Chair Sidney J. Segalowitz Graduate Officer Linda RoseKrasnor (until June 30, 2001) Jane Dywan (as of July 1, 2001) Professors Emeriti John J. Lavery, Edward W.G. Pomeroy Professors Jack R. AdamsWebber, Kathryn Belicki, John G. Benjafield*, David DiBattista, Harry T. Hunt, Robert D. Ogilvie*, Joan M. Preston, Linda D. RoseKrasnor, Stanley W. Sadava, Sidney J. Segalowitz, Paul D. Tyson, William G. Webster * Associate Professors Stefan M. Brudzynski, Nancy DeCourville, Jane Dywan, Dawn E. Good, Carolyn L. Hafer, Darla MacLean, John O. Mitterer, Robert Nadon*, Peter Ramm*, Teena Willoughby Assistant Professors Michael Ashton, Anthony Bogaert, Willard Bradley, Kimberly Cote, Andrew Dane, Alicia Dunlop Adjunct Professors Michael Alexander, Sherrie BiemanCopland, Nancy Johnston, Don McCreary, Tomoka Takeuchi, Barry Willer, Pauline Wong * on leave |
Linda Pidduck Graduate Administrative Assistant extension 3543 Mackenzie Chown B326 The Department offers M.A. and Ph.D. programs. Students may focus in Behavioural Neuroscience, Lifespan Development or Social/Personality areas. Both graduate programs are characterized by active faculty collaboration across these areas and a focus on applications of basic research. Both programs have a part-time option. The Ph.D. program offers special opportunities for students to individualize their program through independent study papers and apprenticeships. |
Behavioural neuroscience is a relatively new discipline that integrates concepts and methods from psychology, biology, chemistry, physiology and pharmacology in the study of the neurological underpinnings of behaviour. The basic tenet of the field is that behaviour ultimately reflects brain organization and that understanding brain function helps us to understand behaviour. Research in behavioural neuroscience may be on any of a number of levels of analysis, ranging from the single cell to the whole organism. Individual students working in the field at Brock will usually specialize in a particular area but they must also learn to appreciate the concepts and methods from other aspects of the field. Within the program, students can gain experience working from behavioural to cellular levels with neuroanatomical, neuropharmacological and electrophysiological methods. Current research in this area involves behavioural pharmacological studies of major neurotransmitter systems (cholinergic, glutamatergic, dopaminergic, GABAergic) and their role in the production of vocalization and initiation of locomotor activity in rodents. At more molar levels, Brock researchers use a variety of electrophysiological and behavioural techniques to investigate, for example, the psychophysiology of sleep, wakefulness and cognitive functioning, the neural correlates of attention processes, the biological bases of normal and disrupted memory processes, the effects of head injury on cognitive and personality function and the control of ingestive behaviours. Students will also be able to take advantage of an ongoing interdisciplinary relationship with the Biology Department. |
From birth to death, development is shaped by changes both within the individual and in his or her environment. The Brock program emphasizes development through the lifespan studied from social, emotional, cognitive, and/or neuropsychological perspectives. Particular emphasis will be given to the theoretical and practical implications of measuring change over time in the contexts of normal development, decline, and rehabilitation. Laboratories are available for the study of infant cognitive and emotional development, parentchild interactions, children's peer relationships, play patterns in exceptional or normal children, adolescents and the neuropsychology of normal and abnormal aging. In addition, current research activity utilizes special populations in the community from infants to older adults. Faculty and students have recently been involved in the evaluation of local intervention programs for highrisk groups and partnered with Boards of Education for evaluation of program effectiveness. Other units such as the Faculty of Education and the interdisciplinary Child and Youth Studies Department provide students with unique opportunities for research and thesis collaboration. |
Social psychology and personality psychology have become a vibrant hybrid covering a wide spectrum of interests. Social/personality research involves psychological approaches to social issues. Currently, topics researched by faculty include community psychology (e.g., community mental health), consciousness, dream experiences, gender, sexuality (e.g., sexual orientation, pornography, pedophilia, abuse), health (e.g., addictions, occupational stress), expert knowledge, justice (e.g., beliefs, affect, motivation), and media (e.g., realitystatus evaluations, absorption). Several different perspectives can be taken in investigating social issues. For example, faculty have approached such issues from the perspectives of social cognition and perceptions of social reality, personality processes and applied psychology. Their research often involves a combination of approaches and students are encouraged to think about issues in social/personality psychology from a variety of standpoints. |
