Associate Professor

Office: SBH 308
905-688-5550 x3160
[email protected]
PhD, University of Western Ontario
MEd, Brock University
BEd, Canisius College (USA)
BA, Wilfrid Laurier University
Greg Gillespie (PhD University of Western Ontario) teaches and researches popular culture with a focus on non-mass mediated subjects (including role-playing games, sport culture, and Scottishness). His recent publication The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia won the Three Castles Industry Award (peer-reviewed, originality in game design) in 2018. Gillespie is the first Canadian to win the award. His previous publication, Barrowmaze II, finished second for the award in 2013.
- Non Mass-Mediated Popular Culture
- Scottishness in Popular Culture
- Role-Playing Games (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Sport Culture
- 2019 Greg Gillespie, HighFell: The Drifting Dungeon. 245 pgs.
- 2018 Greg Gillespie, The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia, Fifth Edition. 312 pgs.
- 2017 Greg Gillespie, The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia. 293 pgs.
- 2016 Greg Gillespie, Barrowmaze Compete, Fifth Edition. 252 pgs.
- 2014 Greg Gillespie, Barrowmaze Complete. 259 pgs.
- 2013 Greg Gillespie, “Remember the Good Old Days?: Nostalgia, Retroscapes, and the Dungeon Crawl Classics,” Loading: The Canadian Journal of Game Studies 6 (10), np. Available at
- 2013 Greg Gillespie and Darren Crouse, “There and Back Again: Nostalgia, Art, and Ideology in Old-School Dungeons and Dragons,” Games and Culture 7 (6), 441-470.
- 2012 Greg Gillespie, Barrowmaze II. 152 pgs.
- 2011 Greg Gillespie, Barrowmaze I. 82 pgs.
- 2010 Greg Gillespie, “Weaving Local Identity: The Niagara Region Tartan and the Invention of Tradition,” in Joan Nicks and Barry Grant eds., Covering Niagara: Studies in Local Popular Culture (Waterloo: WLU Press, 2010).
- 2007 Greg Gillespie, Hunting for Empire: Narratives of Sport in Rupert’s Land, 1840-1870 (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2007). 172 pgs.
- 2005 Greg Gillespie and Kevin Wamsley, “Clandestine Means: The Aristocratic British Hunting Code and Early Game Legislation in Nineteenth-Century Canada,” Sporting Traditions: The Australian Journal of Sport History 22, 1 (2005): 99-120.
- 2002 Greg Gillespie, “I Was Well Pleased With Our Sport Among the Buffalo: Big Game Hunting, Travel Writing, and Cultural Imperialism in the British North American West, 1847-1873,” Canadian Historical Review 83, 4 (December 2002): 555-584.
- Introduction to Popular Culture
- Popular Entertainment
- Social and Cultural Aspects of Digital Games
- Highlandism: Scottishness in Popular Culture