Associate Professor

BA (History and Philosophy) McMaster University
MA (History) Queen’s University at Kingston
PhD (History) Queen’s University at Kingston
Office: SBH 320
905-688-5550 x3154
[email protected]
As a researcher, Russell Johnston (PhD Queen’s University) is most interested in media history and popular memory. He teaches classes on cultural industries, the history of advertising, sport media, and research methods. In 2012, he co-wrote the Canadian edition of Communication Research Methods.
- Media history (advertising, radio, print media)
- Popular memory
- with Gerianne Merrigan and Carole L. Huston, Communication Research Methods, Canadian Edition (Oxford, 2012).
- Selling Themselves: The Emergence of Canadian Advertising (Toronto: 2001).
- with Michael Ripmeester, “New wine into old narratives: Constructing wine as intangible heritage in the Niagara Region, Canada,” p.103-117 in Constructing Intangible Heritage. Eds. S. Lira and R. Amoeda. Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute, 2010.
- with Michael Ripmeester, “Awake anon the tales of valour: The career of an urban war memorial,” The Canadian Geographer, 53:4 (2009), 404-426.
- “Partisan Politics, Market Research, and Media Buying in Canada, 1920,” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 83:4 (2007), 917-932.
- with Michael Ripmeester: “A Monument’s Work is Never Done: The Watson Monument, memory, and forgetting in a small Canadian city,” International Journal of Heritage Studies, 13:2 (2007), 117-135.
- “The Murray scheme: advertising and editorial independence in Canada, 1920,” Media, Culture & Society, 27:2 (2005): 251-270.
- Cultural industries
- History of advertising
- Sport media
- Research methods
- Popular Culture Niagara