3M National Teaching Fellow

Zopito A. Marini, Ph.D., a developmental and educational psychologist, is a Full Professor of Child and Youth Studies and a former holder of a Brock Chancellor’s Chair for Teaching Excellence. Dr. Marini did his graduate work at the University of Toronto with the late Robbie Case (noted scholar and Neo-Piagetian theorist in child development), and since 1985 has been at Brock where he was the founding Chair of the Department (in 1993). His research interests focus on the area generally known as sociocognitive development. Dr. Marini does research, writes and lectures on issues related to family and school conflicts, bullying and victimization, the development of conscience and self-regulation. Using a biopsychosocial perspective, he has investigated the cognitive mechanisms and social processes underlying the development of a range of sociocognitive abilities in typical and atypical children and youths, and he has also examined the mediating and moderating impact of psychosocial factors, such as depression, anxiety, anti-social beliefs, temperament, friendship quality and parenting practices on children’s adjustment. Projects currently underway in his lab examine psychosocial factors involved in bullying and victimization with a view of developing effective prevention strategies. Other research projects involve an examination of the development of conscience, moral emotions and self-regulation.
Dr. Marini is also an accomplished and dedicated teacher whose commitment to mentoring and to the development of innovative and effective pedagogy has received numerous accolades from his students (e.g., listed as one of Brock University’s Favourite Professors in “The Student’s Guide to Canadian Universities”) and has won many awards, including: The Faculty of Social Sciences Award for Excellence in Teaching, The Brock University Award for Distinguished Teaching, and the OCUFA (Ontario Confederation of Faculty Associations) Teaching Award. Dr. Marini has researched and published on issues related to the Scholarship of Teaching (SoTL), theorizing and investigating ways of humanizing technology so as to make computers more effective pedagogical tools. As a unique example of integrative scholarship, in one of his most recent projects, Dr. Marini combines his two major scholarship passions for research and teaching by examining the link between his long-standing interest in peer interactions, which may lead to antisocial behaviours such as bullying, and the effects that this type of incivility may have on the academic lives of university students. Dr. Marini has received a Brock Chancellor’s Chair for Teaching Excellence to continue his investigation of in/civility in the classroom. In 2010, was awarded the prestigious 3M National Teaching Fellowship.
- The development of typical and atypical social cognition, children’s adjustment and self-regulation
- Bullying, victimization and intervention strategies
- Bullying involving unique contexts and distinct populations
- Links between bullying, classroom incivility and learning outcomes
- Marini, Z. A., & Volk, A. A. (2017). Towards a Transdisciplinary Blueprint to Studying Bullying. Journal of Youth Studies, 20 (1), 94-109.
- Dane, A. V., Marini, Z. A., Volk, A. A., & Vaillancourt, T. (2017). Physical and relational bullying and victimization: Differential relations with adolescent dating and sexual behaviour. Aggressive Behaviour, 43(2), 111-122.
- Farrell, A., Provenzano, D., Dane, A. V. , Marini, Z. A., & Volk, A. A. (2017). Maternal Knowledge, Adolescent Personality, and Bullying. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 413-416.
- Volk, A. A., Marini, Z. A., & Dane, A. V. (2016). The relations between incivility and adolescent health and wellbeing. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 3(9), 79-86.
- Spadafora, N., Farrell, A., Provenzano, D., Marini, Z. A., & Volk, A. A. (2016). Temperamental Differences and Classroom Incivility: Exploring the Role of Individual Differences. Canadian journal of school psychology, Online first, 1-19. [DOI:]
- Farrell, A. H., Provenzano, D. A., Spadafora, S., Marini, Z. A., & Volk, A. A. (2016). Measuring Adolescent Attitudes Toward Classroom Incivility: Exploring Differences Between Intentional and Unintentional Incivility. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 34(6), 577-588.
- Volk, A., Dane, A., Marini, Z., & Vaillancourt, T. (2015). Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology, 13(4), 1-16.
