Tamari Kitossa

Professor, Sociology

Office: STH 422
905-688-5550 x5672
[email protected]

PhD, OISE, University of Toronto (2005)
MA, York University (1998)
BA, York University (1995)

Dr. Tamari Kitossa is Professor of Sociology at Brock University. He earned his BA (Hon) and Magisteriate degrees at York University and his Ph.D. at OISE/UT. 

Research and instruction interests include Blackness, anti-Blackness, Black masculinities, African Canadian leadership, anti-criminology and counter-colonial criminology and interracial unions.

Present research includes “Destruction of Black Manhood as the Destruction of Black Families in Canada: A view from slavery to the present” and an empirical and historical inquiry into “Black Men, Sexual Tropes, Trauma and Resilience”.  

  • Ibrahim, Awad., Tamari Kitossa, Malinda Smith and Handel K. Wright (Eds.). 2022. Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian Academy: Teaching, learning and researching while Black. Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. 
  • Kitossa, Tamari (Eds.). 2021. Appealing Because He Is Appalling: Black masculinities, colonialism and erotic racism. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press. 
  • Kitossa, Tamari, Erica Lawson and Philip S.S. Howard (Eds.). 2019. African Canadian Leadership: Continuity, Transition, and Transformation (University of Toronto Press) with Erica Lawson and Philip S.S. Howard. The second is the forthcoming book.


  • Kitossa, Tamari. 2023. Mis-education of the Critical Criminologist: Theory, meta-curriculum of onto-epistemology and the myth decolonization. In C. Cunneen, A. Deckert, A. Porter, J. Tauri, and R. Webb (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Decolonizing Justice. London: Routledge.  
  • Kitossa, Tamari and Gökbörü Sarp Tanyildiz. 2022. Anti-Blackness, Criminology and the University as Violence Work: Diversity as Ritual and the Professionalization of Repression in Canada. In D.M.D. Silva and M. Deflem (Eds.), Diversity in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies. Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance, Volume 27. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. Toronto: Oxford University Press. 
  • Sanchez, Phoebe and Tamari Kitossa. 2022. The Neo-Colonial State as Racketeer: The Filipino state, the war for drugs and paradoxical damage. Philippines Sociological Review, 69: 157-170. 
  • Kitossa, Tamari. 2020. Anti-Black Sexual Racism: Linking White Police Violence, COVID-19, and Popular Culture. Antipode: A journal of radical geography, 1-13. https://antipodeonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/5.-Kitossa.pdf 
  • Kitossa, Tamari. 2020. Criminology as Epistemic Necropolitics. Social Transformations: Journal of the Global South, 8(2):89-123. https://journals.ateneo.edu/ojs/index.php/ST/index 
  • Deliovsky, Katerina and Tamari Kitossa. 2020. Introduction to Special Issue: Whiteness in the Age of White Rage The Canadian Context. Journal of Critical Race Inquiry, 7(2): i-xx. https://ojs.library.queensu.ca/index.php/CRI/article/view/14408 
  • Kitossa, Tamari. (2020). Authoritarian criminology and racist statecraft: Rationalizations for racial profiling, carding and legibilizing the herd. Decolonization of Criminology and Justice – Tuwhera, 1(2): 5-36. https://ojs.aut.ac.nz/dcj/article/view/10