Last updated: August 17, 2001 @ 10:58AM


Herbert L. Holland, Department of Chemistry

Participating Faculty
Jeffrey K. Atkinson (Chemistry), Michael Bidochka (Biological Scien-ces), Alan W. Bown (Biological Sciences), Ian D. Brindle (Chemistry), Douglas H. Bruce (Biological Sciences), Alfredo Capretta (Chemistry), Robert L. Carlone (Biological Sciences), Alan J. Castle (Biological Sciences), Heather Gordon (Chemistry), Yousef Haj-Amad (Biological Sciences), H.L. Holland (Chemistry), James McNulty (Che-mistry), Adonis Skandalis (Biological Sciences), Lorne Stobbs (Biological Sciences), Art van der Est (Chemistry)

General Information

Administrative Assistant,
Christine Skorski
(905) 688-5550, extension 3406
Mackenzie Chown E206

Biotechnology is the use of living organisms to produce goods and services for practical and industrial purposes. Biotechnology has been used for centuries in fermentation and the making of bread and cheese, but today involves new scientific tools like genetic and protein engineering, cell fusion and production of monoclonal antibodies. Biotechnology is a strategic technology and an important economic component of industrialized nations. Biotechnology at Brock is a joint venture of the departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, with courses drawn from both departments plus courses designed specifically for the program.

Program Notes
  1. CHEM 3P40 or 3P41 are strongly recommended as year 3 electives for students who intend to take BTEC 4F90 and 4F91 in the Department of Chemistry in year 4.
  2. Students who anticipate doing graduate studies in Chemistry should have credit in CHEM 2P12, 2P32, 2P42, 3P21 and 3P40 or 3P41 in addition to the other required courses in CHEM.
  3. In all 20 credit programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Year 1
·   BIOL 1F90
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P01 and 1P02 or MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one of PHYS 1F20, 1F25, 1F90
·   one Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit
Year 2
·   BTEC 2P09 and 2P63
·   BIOL 2F01
·   one-half credit from BIOL 2P05, 2P92, 2P93, 2P96, 2P98 (recommended), 2Q04
·   one of CHEM 2P12, 2P32, 2P42 · CHEM 2P20 and 2P21
·   the Humanities context credit or Social Science credit not taken in year 1
Year 3
·   BTEC 3P09 and 3P50
·   BTEC 3P62 or 3P63
·   BCHM 3P01 and 3P02
·   CHEM 3P20
·   one credit from BIOL 3P28, 3P42, 3P43, 3P51, CHEM 3P21, 3P40, 3P41, 3P60
·   one elective credit (see program notes 1 and 2)
Year 4
·   BTEC 3P62 or 3P63 ( not taken in year 3)
·   BTEC 4F90 and 4F91 (see program note 1)
·   one credit from BTEC 4P06, 4P08, 4P57, 4P58, BIOL 4P23, 4P51, 4P53, BCHM 4P02
·   one of BTEC 4P67, 4P68, CHEM 4P27
·   one elective credit (see program note 2)

Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.