Professor, Labour Studies

Office: PLZ 329
905-688-5550 x5007
[email protected]
PhD, York University
MA, Brock University
BA, Brock University
Research Interests
My research focuses on the politics of organized labour in Canada. Recent research has explored the changing nature of party-union relations, the labour movement’s history of engagement with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, union organizing and the strategies and tactics of university faculty associations.
- Editorial Board member of Labour/Le Travail and Labor Studies Journal
- Founding member of the Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2024). Shifting Gears: Canadian Autoworkers and the Changing Landscape of Labour Politics. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2023). Building a Better World: An Introduction to the Labour Movement in Canada. 4th ed. Halifax: Fernwood.
- Savage, Larry and Charles W. Smith. (2017). Unions in Court: Organized Labour and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Ross, Stephanie, Larry Savage, Errol Black and Jim Silver. (2015). Building a Better World: An Introduction to the Canadian Labour Movement, 3rd ed. Halifax: Fernwood.
Savage, Larry. (2014). Socialist Cowboy: The Politics of Peter Kormos. Winnipeg: Roseway Publishing.
Patrias, Carmela and Larry Savage. (2012). Union Power: Solidarity and Struggle in Niagara. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press.
Patrias, Carmela and Larry Savage. (2007). Confrontation, Struggle and Transformation: Organized Labour in the St. Catharines Area. Edmonton: Canadian Committee on Labour History.
Edited Books
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. Eds. (2021). Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada. 2nd ed. Halifax: Fernwood.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. eds. (2018). Labour Under Attack: Anti-Unionism in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. eds. (2013). Public Sector Unions in the Age of Austerity. Halifax: Fernwood.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. eds. (2012). Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood.
Chapters Contributed to Books
- Savage, Larry. (2024). “The Shifting Landscape of Party-Union Relationships in Ontario” In Cheryl N. Collier and Jonathan Malloy. eds. The Politics of Ontario: Second Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2022). “In Search of a New Politics of Labour: Democratic Futures” In John Peters and Don Wells. eds. Canadian Labour Policy and Politics. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Gray, Paul, Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. (2022). “The Future of Work? App-Based Workers and the Gig Economy” In Wayne Antony and Jessica Antony. eds. Power and Resistance: Critical Thinking about Canadian Social Issues, 7th ed. Winnipeg: Fernwood.
- Savage, Larry. “Anybody But Conservative: Canadian Unions and Strategic Voting” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada, 2nd ed. Halifax: Fernwood. pp. 88-110.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2021). “Canadian Labour and COVID-19” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada, 2nd ed. Halifax: Fernwood. pp. 14-28.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2021). “Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada: An Introduction” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada, 2nd ed. Halifax: Fernwood. pp. 1-12.
- Pilon, Dennis and Larry Savage. (2021). “Working-Class Politics Matters: Identity, Class, Parties” In State Transformations: Classes, Strategy, Socialism. Greg Albo, Stephen Maher and Alana Zuege (eds). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishing. pp. 76-97.
- Savage, Larry and Jonah Butovsky (2020). “Should the Use of Replacement Workers Be Prohibited?” In David J. Doorey and Alison Braley-Rattai. Canadian Labour Relations: Law, Policy, and Practice, 2nd Edition. Toronto: Emond Publishing. pp. 381-390.
- Savage, Larry and Nick Ruhloff-Queiruga. (2018). “Organizing Against the Odds: Anti-Unionism in Niagara’s Casino Gaming Sector” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Labour Under Attack: Anti-Unionism in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2018). “Labour Under Attack: An Introduction to Anti-Unionism in Canada” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Labour Under Attack: Anti-Unionism in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood.
- Savage, Larry. (2016). “The Politics of Labour and Labour Relations in Ontario” In Cheryl N. Collier and Jonathan Malloy. eds. The Politics of Ontario. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Savage, Larry and Michelle Webber. (2013). “The Paradox of Professionalism: Unions of Professionals in the Public Sector” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Public Sector Unions in the Age of Austerity. Halifax: Fernwood. pp. 114-125.
- Savage, Larry and Charles W. Smith. (2013). “Public Sector Unions and Electoral Politics in Canada” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Public Sector Unions in the Age of Austerity. Halifax: Fernwood. pp. 46-56.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2013). “Introduction: Public Sector Unions in the Age of Austerity” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Public Sector Unions in the Age of Austerity. Halifax: Fernwood. pp. 9-17.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2012). “Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada: An Introduction” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood. pp. 7-16.
- Savage, Larry. (2012). “Organized Labour and the Politics of Strategic Voting” In Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. eds. Rethinking the Politics of Labour in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood. pp. 75-87.
Contributions to scholarly journals
- Braley-Rattai, Alison and Larry Savage. (2024). “Union Responses to Workplace COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Canada” Labour/Le Travail Vol 94.
- Jonah Butovsky and Larry Savage. (2022). “Precarious Work and the Union Advantage: Paradoxical Findings from Niagara” Journal of Labor and Society.
- Savage, Larry and Chantal Mancini. (2022). “Strategic Electoral Dilemmas and the Politics of Teachers’ Unions in Ontario” Canadian Political Science Review Vol. 16 pp. 1-21.
