The Faculty of Business offers fouryear, 20 credit programs in Accounting and Business Administration. Subsequent degrees are available in the Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Business Administration programs for students holding an undergraduate degree in another discipline. A five credit minor in Business is open to Brock students pursuing degrees in other Faculties. The Faculty of Business also offers a Bachelor of General and Applied Studies to qualified students from Seneca College.

The program in Accounting is designed for students pursuing careers in the accounting profession. The program is professionally oriented and combines a high degree of specialization in accounting along with studies in Business, the Social Sciences, Humanities and Mathematics and Science.

The program in Business Administration is designed for students pursuing careers in business and government. The program is professionally oriented and combines studies in the Business disciplines with studies in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Mathematics and Science.

Bachelor of Business Administration

The minimum grade requirement for admission to the Business Administration program is a 70 percent average on six OACs (or equivalent) including at least one Mathematics (calculus or finite preferred) and at least one OAC English. Students with an 80 percent average on six OACs and grade 12 mathematics are encouraged to apply for consideration by the Faculty. The curriculum in Business Administration is offered as a fouryear 20 credit program and on a co-operative work/study basis. On successful completion of the program, the degree of BBA (Honours) or BBA is awarded.

The requirement for graduation with a BBA (Honours) is a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent nonmajor average. The requirement for graduation with a BBA is a minimim 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average.

All BBA students are required to take a number of core courses. All students are expected to take the courses in the order prescribed below. At the end of year 2 students may apply for admission to one of the areas of concentration. The requirements for admission are described under each area of concentration below. No student may take more than two of MKTG 4V90V99, V99, V99, V99, V95, V99. Please consult the Chair of the appropriate Department for details.

Business Administration Cooperative (Coop)

The BBA Coop program combines academic and work terms over a four and onehalf year period. Students spend two years in an academic setting studying the functional areas of business as well as the Canadian and global business environments prior to the first work term. The exposure to courses in the core areas of business provides the necessary academic background for the work experience.

Admission to the Co-op program is on the basis of marks and a review of personal résumés. This is a limited enrolment program. Admission is a function of employer availability. The normal requirement is an average of 80 percent or more on six OACs (or equivalent) including at least one OAC Mathematics (calculus or finite preferred) and at least one OAC English. An interview may be required. Students will be required to maintain honours standing (70 percent major average and 60 percent non-major average) in order to continue in the BBA Co-op program. Admission decisions will be made by the Faculty of Business BBA Coop Admissions Committee. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, BBA Coop students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see the Schedule of Fees).

The requirement for graduation with a BBA (honours) is a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average. The BBA Coop program designation will be awarded to those students who have honours standing and who have successfully completed a minimum of twelve months of Coop work experience.

Periodic Review of Eligibility to Continue

The eligibility of each student to continue in the Bachelor of Business Administration program will be reviewed following completion of the Fall/Winter Session. Eligibility to continue is based on a minimum 60 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent overall average.

BBA (honours) Coop
Eligibility to continue is based on the student's major average and nonmajor average.
1.  A student with a major average of at least 70 percent and a nonmajor average of at least 60 percent will be permitted to continue.
2.  A student with a major average lower than 70 percent will not be permitted to continue in the BBA Co-op program, but may continue in the BBA stream. If a student subsequently raises his/her major average to 70 percent, the student can be readmitted to the Co-op program only if approved by the Co-op Admissions Committee.
3.  Students admitted to the Coop program must follow the BBA Coop program schedule. Failure to adhere to the schedule may result in removal from the BBA Coop program.

Program Notes
  1. All students must take a minimum of one elective credit in each of years 1 through 4. Students must complete their Science and Humanities context credits by the end of year 3.
  2. There is a onehalf credit overload for BBA co-op students during the Fall Term of year 4.
  3. Concentration requirements are described under the BBA (non-co-op) stream.
  4. In all BBA degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above.

Programs of Study

BBA and BBA Coop students should select an area of concentration in year 3.