The Department has a number of wellequipped laboratories housing equipment for animal neurobehavioural studies, particularly for bioacoustic and locomotor analyses, animal labs with operant chambers, Ymazes, automated activity cages, and facilities for surgery and histology, computerdriven sleepstate scorer and power spectral analysis, portable computer systems for on or offsite monitoring of sleep, RFshielded, soundattenuated rooms for the collection of EEG, ERP, GSR, EKG and EMG data, biofeedback and tachistoscopic systems; hypermedia laboratory equipped with high capacity computer equipment, voice digitizer and a laservision player, observation rooms and play rooms with oneway mirror observation and video equipment, an extensive library of personality, cognitive and neuropsychological assessment materials, portable computers for on and offsite testing and laboratory space for individual and group testing and for analysis and storage of data. |
Program Objectives The objectives are to provide intensive research training in the fields of Behavioural Neuroscience, Lifespan Developmental Psychology and Social/Personality Psychology and to develop an appreciation of the scientific basis of psychology and the skills necessary to systematically examine basic or applied issues in the field of interest. Many graduates will pursue further training at the doctoral level; others will be prepared to work in a wide variety of occupations in which an appreciation of the theoretical, conceptual and methodological basis of psychology is of value. |
Applications for admission to the MA program, on either a fulltime or a parttime basis, will be accepted from students holding an honours BA in Psychology or equivalent, with an average of not less than 75 percent. Scores on the Graduate Record Examinations, both General and Psychology sections, must be submitted along with three academic reference letters and a personal statement of interest and goals. The Graduate Admissions Committee will review all applications and will consult with potential supervisors of suitable candidates. The Committee will offer admission to a limited number of acceptable applicants. Please note that admissions to all three areas of study may not be offered in any given year. |
Basic degree requirements include successful completion of the core course in research design, the thesis and three additional half courses, at least two of which are in the field of specialization. The student will consult with the Graduate Officer and thesis Supervisor when planning a program of study. Required courses for Behavioural Neuroscience include PSYC5F90, 5F01, 5P10, 5Y05 and one of PSYC5P11, 5P12, 5P13, 5P23, 5P56, 5V10 - 5V19, plus one half-credit course. Required courses for Lifespan Development include PSYC5F90, 5F01, 5P20, 5Y05 and one of PSYC5P23, 5P24, 5P26, 5P27, 5V20 - 5V29, plus one half-credit course. Required courses for Social/Personality include PSYC5F90, 5F01, 5P30, 5Y05 and one of PSYC5P32, 5P33, 5P37, 5P55, 5V30 - 5V39, plus one half-credit course. |
A thesis research proposal will be evaluated by the student's thesis committee before thesis research may formally begin. The thesis committee is comprised of the student's Supervisor and two other faculty members associated with the program in a core, resource or extradepartmental support capacity. An open thesis oral defence is required with the participation of an examiner external to the department. The thesis will demonstrate the student's capacity for independent work of acceptable scientific calibre. |
For fulltime students, minimum residency for the program is one year of fulltime study. Parttime students must take the research methods course in the first year and successfully complete at least one half credit course per year thereafter. The thesis must be completed within three years of completion of the program course requirements. |
The overall objectives of the Ph.D. program in Psychology are to develop a high level of research expertise and the capacity for assuming a critical and scholarly approach to basic and/or applied issues in the fields of Social/Personality, Lifespan Development, and Behavioural Neuroscience. The program will adopt a skills-based approach, ensuring that students have access to hands-on training in basic research, teaching, and applied areas that will prepare them well for a broad range of post-graduate situations. They will build on the experiences acquired at the M.A. level by developing further the skills needed to achieve independent responsibility for learning, acquiring the abilities to seek out and integrate relevant information from a variety of sources and perspectives, achieving depth of understanding in a specific area of expertise, and making original contributions to knowledge. The objectives will be achieved through a combination of courses, individually-directed papers, apprenticeships, and research. Depth of knowledge will be fostered through required courses and individual study within the student's area of interest, in addition to the dissertation research. Breadth and integration will be achieved through a minimum of one course and one individual study paper outside of a student's primary area of interest, in addition to participation in the Departmental colloquium series. Required coursework will provide the foundation for advanced statistical and methodological skills in preparation for the thesis research. The acquisition of applied and job-related skills will be facilitated through the completion of two of three apprenticeship credits from among teaching, research and community options. All Ph.D. students will have the opportunity to serve as teaching assistants in each year of their program and they will be given opportunities to increase their teaching responsibilities as they progress through the program. |