- Savage, Larry. (2022). “Crisis and Opportunity: Faculty Associations and the Challenge of Pandemic Bargaining” Workplace Vol. 33 pp. 22-35.
- Savage, Larry. (2021). “Organized Labour and the NDP: Looking Back on Sixty Years of Party-Union Relations” Labour / Le Travail Vol 88 pp. 77-112.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2021). “Work Reorganization in the Neoliberal University: A Labour Process Perspective” Economic and Labour Relations Review. Vol. 32 no. 4. pp. 495-512.
- Ross, Stephanie, Larry Savage and James Watson. (2021). “Sessional Contract Faculty, Unionization, and Academic Freedom” Canadian Journal of Higher Education. Vol 51 no. 1. pp. 57-70.
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2020). “Interunion Conflict and the Evolution of Faculty Unionism in Canada” Studies in Political Economy. Vol 101 no. 3. pp. 208-229.
- Ross, Stephanie, Larry Savage and James Watson. (2020). “Interrogating the Relationship Between Bargaining Structures and Bargaining Outcomes for Contract Academic Faculty in Ontario” Labour / Le Travail Vol 86 pp. 9-43.
- Savage, Larry. (2020). “The Past, Present, and Future of the Canadian Labour Movement: Interrogating Insider Accounts” Labour/ LeTravail Vol 85 pp. 285-293.
- Ross, Stephanie, Larry Savage and James Watson. (2020). “University Teachers and Resistance in the Neoliberal University” Labor Studies Journal. Vol 45.
- Savage, L. (2019). Building Union Muscle: The GoodLife Fitness Organizing and First-Contract Campaign. Labour / Le Travail, 84, 167-197.
- Butovsky, Jonah, Larry Savage and Michelle Webber (2016). “Assessing the Potential Impact of Labor Law Reforms on University Faculty: Findings from a Midsized Public University” Labor Studies Journal. Vol 41 no. 2. pp. 204-219.
- Butovsky, Jonah, Larry Savage and Michelle Webber. (2015). “Assessing faculty attitudes toward faculty unions: a survey of four primarily undergraduate universities” Working USA: A Journal of Labor and Society. Vol 18 no. 2. pp. 247-265.
- Savage, Larry. (2014). “Organized Labour and the Shifting Landscape of Local Politics in Ontario” Studies in Political Economy, Vol 93 (Spring).
- Ross, Stephanie and Larry Savage. (2014). “Labor Confronts Austerity: An Introduction” Labor Studies Journal, Vol 39 no. 1. pp 5-8.
- Savage, Larry, Michelle Webber and Jonah Butovsky. (2012). “Organizing the Ivory Tower: The Unionization of the Brock University Faculty Association” Labor Studies Journal, Vol 37 no. 3. pp. 293-310.
- Savage, Larry and Dennis Soron. (2011). “Organized Labor, Nuclear Power, and Environmental Justice: a Comparative Analysis of the Canadian and U.S. Labor Movements” Labor Studies Journal, Vol 36 no. 1 pp. 37-57.
- Savage, Larry and Dennis Soron. (2011). “Organized Labor and the Politics of Nuclear Power: The Case of the Canadian Nuclear Workers Council” Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol 22. no.3 pp. 8-29.
- Pilon, Dennis, Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage. (2011). “Solidarity Revisited: Organized Labour and the New Democratic Party” Canadian Political Science Review, Vol. 5. pp. 20-37.
- Savage, Larry. (2010). “Contemporary Party-Union Relations in Canada” Labor Studies Journal, Vol 35, no. 1. pp. 8-26.
- Savage, Larry, Jonah Butovsky and Brigitte Cecckin. (2009). “New Voices in Labour Studies: An Introduction” Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society, Vol. 14. pp. 114-116.
- Savage, Larry. (2009). “Workers’ Rights as Human Rights: Organized Labor and Rights Discourse in Canada” Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 34, no. 1. pp. 8-20.
- Savage, Larry and Jonah Butovsky. (2009). “A Federal Anti-Scab Law for Canada? The Debate Over Bill C-257” Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society, Vol. 13. pp. 15-28.
- Savage, Larry. (2008). “Labour Rights as Human Rights? A Response to Roy Adams” Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society, Vol. 12. pp. 68-75.
- Savage, Larry. (2008). “Organized Labour and Local Politics: Ontario’s 2006 Municipal Elections” Labour/Le Travail, Vol. 62 (Fall 2008). pp. 127-140.
- Savage, Larry. (2008). “Quebec Labour and the Referendums” Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 41, no. 4. pp. 861-887.
- Savage, Larry. (2008). “From Centralization to Sovereignty-Association: The Canadian Labour Congress and the Constitutional Question” Review of Constitutional Studies, Vol. 13, issue 2. pp. 67-95.
- Savage, Larry. (2008). “Disorganized Labour: Canadian Unions and the Constitution Act” International Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 36. pp. 145-159.
- Savage, Larry. (2007). “Organized Labour and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” The Supreme Court Law Review, Vol. 36. pp. 175-199.
- Savage, Larry. (2007). “Organized Labour and Constitutional Reform Under Mulroney” Labour/Le Travail, Vol. 60 (Fall 2007). pp. 137-170.
- Savage, Larry and Morrison, Curtis. (2019). “Work in Ontario Gyms and Fitness Clubs.”