Professor Emeritus, Economics
Office: Plaza 449
905-688-5550 x3578
[email protected]
Mohammed Dore has held a number of externally funded research grants, including one from the US National Science Foundation. In 2000, he was one of several researchers who were co-applicants for the formation of a Network Centre of Excellence in all aspects of water research, which led to the formation of the .Canadian Water Network,. a Network Centre of Excellence. Mohammed became the Theme Leader for the Water Infrastructure theme, and was re-appointed to a second term. As the Theme Leader within CWN, Mohammed worked on and spearheaded the formation of a separate Strategic Network in the research of the problems of small water systems. In October 2008, this led to a successful Strategic Network Grant funded by NSERC, called RES.EAU-WATERNET. In April 2009, as Principal Investigator, Mohammed Dore received a SSHRC grant covering social science aspects of management of small water systems.
He also holds a research grant from the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences and runs the Climate Change Lab at Brock University. He has published two books, one of which also appeared in Japanese. He has edited four other books, and has published a number of articles in refereed journals. He is on the editorial boards of three refereed journals.
D. Phil. (Economics), Nuffield College, University of Oxford (1975)
M. Phil. (Economics), Nuffield College, University of Oxford (1972)
B.A. (with Distinction in Economics and Mathematics), University of Zambia (1969)
Research Interests
Environmental Economics, Forestry and Global Warming, Justice Theory and future generations, Sustainable Development, Macrodynamics and Business Cycles
Guest Editor: A Special Memorial Issue honouring the late Edward Lorenz: Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and the Life Sciences. 2009, Vol 13, No. 3, 241-350. ISSN# 1090-0578.
The Macroeconomics of Business Cycles: a Comparative Evaluation, NY: Basil Blackwell, 1993. Japanese translation published by Bunka Shobou Hakubunsha, Tokyo, 1995.
Edited book: Global Environmental Economics, Cambridge, Mass: Basil Blackwell, 1999.
“A Question of Fudge: Professor Nordhaus on Climate Change Policy”, in World Economics: the journal of Current Economic Analysis and Policy (Oxford), Vol 10, Issue # 1, pp 91-106.
“Estimating Baselines for Climate Change for Less Developed Countries: the Case of the Sahel”, (with J.F. Lamarche) Climate Policy, Issue 6/2, pp. 231-240, 2006.
“Climate Change and Changes in Global Precipitation Patterns: What Do We Know?” Environment International, Vol. 31, No.8 pp 1167-1181, 2005.
“Exporting fresh water: is there an economic rationale?” Water Policy (a journal of the World Water Council), Vol. 7, 2005, pp. 313-327