Admission to the Ph.D. program requires completion of an M.A., M.Sc., or M.A.Sc in Psychology or its equivalent. Students must have achieved an A average for the previous two years of graduate study and evidence of research competence, normally demonstrated by a Master's Thesis. Students are selected by the Psychology Graduate Committee in consultation with a core faculty member who is willing to act as the student's supervisor. Master's students with backgrounds other than Psychology In recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of Psychology, the Admissions Committee will consider applications from students holding degrees in allied fields. To ensure that such applicants have a background in psychology adequate for successful completion of their graduate program, the following conditions for eligibility to the Ph.D. program have been established for candidates holding a non-psychology Master's degree. Applicants must first be sponsored in writing by an appropriate potential research supervisor from within the Psychology department. Applicants must have completed a Master's thesis in another discipline that involved empirical research of scope and complexity comparable to that of a Master's Psychology thesis. Applicants must present recent evidence of suitable background knowledge in the form of a score for the Advanced Psychology (and/or Neuroscience equivalent) section of the Graduate Record Examination. |
General degree requirements are the completion of two of PSYC7F01, PSYC7F02 and 7F03; PSYC7F90, PSYC7P03, PSYC7P01 or PSYC7P02; PSYC7P40, PSYC7P41 Additional required courses for each of the focal area programs are as follows: Behavioural Neuroscience: one of PSYC7V10 or 7V11; PSYC7Y10; PSYC7Y11 Lifespan Development: one of PSYC7V20 or 7V21; PSYC7Y20; PSYC7Y21 Social/Personality: one of PSYC7V30 or 7V31; PSYC7Y30; PSYC7Y31 |
A dissertation research proposal will be evaluated by the student's dissertation committee before dissertation research may formally begin. The committee is comprised of the student's supervisor and two other faculty members associated with the program in a core, resource or extradepartmental support capacity. An open dissertation oral defence is required with the participation of an examiner external to the University. The dissertation will make a substantial contribution to the scientific knowledge and demonstrate the candidate's ability for independent research, integration of knowledge, and depth of understanding. |
For full-time students, the residency requirements will be two years (six terms), post-Master's degree. Part-time Studies students who hold an M.A., M.Sc., or M.A.Sc. in Psychology (or equivalent) may be admitted to the Ph.D. program on a part-time basis. Part-time students are expected to complete the required statistical and methods course in the first year of their program, the two individual study papers within three years, and all non-dissertation courses before the Ph.D. defence. The sequence of other courses will be planned jointly with the dissertation supervisor and the Graduate Officer. |
From time to time, students may wish to enrol in undergraduate courses to obtain proficiency in certain areas important to their graduate education. Such courses will not count toward academic credit in the Psychology M.A. and Ph.D. programs. |
Note: not all courses are offered in every session. Refer to the applicable timetable for details. Courses are open only to graduate students in Psychology or with permission of the instructor and Graduate Officer. PSYC5F01 Research Methods and Data Analysis Statistical analysis and research design with an emphasis on the Multivariate General Linear model as exemplified in basic and advanced multiple regression analysis, ANOVA, and ANCOVA. Students completing this course will forfeit credit in PSYC5P01 and PSYC5P02 MA Thesis The preparation and public defence of a thesis which will demonstrate the candidate's capacity for independent study. Introduction to Psychological Assessment Theoretical issues and basic techniques will be explored. Students will gain experience in the administration of standard testing materials, the interpretation of test results, and the preparation of reports. Behavioural Neuroscience An overview of current issues in behavioural neuroscience. Theories of Sleep Current ideas regarding physiological, psychological, phylogenetic and cognitive influences upon the control of sleep, dreams and wakefulness. Topics include neurophysiological characteristics of sleep, anatomical and chemical mechanisms of sleep and functional physiology of sleep. Behavioural Neuroscience Techniques Completion of a research project carried out under the supervision of a behavioural neuroscience faculty member other than thesis supervisor and outside the thesis area. Note: open to students outside neuroscience only with special permission. Cognitive Electrophysiology An introduction to theory, methods and application of eventrelated potentials and EEG in the context of information processing. Seminar, lab, 2 hours per week. Advanced Florescence and Electron Microscopy (also offered as BIOL 5P15) Experimental procedures, instrumentation and methodology for sample examination and analysis using fluorescence microscope and electron microscopes. The Concept of Development An analysis of the meaning of the concept of development. Lifespan developmental theories and principles will be discussed. Methods associated with different conceptions of development will be examined, with applications to specific content areas (e.g., social competence, intelligence). Developmental Methods: Causal Modelling and Latent Variables An introduction to causal modelling using developmental data. Topics include path analysis and structural equation models. These procedures will be used to analyse data from areas that are traditionally of