Dale Bradley

Assistant Professor

Dale Bradley

Ph.D. Social & Political Thought. York University
M.A. Sociology. Queen’s University at Kingston
B.A.H. Film Studies. Queen’s University at Kingston

Office: SBH 341
905-688-5550 x3180
[email protected]

Dale Bradley (PhD York University) teaches classes on technology and culture and the social history of information technology. Dale’s research interests lie in the popular representation of cyberculture, the impact of information and communication technologies on office culture and workspaces, and political discourse on the open source software movement. 

  • Popular Representation of Cyberculture
  • Political Discourse of the Open Source Software Movement
  • Impact of Information & Communication Technologies on Office Culture and Workspaces
  • (2007) “From Wooton to Workstation:  Mechanisms of the Visible in Office Spaces.”  Journal of Cultural Research. Vol 11, No 4
  • (2006) “The Return of the Repressed: Cybersubjectivity in ROBOCOP.” Invisible Culture. Issue 10: The Symptom. Spring 2006.
  • (2006) “Scenes of Transmission: Youth Culture, MP3 File Sharing, and Transferable Strategies of Cultural Practice.” M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture.
  • (2005) “Anarcho-utopianism and the Open Source Software Movement.” Canadian Journal of Communication. 30(4): 585-612.
  • (2004) “Dimensions Vary: Technology, Space, & Power in the 20th Century Office.” Topia. 11(Spring): 67-82
  • (2004) “Open Source, Anarchy, and the Utopian Impulse.” M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture.
  • Technology and Culture
  • Social History of Information Technology