Associate Professor, Sociology
Office: STH 425
905-688-5550 x5267
[email protected]
PhD, McMaster University
MA, McMaster University
BA (Hons.), York University
Katerina Deliovsky’s scholarship is broadly located in critical race theory with an emphasis on critical whiteness studies and anti-colonial and anti-racist theorizing. A distinct but related area of inquiry is the critical sociology of mixed unions. Dr. Deliovsky has published White Femininity: Race, Gender and Power which theorizes the ways racialized differences are articulated and mobilized with and against other social categories such as class, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality in both the advancement and resistance to whiteness. She has also published book chapters and articles on the contemporary articulations of gendered racism, white supremacy and ‘white rage’, regulation of interracial intimacies, the racialization of whiteness and femininity, whiteness and methodology, and the epistemic disruption of white feminist hegemony. Her current scholarship extends her anti-colonial and anti-racist focus to explore (white) women’s sex/“romance” tourism and transnational relationships in, but not limited to, the Caribbean with black men. Dr. Deliovsky teaches in the areas of introductory sociology, qualitative sociological methods, gender and society, race and racialization.