interest to developmental psychologists (e.g., genetic and environmental influences on various types of behaviour). Analytic techniques will be illustrated using EQS. Data sets will be drawn from experimental, quasiexperimental and naturally occuring settings. Lifespan Cognitive Development The origins and development of cognition over the lifespan from a dynamic systems perspective. Biological Perspectives in Development A critical analysis of the usefulness of biological constructs in psychological development throughout the lifespan. Topics focus on the relation between brain development and behavioural capacity. Social Development An examination of current theoretical, methodological and applied issues in social development, including topics such as ecological perspectives on social competence, the interaction of family and peer relationships and lifespan approaches to attachment. Learning Environments The impact of the environment on development and learning is considered from the point of view of extant development and cognitive theory. The focus is on the deliberate construction of environments and in particular, computer environments, which are thought to foster development and learning. Developmental Disorders A study of atypical developmental patterns, including genetically linked syndromes, psychosocial interference, discontinuities related to trauma and diagnostically recognized categories. In the latter part of this course intervention options and evaluation strategies will be examined, with a practicum being an integral part of the requirements. Lifespan Developmental Techniques Completion of a research project carried out under the supervision of a developmental faculty member other than the thesis supervisor and outside the thesis area. Advanced Developmental Neurobiology (also offered as BIOL 5P28) A seminar course on the principles of neural development. Topics include cell lineage and early determinative events, trophic functions, growth and plasticity, synaptogenesis and gene expression in the establishment of the nervous system. Prerequisite: BIOL 3P28 or 3P34 or permission of the instructor. Research and Theory in Personality and Social Psychology Fundamental and contemporary issues in personality and social psychology are explored. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of the two fields from the perspective of interactionism. Social Psychology of Health Situational variables in the development of specific diseases. Role of social support and social resources in dealing with stress and health promotion. Focus on health risk behaviour, including extensive study of psychological models of alcoholism and problem drinking, along with a consideration of approaches to behavioural changes in clinical and nonclinical populations. Social Cognition Classic and current issues in social cognition research. General topics include attribution, social schemata, the self, affect and cognition and applications of social cognition. Community Psychology An analysis of the contribution of individual difference and social influence traditions on the emerging field of community psychology. Particular emphasis upon changes taking place in the mental health system reflecting both an interactionist and social interventionist perspective. Hypnosis: Research and Applications A review of research methods and findings and an introduction to techniques and strategies in hypnosis. Emphasis will be placed on the moderator effects of personality, social and cognitive factors implicated in hypnotic behaviour and experience. Dreaming, Imagination and Metaphor Review of methods used in dream research (experimental and correlational strategies, content analysis and phenomenological description), emphasizing the complementary nature of these approaches. The contrast between normative features of dreaming and forms of dreaming in special groups (lucid dreaming, nightmares) will be examined. The relation of dreaming and related imaginative states of current research on metaphor will also be considered. Communication, Media and Technology Social/personality aspects of media and technology; e.g., genre selection, programming techniques influencing viewer absorption, theoretical and research approaches and current topics such as fantasy, virtual reality and immigration into interactive internet communities. Social and Personality Research Techniques Completion of a research project carried out under the supervision of a social personality faculty member other than the thesis supervisor and outside the thesis area. Social Psychology of Justice Basic and applied research in the social psychology of justice. Basic research questions include: Is there a justice motive? What is a 'just' distribution of resources? What processes underlie responses to perceived injustices? Applied questions focus primarily on the social psychology of the trial and will cover such topics as jury selection, eyewitness testimony, jury decision making. Behavioural Genetics (also offered as BIOL 5P56) The genetics of activities performed by the organism in relation to its environment. Coverage will include single gene effects, chromosome aberrations and behaviour, continuous variation and the inheritance of quantitative traits, the genetics of behavioural traits in man, Drosophila, rodents and other taxa. Colloquium Seminar I In advance of each of 12 departmental colloquia, students will review and discuss reading(s) recommended by the speaker prior to their attendance at the colloquium. Each student will lead one discussion seminar. Colloquium Seminar II In advance of each of 12 departmental colloquia, students will review and discuss reading(s) recommended by the speaker prior to their attendance at the colloquium. Each student will lead one discussion seminar. Special Topics in Psychological Measurement and Analyses Selected topics and issues may include qualitative data collection and analysis, multidimensional scaling, nonlinear regression and survival analysis. Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience Selected topics in Behavioural Neuroscience. Prerequisite: PSYC 5P10 or permission of the instructor Topics in Lifespan Development Selected topics in Lifespan Development Prerequisite: PSYC 5P20 or permission of the instructor Topics in Social/Personality Selected topics in Social/Personality. Prerequisite: PSYC 5P30 or permission of the instructor Teaching Apprenticeship Students will take major responsibility for the development and delivery of a half-credit undergraduate course, under the mentorship of a faculty member. Development of a teaching portfolio will be required. Students will attend teaching workshops and courses offered by the Brock Centre for Teaching and Learning and participate in an observation-based assessment of their teaching skills. Specific requirements and evaluation criteria will be determined by the teaching apprenticeship supervisor and the student prior to registration and subject to approval by thesis supervisor and Graduate Officer. Research Apprenticeship Students will take a major "hands on" role in a research project, under the supervision of a faculty member other than the thesis supervisor. It is expected that the student will produce a research report of publishable quality that will be submitted for publication. Specific requirements and evaluation criteria for the apprenticeship will be determined by the research apprenticeship supervisor and the student prior to registration and subject to approval by the thesis supervisor and Graduate Officer. Community Apprenticeship Students will participate in one of a variety of approved community settings and engage in activities such as policy analysis, needs assessment, community education, program evaluation, and service delivery. Specific requirements and evaluation criteria for the apprenticeship will be determined by the community apprenticeship supervisor, community organization, and the student prior to registration and subject to approval by the thesis supervisor and Graduate Officer. Ph.D. Thesis The completion of public defence of an original dissertation that makes a substantial contribution to scientific knowledge and demonstrates the candidate's ability for independent research, integration of knowledge, and depth of understanding. Multivariate Statistics for Psychological Research Application of multivariate statistical techniques such as MANOVA, discriminate function analysis, simultaneous equation modelling, and loglinear analysis of psychological data. Prerequisite: PSYC5F01 or equivalent Psychological Measurement Classical test theory and test construction principles, as well as measurement issues in the analysis of quasi-experimental designs in field settings. Prerequisite: PSYC5F01 or equivalent or permission of the instructor Professional Issues in Psychology Ethical, social, and legal issues emerging from psychological research, teaching, and practice. Individual Study I A paper in the student's primary area of interest but different than the thesis topic, directed by a faculty member other than the student's dissertation supervisor. The paper should be a publishable review or potentially fundable grant proposal. Individual Study II A paper outside of the student's primary area of interest, directed by a faculty member other than the student's dissertation supervisor. The paper should be a publishable review or potentially fundable grant proposal. Special Topics in Psychological Measurement and Analyses Selected topics and issues may include qualitative data collection and analysis, multidimensional scaling, nonlinear regression, and survival analysis. Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience I Selected topics in Behavioural Neuroscience. Prerequisite: PSYC5P10 or equivalent or permission of the instructor Topics in Behavioural Neuroscience II Selected topics in Behavioural Neuroscience. Prerequisite: PSYC5P10 or equivalent or permission of the instructor Topics in Lifespan Development I Selected topics in Lifespan Development. Prerequisite: PSYC5P20 or equivalent or permission of the instructor Topics in Lifespan Development II Selected topics in Lifespan Development Prerequisite: PSYC5P20 or equivalent or permission of the instructor. Topics in Social/Personality I Selected Topics in Social/Personality. Prerequisite: PSYC5P30 or equivalent or permission of the instructor. Topics in Social/Personality II Selected Topics in Social/Personality Prerequisite: PSYC5P30 or equivalent or permission of the instructor. Research Proseminar in Behavioural Neuroscience Faculty and students will meet each week to discuss ongoing research and contemporary issues in Behavioural Neuroscience. In addition, students are required to attend departmental colloquia. Research Proseminar in Lifespan Development Faculty and students will meet each week to discuss ongoing research and contemporary issues in Lifespan Development. In addition, students are required to attend departmental colloquia. Research Proseminar in Social/Personality Faculty and students will meet each week to discuss ongoing research and contemporary issues in Social/Personality. In addition, students are required to attend departmental colloquia. |
2001-2002 Graduate Calendar
Last updated: October 3, 2002 @ 09:56AM