Common First Year of Study - BBA and BBA (Co-op)
·   ACTG 1P91
·   ECON 1P91, 1P92
·   ITIS 1P97
·   MGMT 1P93, 1P96
·   MATH 1P97, 1P98
·   one Humanities context credit or one Science context credit (see program note 1)
BBA (Co-op)

Year 2
·   ACTG 2P12
·   ADMI 0N90
·   ECON 2P91
·   FNCE 2P91 and 3P93
·   MKTG 2P91 and 3P24
·   OBHR 2P91 and 3P42
·   the Humanities context credit or one Science context credit not taken in year 1 (see program note 1)
Year 3
Fall Term:
·   ADMI 0N11
Winter Term:
·   ECON 2P23
·   ENTR 3P45
·   ITIS 3P97
·   OPER 2P91
·   one-half BBA concentration credit (see program note 3)
Spring Term:
·   ADMI 0N12
Year 4
Fall Term:
·   MGMT 3P80 and 3P98
·   one and one-half BBA concentration credits (see note 3)
·   one-half elective credit (see program notes 2 and 3)
Winter Term:
·   ADMI 0N13
Spring Term:
·   ACTG 2P40
·   MGMT 3P82
·   one elective credit
Year 5:
Fall Term:
·   MGMT 4P80
·   one and one-half BBA concentration credits (see program note 3)
·   one-half non-business credit (see program note 4)
BBA (non-Co-op)

Year 2
·   ACTG 2P12 and 2P40
·   ECON 2P23 and 2P91
·   FNCE 2P91
·   MKTG 2P91
·   OBHR 2P91
·   OPER 2P91
·   the Humanities context credit or one Science context credit not taken in year 1 (see program note 1)

Areas of Concentration

Students who have successfully completed year 1 and 2 required BBA courses may apply to the appropriate Department for admission to an area of concentration provided they meet the specific requirements of the concentration as outlined below. The deadline for concentration admission applications is June 15th.

Only those students, admitted to a concentration, who graduate with a BBA (honours) will have their concentration recognized on their diploma and official transcript.

Those students not admitted to an area of concentration will complete year 3 and 4 of the BBA program as follows:

Year 3
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93
·   ITIS 3P97
·   MGMT 3P82, 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42
·   one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   MGMT 3P80 and 4P80
·   three credits from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER, POLI 4P54 (one and one-half of which must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above)
·   one elective credit

Concentration in Accounting

To concentrate in Accounting, students must have a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 70 percent average in ACTG 1P91 and 2P12 or ACTG 1P11 and 1P12.

Year 3
·   ACTG 2P21 and 3P22
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93
·   MGMT 3P82 and 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   ACTG 2P31, 2P32, 3P11 and 4P40
·   MGMT 3P80 and 4P80
·   two elective credits, one of which must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above

Concentration in Entrepreneurship

To concentrate in Entrepreneurship, students must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in all year 1 and 2 required BBA courses.

Year 3
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93
·   ITIS 3P97
·   MGMT 3P82, 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42
·   one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   MGMT 3P80 and 4P80
·   two credits from ENTR 3P52, 3P91, 3P92, 3P93, 3P94
·   one credit from ACTG 4P40, ENTR 4P80, ENTR 4(alpha)90 - 4(alpha)99, MGMT 4P98, OBHR 4P63, 4P65
·   one elective credit

Concentration in Finance

To concentrate in Finance, students must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in all year 1 and 2 required BBA courses and a minimum grade of 70 percent in FNCE 2P91.

Year 3
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93 and 3P96
·   ITIS 3P97
·   MGMT 3P82 and 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   FNCE 4P04 and 4P16
·   MGMT 3P80 and 4P80
·   one and onehalf FNCE credits numbered 4(alpha)00 or above
·   onehalf credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER, POLI 4P54
·   one elective credit

Concentration in General Management

To concentrate in General Management, students must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in all year 1 and year 2 required BBA courses and a minimum 70 percent average in FNCE 2P91, MKTG 2P91, OBHR 2P91 and OPER 2P91.

Year 3
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93
·   ITIS 3P97
·   MGMT 3P82, 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42
·   one elective credit
·   one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
Year 4
·   FNCE 4P06
·   MGMT 3P80 and 4P80
·   MKTG 3P96
·   OBHR 3P97
·   one and one-half credits from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER, POLI 4P54
·   one elective credit

Concentration in Human Resource Management

To concentrate in Human Resource Management, students must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in all year 1 and 2 required BBA courses and a minimum grade of 70 percent in OBHR 2P91.

Year 3
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93
·   ITIS 3P97
·   MGMT 3P82, 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42, 3P97
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   MGMT 3P80 and 4P80
·   OBHR 4P63
·   two and one-half OBHR credits numbered 4(alpha)00 or above
·   one elective credit
Note: The following courses are recognized by the Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario (HRPAO) as education requirements towards the Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) designation: OBHR 2P91, 3P42, 3P97, 4P63, 4P66, 4P67, 4P69, 4P96, 4V98.

