
The strength of the VPMI is the collaborations that occur between academic researchers and industry stakeholders, coupled with state-of-the-art instrumentation, and the knowledge and innovations that come from these partnerships. To foster these partnerships, stakeholders are invited to become part of the VPMI as either VPMI Researchers or VPMI affiliates. This invitation extends to faculty, staff, and students across all of Brock’s Faculties, and to the members of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries.

If you have any questions about membership as either a VPMI Researcher or VPMI Affiliate, please do not hesitate to let us know ([email protected]).

Members (faculty, staff, and students across all of Brock’s Faculties, and all industrial partners)
Prof. Michael Bidochka
Prof. Emeritus Ian Brindle
Prof. Emeritus Robert Carlone
David Cousins (Destiny Copper Inc.)
Gabriel Demarco (Cave Spring Vineyard)
Prof. Charles Després
Peter Feldman (Arbour Life Labs)
Prof. Kiyoko Gotanda
Greg Hanna (Destiny Copper Inc.)
Eleanor Hawthorn (Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc.)
Prof. Debbie Inglis
Daniel Lukas
Michael Marchese (Fungo Health Inc.)
Maryam Mojahid
Steve Murdza (Sweet & Sticky Inc.)
Prof. Aleksandar Necakov
Prof. Gary Pickering
Dr. Sudarsana Poojari
Erin Prohaska (CannaCure Corp.)
Larissa Rowdon
Michelle Stranges (Andrew Peller Limited)
Prof. Jeff Stuart
Robert Tjandra (CanBud Distribution Corp.)
Prof. Wendy Ward
Prof. Paul Zelisko

VPMI welcomes faculty, staff, and students across all of Brock’s Faculties, and to the members of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries.

To undertake research programmes aimed at the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries, and to increase the critical mass of researchers focused on these industrial sectors sector, the VPMI will have opportunities for investigators at Brock University and in industry to be formally associated with the VPMI.

The VPMI will have two (2) designations for association with the Institute: “VPMI Researcher” and “VPMI Affiliate”.  The designation of “VPMI Researcher” recognizes Brock University that are currently working with any of the members of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries utilizing the facilities and resources of the VPMI.  The designation of “VPMI Affiliate” is designed to encourage researchers from across the University, other universities and colleges, and individuals who are in the government sector or private sector to become “members” of the VPMI and to encourage research related to the Canadian bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries.

Individuals dedicating research and scholarly activities to the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries are eligible for the VPMI Researcher designation.

The following are guidelines for consideration for the appointment of a VPMI Researcher:

  • VPMI Researchers may be:
    • A tenured or tenure-track appointment at Brock University at the Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, full Professor, or Emeritus designation;
    • A graduate or undergraduate student at Brock University.  This includes students from institutions other than Brock that are collaborating with Brock researchers.
    • Industrial stakeholders operating in the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries
  • Must be actively working on a research project/programme broadly aimed at one or more of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries and that directly utilizes the facilities and resources of the VPMI ;
  • Have a strong record of research/innovation and/or scholarly publication in science, engineering or humanities, and social sciences publications on topics of relevance to any of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries (it is recognized that the record will differ depending on stage of career and position(s) held);

Have demonstrated a record of, or potential for, collaboration with members of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries;

Individuals at Brock that have in the past conducted, or anticipate future, research efforts aimed at members of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries, and who have expressed an interest in working with the VPMI to meet its mission objectives.

The criteria for VPMI Affiliate are:

  • A record of involvement in research – fundamental or applied – related to members of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and chemical manufacturing industries;
  • A clearly articulated statement (1 page maximum) of how the individual will contribute to the mission of the VPMI submitted to the Director along with a Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • An advanced education or professional training in a discipline that is related to aspects of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and/or chemical manufacturing industries;
  • Not currently conducting research or service contracts for members of the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and/or chemical manufacturing industries under the auspices of the VPMI

VPMI Researchers and Affiliates will be solicited to identify potential nominees and to encourage them to apply for a designation within the VPMI.   Individuals may also independently request designation as either a VPMI Researcher or VPMI Affiliate.  Faculty, staff, undergraduate and/or graduate students, and industrial stakeholders that are conducting research as part of a VPMI-related project will be automatically appointed as VPMI Researchers.

VPMI Affiliate nominees will normally submit a letter of intent and Curriculum Vitae to the Director of the VPMI. Appointments will be made by the Vice-President Research, upon approval of a subcommittee of the Executive Board comprised of the Director of the VPMI (voting); two members of the VPMI Executive Board (voting); and two VPMI Researchers (voting).  This subcommittee will be asked to comment on the dossier submitted by prospective Affiliates and the expected contribution of the Affiliate to VPMI research and outreach programmes.

Applications for VPMI Researcher and Affiliate designations can be made at any time.  Once an application is received, the Director of the VPMI will call a meeting of the subcommittee.

VPMI Researchers are expected to maintain a research programme/conduct research focused on issues of relevance to the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and/or chemical manufacturing industries, either individually or as part of a group programme, and to have active industrial collaborations (research projects or service contracts).  This includes applying for funding to support their respective research programmes from government programs and industry-controlled funds.   VPMI Researchers will participate fully in VPMI activities such as attending VPMI meetings, providing contributions of research outputs to be highlighted in VPMI progress reports, or participating in the Annual General Meeting to update the industry stakeholders on research progress and its relevance to the industry to name but a few.

VPMI Professional Affiliates are expected to participate in VPMI activities, as noted above, as their professional and other duties permit. At minimum, VPMI Affiliates are expected to present a seminar or workshop for VPMI and associated faculty and students once a year. VPMI Affiliates will be invited to VPMI meetings, to VPMI-hosted events and will be recognized at those events as VPMI Affiliates.

VPMI Researchers, once appointed, are reviewed on an annual basis.  Individuals will retain the VPMI Researcher designation until such time that their research program is no longer focused on issues of relevance to the bioproducts, bioscience, bioagriculture, and/or chemical manufacturing industries, and they cease to maintain active industrial collaborations (research projects and/or service contracts).

VPMI Affiliates will be appointed for a period of three (3) years, renewable.

Individuals will be informed six (6) months prior to the end of their term and will have the opportunity to seek reappointment.  Individuals may elect to remove themselves as VPMI Researchers (provided that they are not actively involved in a VPMI project) or VPMI Affiliates at any time by submitting written notice to the Director.