Labour Studies is a dynamic field of study distinguished by its focus on work and labour relations. Work affects everyone and everything — our work determines how we spend many of our waking hours and shapes our position in society, our health and economic well-being, and our self-image. It defines the nature of our society and economy.
Brock Labour Studies is the fastest growing program of its kind in Canada and home to the country’s first Labour Studies co-op program. We boast award-winning and engaging professors, and courses that are practical, relevant, and thought-provoking, some of which are unique in the world.
Labour Studies provides excellent preparation for a range of meaningful, rewarding, and interesting careers in a wide variety of fields, including labour relations, labour law, human resources, mediation, public policy and administration, and social justice advocacy.
Labour Studies learning options
- Major
- Co-major
- Minor
- Co-op
- Certificate
- Micro-certificate
- Collaborative programs with colleges
Labour Studies is one of the fastest growing programs at Brock and our graduates are landing careers in a variety of fields including labour relations and human resources, employment and labour law, government public service and administration, occupational health and safety, research and communications, and social justice advocacy.
Making the switch into Labour Studies is easy and there are no fees associated with changing or declaring majors.
Questions? We’re here to help. Contact Labour Studies Academic Advisor Diane Leon at [email protected].
Adopting Labour Studies as a co-major can add real value to your degree. Students majoring in Sociology, Political Science, History, Economics, Geography, or Women’s and Gender Studies are eligible to add Labour Studies as a co-major. This option is also available to students in any other program at Brock that allows for co-majors.
A co-major will help widen your career prospects, opening doors in a number of work and labour-related fields including: employment and labour law, human resources and labour relations, human rights and equity, government public service and administration, research and communications, social justice advocacy, and political campaigns.
A co-major in Labour Studies will also help to expand your skill set. Our mix of practical hands-on courses and more conceptual/analytical courses provide students with critical thinking skills, dispute resolution and mediation skills, and negotiating skills that can be applied in a wide variety of career settings.
Adopting Labour Studies as a co-major is easy and there are no fees associated with changing or declaring majors.
Questions? We’re here to help. Contact Labour Studies Academic Advisor Diane Leon at [email protected].
Adopting Labour Studies as a minor can add real value to your degree. A minor in Labour Studies will help widen your career prospects, opening doors in a number of work and labour-related fields including: employment and labour law, human resources, human rights and equity, government public service and administration, research and communications, social justice advocacy, and political campaigns.
A minor in Labour Studies will also help to expand your skill set. Our mix of practical hands-on courses and more conceptual/analytical courses provide students with critical thinking skills, dispute resolution and mediation skills, and negotiating skills that can be applied in a wide variety of career settings.
Questions? We’re here to help. Contact Labour Studies Academic Advisor Diane Leon at [email protected].
Some of the most popular courses at Brock are housed in the Department of Labour Studies and cross-listed with other departments. Many students pursuing degree options outside Labour Studies opt to take our courses out of interest or because the subject matter is closely related to themes explored within their primary fields of study.
Labour Studies offers many cross-listed and standalone courses that are open to students from across the university. Courses like LABR 2P90 Labour of Sport, LABR 2Q95 Animals at Work, LABR 3P13 Politics of Labour, and LABR 3Q95 Sex Work and Sex Workers, attract a wide variety of students from other programs, including Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, Sport Management, History, and many more.
Questions? We’re here to help. Contact Labour Studies Academic Advisor Diane Leon at [email protected].
Labour Studies career paths
A degree or certificate in Labour Studies can support careers in the following fields:
- Labour relations
- Human resources
- Labour law
- Human rights and equity
- Mediation and dispute resolution
- Employment Standards enforcement
- Public policy and administration
- Social justice/political advocacy
- Occupational health and safety
- Workers’ rights advocacy
- Union representation
- Social services
- Professor
- Journalism and media
- Community organizer
- Workplace training and consulting
- Negotiations
- Communications and public relations