Concentration in International Business

To concentrate in International Business, students must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in all year 1 and 2 required BBA courses.

Year 3
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93
·   ITIS 3P97
·   MGMT 3P82 and 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42
·   one elective credit
·   one-half non-business elective credit
Year 4
·   MGMT 3P80 and 4P80
·   two credits from ECON 3P13, 3P93, FNCE 4P05, 4P06, MGMT 4P82, MKTG 4P33, 4P34, OBHR 4P90
one credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR
·   one elective credit or a language credit other than English numbered 1(alpha)90 or above

Concentration in Marketing

To concentrate in Marketing, students must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in all year 1 and 2 required BBA courses and a minimum grade of 70 percent in MKTG 2P91.

Year 3
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93
·   ITIS 3P97
·   MGMT 3P82, 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24, 3P96
·   OBHR 3P42
·   one elective credit
Year 4
·   MGMT 3P80 and 4P80
·   MKTG 4P25, 4P31
·   one and one-half credits from MGMT 4P82, MKTG 4P23, 4P26, 4P27, 4P28, 4P29, 4P33, 4P34, 4P91
·   one-half credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER, POLI 4P54
·   one elective credit

Concentration in Public Administration

To concentrate in Public Administration, students must have a minimum 70 percent overall average in all year 1 and 2 required BBA courses.

Year 3
·   ENTR 3P45
·   FNCE 3P93
·   MGMT 3P98
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42
·   POLI 2F98 or 3P50 and 3P65
·   one elective credit
·   one-half non-business elective credit
Year 4
·   ITIS 3P97
·   POLI 4P52 and 4P54
·   one and one-half credits from POLI 3P52, 4P01, 4P14, 4P15, 4P50, 4V10-4V19, 4V60-4V69
·   one credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR
·   one elective credit

Bachelor of Business Administration for Students Holding Other Degrees

Students holding a university degree in which the major area of concentration is other than Business and with an overall average of at least 70 percent may be admitted and receive a maximum 10 unspecified credits towards the BBA degree at Brock. Students without advanced standing will be required to complete the program of study listed below.

Students who are granted credit in any of the courses listed below must complete a program consisting of at least 10 Brock credits that include the core courses below and substitute courses approved by a Faculty of Business academic adviser.

Students normally will enter the program in September. Applications for admission must be received at least two months before entry.

The requirement for graduation with a BBA (honours) is a minimum major average of 70 percent and a minimum nonmajor average of 60 percent in the remaining credits. The minimum major average for graduation with a BBA is a minimum major average of 60 percent and a minimum overall average of 60 percent.

Year 1
·   ACTG 1P91 and 1P92
·   ECON 1P91 and 1P92
·   MATH 1P98
·   FNCE 2P91
·   MKTG 2P91
·   OBHR 2P91
·   one credit from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER
Year 2
·   FNCE 3P93
·   MGMT 4F87
·   MKTG 3P24
·   OBHR 3P42
·   two and onehalf credits from ACTG, ENTR, FNCE, ITIS, MGMT, MKTG, OBHR, OPER (one and onehalf of which must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above)

Bachelor of Accounting

Please consult the Accounting entry in Calendar.

Minor in Business

Students in other disciplines can obtain a minor in business within their degree program by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average.
·   ACTG 1P91 and 2P12
·   ENTR 2P51
·   FNCE 2P51
·   MGMT 1P91, 1P92 and 3P81
·   MKTG 2P51
·   OBHR 2P51
·   OPER 2P51

Bachelor of General and Applied Studies

Applicants who have graduated from the Seneca College three-year Accounting and Finance Program with a minimum 3.5 grade point average will be granted eight transfer credits. To complete the Bachelor of General and Applied Studies at Brock, the student must complete the following: one Humanities context credit; one Science context credit; one Social Science context credit; four credits (one of which may be in business) numbered 2(alpha)00 level or above.

Combined Honours Programs

Combined honours programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts (honours) degree are available in Business and Economics and Business and Political Science.

Business and Economics
See the Economics entry for a listing of course requirements.

Business and Great Books/Liberal Studies
See the Great Books/Liberal Studies entry for a listing of course requirements.

Business and Political Science
See the Political Science entry for a listing of course requirements.

Also reference Computing and Business, Business Economics, and Commu-nications Studies.