Last updated: August 15, 2001 @ 09:17AM


This program is co-ordinated by the Department of Biological Sciences and Chemistry.

Alan J. Castle, Department of
Biological Sciences
Ian D. Brindle, Department of Chemistry

General Information

Administrative Assistant,
Caroline Barrow
(905) 688-5550, extension 3388
Mackenzie Chown F234

At Brock, Biochemistry courses were developed originally by the Biological Sciences department and are now offered by that department and by the department of Chemistry.

Program Notes
  1. Students preparing for professional studies in health sciences should note that many such programs require completion of a laboratory physics course i.e., PHYS 1F25 or 1F90 rather than PHYS 1F20.
  2. CHEM 3P40 is strongly recommended for most projects in CHEM 4F90, 4F91 and should be taken in year 3 by students intending to proceed to a year 4 thesis in CHEM.
  3. CHEM 4P27 is strongly recommended when offered. CHEM 4P27, together with CHEM 4P40, may be used to satisfy the CHEM credit requirement.
  4. In all 20 credit degree programs, at least 12 credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, six of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above and of these, three must be numbered 3(alpha)90 or above. In all 15 credit degree programs, at least seven credits must be numbered 2(alpha)00 or above, three of which must be numbered 2(alpha)90 or above.

Honours Program

Year 1
·   BIOL 1F90
·   CHEM 1F92
·   MATH 1P01 and 1P02 or MATH 1P97 and 1P98
·   one of PHYS 1F20, 1F25, 1F90 (see program note 1)
·   one Humanities context credit or one Social Science context credit
Year 2
·   BIOL 2F01
·   one credit from BIOL 2P92, 2P93, 2P96, 2P98
·   CHEM 2P12 or 2P63
·   CHEM 2P20, 2P21 and 2P42
·   the Humanities context credit or Social Science context credit not taken in year 1
Year 3
·   BCHM 3P01 and 3P02
·   BIOL 3P50
·   BIOL 3P51 or 3P91
·   CHEM 2P12 or 2P63 (not taken in year 2)
·   CHEM 2P32, 3P20 and 3P21
·   one-half CHEM credit numbered 2(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99 (see program note 2)
·   one-half elective credit
Year 4
·   BIOL 4F90 and 4F91 or CHEM 4F90 and 4F91
·   one credit from BCHM 4P02, 4P04, 4P08, 4P67
·   one CHEM credit numbered 3(alpha)99 or above (see program note 3)
·   one elective credit

Pass Program

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the honours program entitles a student to apply for a pass degree.