What is the Queen’s Baton Relay
On October 7th 2021, the Queen’s Baton began a 294-day Relay through the 72 nations and territories of the Commonwealth. The Baton is integral in showcasing the achievements of Batonbearers, the personal journeys of Commonwealth athletes, and the stories from a generation of young people making waves of change in their community. With support from Commonwealth Sport Canada, Niagara region was the one of the last stops on it’s journey before the Baton headed home to kickstart the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, UK.
The Queen’s Baton Relay connected the Commonwealth and told individual stories along it’s extensive 140,000 km journey. It’s a call to make a difference and inspire us all to take on challenges. Carrying the Baton was a chance to say: “I’m here, I’m ready and I’m taking it on.”

What is a Batonbearer
Batonbearers are individuals who will carry the Queen’s Baton in its journey across the world. On May 28th from 2:00 – 5:30pm (EST) at Canada Games Park registrant could become an official Batonbearer for the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Each registrant was allowed to carry the Queen’s Baton for 100 metres of the track, and handed the baton off to another Batonbearer. This event provided professional photographers who could include registrant’s journey in the opening ceremonies of the 2022 Birmingham, UKĀ Commonwealth Games.