Assistant Professor, Political Science

Ph.D.: McMaster University (2020)
M.A.: University of Ottawa (2015)
B.Soc.Sci.: University of Ottawa (2012)
Office: Plaza 353
905-688-5550 x3987
[email protected]
Dr. Midzain-Gobin is a settler scholar whose research focuses on the production and continual remaking of settler colonialism, and Indigenous governance practices. In particular, he focuses on questions of sovereignty: how the settler state aims to legitimize its own rule, and how Indigenous nations contest this by practicing their own ongoing sovereignty.
Dr. Midzain-Gobin’s research is grounded in his background in critical international relations and decolonial theory. He studies Indigenous-settler relationships as a form of international politics, and shows how European engagements with Indigenous nations have helped shape our state-led international order – and illustrate its limitations. Key to this work is a focus on cosmologies and the erasure of Indigenous ways of knowing in government policymaking. Currently, Dr. Midzain-Gobin is completing a book in which he argues that the ongoing (re)production of settler colonialism in what is today Canada is made possible through the imposition of a racialized, imperial ‘logic of improvement,’ that has become a ‘settler common sense’ underpinned by cosmological assumptions about human dominion over the earth.
This approach to studying the international is also reflected in Dr. Midzain-Gobin working with Dr. Heather Smith, Dr. David Black, and Dr. David Hornsby to co-edit a Handbook titled “Critical Understandings of Canada in the World.”
Alongside this work, Dr. Midzain-Gobin seeks to employ community-engaged methods to support Indigenous self-determination, working directly with communities and nations to build a decolonized future. Dr. Midzain-Gobin has two ongoing projects using this approach:
- Building Inter-National Sovereignty: The Case of the Big Salmon River, funded by an Insight Development Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
- Indigenous Visions for Making Home in Niagara, funded by a David S. Howes Grant from the Niagara Community Foundation
In addition to his research, Dr. Midzain-Gobin is also an Associate Editor with Critical Studies on Security, and teaches in the areas of Indigenous politics, settler colonialism and Indigenous/settler relations, and research methods.
Areas of specialization:
Indigenous politics; Settler colonialism; Coloniality; Indigenous-settler relationships; Critical approaches to international politics; Decolonial political and international thought
Academic Journal Articles:
- Midzain-Gobin, L. 2022. “Legibility, Misrecognition and the Aboriginal Peoples Survey: Understanding Knowledge Production as a Settler Colonial Project.” Ethnic and Racial Studies Vol. 45, Issue 9, pgs. 1715-1737. Available:
- Midzain-Gobin, L. & Dunton, C. 2021. “Renewing Relationships? Solitudes, Decolonisation, and Feminist International Policy.” Millennium: Journal of International Studies: Vol. 50, Issue 1, pgs. 29-54. Available:
- McEvoy, J. & Midzain-Gobin, L. 2021. “Embedded Bordering: Territorial Authority, Indigenous Utilities, and Settler Colonialism in British Columbia.” Borderlands: Vol. 20, No. 1, pgs. 140-170. Available:
- Midzain-Gobin, L. 2021. “Comfort and Insecurity in the Reproduction of Settler Coloniality.” Critical Studies on Security: Vol. 9, Issue 3, pgs. 212-225. Available:
- Midzain-Gobin, L. & Smith, H. 2020. “Debunking the Myth of Canada as a Non-Colonial Power.” American Review of Canadian Studies Vol. 50, No. 4, pgs. 479-497. Available:
- Midzain-Gobin, L. 2019. “‘Come out and live on your land again’: Sovereignty, Borders and the Unist’ot’en Camp.” International Journal of Migration and Border Studies Vol. 5, No. 1/2, pgs. 12-28. Available:
- Budd, B., Midzain-Gobin, L., Gabel, C. & Goodman, N. 2019. “Digital Democracy and Self-Determination: Lessons from First Nations in Canada.” McMaster Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition Working Paper Series Special Issue on Digital Democracy (ed. Porter, T., Bannerman, S. and Tan, N.), pgs. 14-18. Available:
Reports, Studies, Etc.:
- Midzain-Gobin, L., C. Dunton and R. Tay-Burroughs. July 2023. “Reimagining Canada as Inter-National: Understanding First Nations-Provincial Relationships.” Centre of Excellence on the Canadian Federation, Institute for Research on Public Policy. Available:
Book Chapters:
- Cowie, C. & L. Midzain-Gobin. 2022. “Progress or the status-quo: Indigenous peoples, participation and representation” in The Canadian Federal Election 2021 ed. Pammett, J. & C. Dornan. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. ISBN: 9780228013822: pgs. 220-245.
Book Reviews:
- Midzain-Gobin, L. 2023. “Review of Making and breaking settler space: Five centuries of colonization in North America.” International Journal. Volume 77, Issue 4:
- Midzain-Gobin, L. “Internationalism, Reconstruction, and Indigenous Futurity.” Legal Form. June 26, 2020.
- Midzain-Gobin, L. 2020. “Reimagining the Mosaic” in APSA International History and Politics section Fall 2020 newsletter roundtable: “Race, Indigeneity, and the Global South in IHAP: Missed Opportunities and Possible Futures.” Vol. 6, Issue 2. Fall 2020.
- Midzain-Gobin, L. “Decolonizing Borders.” E-International Relations. January 12, 2019.
Courses taught at Brock University:
- POLI 2F20: Introduction to International Relations
- POLI 2P80: Introduction to Research Design and Methods
- POLI/CANA 3P14: Indigenous Politics in Canada
- POLI 3P96: Global Indigenous Politics
- POLI/CANA 4/5P37: Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada and Beyond
- POLI 5P81: Research and Research Methods
Dr. Midzain-Gobin is open to supervising graduate student research projects in the following fields:
- Indigenous politics
- Settler Colonialism
- Critical and/or decolonial international politics