- Farrell, A. H., Brook, C., Dane, A. V., Marini, Z. A., & Volk, A. A. (2015). Relations Between Adolescent Ratings of Rothbart’s Temperament Questionnaire and the HEXACO Personality Inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment, 97(2), 163-171.
- Volk, A. A., Dane, A. V., & Marini, Z. A. (2014). What Is Bullying? A theoretical redefinition. Developmental Review, 34(4), 327-343
- Dane, A. V., & Marini, Z. A. (2014). Overt and relational forms of reactive aggression in adolescents: Relations with temperamental reactivity and self-regulation. Personality and Individual Differences, 60(2), 60-66.
- Marini, Z. A. (2013). Cultivating civility: Reducing confrontation in your classroom. University Affair (December Issue), pg. 68.
- Dane, A., Kennedy, R., Spring, M., Volk, A., & Marini, Z. (2012). Adolescent Beliefs about Antisocial Behaviour: Mediators and Moderators of Links with Parental Monitoring and Attachment. International Journal of Emotional Education, 4(2), 4-26.
- Hunt, C., & Marini, Z. A. (2012). Exploring incivility as viewed by clinical nursing teachers in practice environments. Nurse Education in Practice. 12(6), 366-370.
- Volk, A., Camilleri, J., Dane, A., & Marini, Z. A. (2012). If, when, and why adolescent bullying is adaptive. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.). Oxford handbook of evolutionary perspectives on violence, homicide, and war (pg. 270-288). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Volk, A., Camilleri, J., Dane, A., & Marini, Z. A. (2012). Is adolescent bullying an evolutionary adaptation? Aggressive Behaviour, 38, 222-238.
- Darrell-Cheng, C., Volk, A. A, & Marini, Z. A. (2011). Supporting fathering through infant massage. Journal of Perinatal Education, 20(4), 1-10.
- Brooks, T., Marini, Z., & Radue, J. (2011). Transitioning to university: Attitudes towards classroom civility and academic integrity. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 4, 81-87.
- Dane, A., Marini, Z., Book, A., & Volk, T. (2011). Preventing bullying by tailoring parenting to children’s temperament: The case of children with callous-unempathic characteristics. In D. Pepler and W. Craig (Eds.). Creating a World Without Bullying. PREVNet Series, Vol. 3 (pp. 117-135).
- Marini, Z. A., Dane, A., & Kennedy, R. (2010). Multiple pathways to bullying: Tailoring educational practices to variations in students’ temperament and brain function. In M. Ferrari & L. Vuletic (Eds.). The Developmental Relations between Mind, Brain, and Education: Essays in Honor of Robbie Case (pp. 257-291). New York: Springer.
- Marini, Z. A., Polihronis, C., & Blackwell, W. (2010). Academic in/civility: Co-constructing the foundation for a civil learning community. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 3, 89-93.
- Volk, A. A., Darrell-Cheng, C., & Marini, Z. A. (2010). Paternal care may influence perceptions of paternal resemblance. Evolutionary Psychology, 8(3), 516-529.
- Sandrock, J., Wolshyn, V., Gallagher, T., Di Petta, T., & Marini, Z.A. (2010). Educational Psychology (Third Canadian Edition). Whitby, Ontario: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
- Marini, Z. A., Volk, A., & Dane, A. (2009). Parent-focused interventions for the prevention of bullying: Accommodating children with difficulties regulating emotions. In W. Craig, D. Pepler and J. Cummings (Eds.). Rise Up for Respectful Relationships: Prevent Bullying (PREVNet Series, Volume II, pp. 41-57). Ottawa, Ontario: National Printers.
- Marini, Z. (2009). The thin line between civility and incivility: Fostering reflection and self-awareness to create a civil learning community. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 2, 61-67.
- Marini, Z. A., Dane, A., & Volk, A. (2008). What’s a bully–victim? Education.Com – Special Issue on Bullying at School and Online (Guest Editors, S. Hymel and S. Swearer).
- Marini, Z. A., & Dane, A. V. (2008). Matching interventions to bullying subtypes: Ensuring programs fit the multifaceted needs of children involved in bullying. In D. Pepler & W. Craig (Eds.). An International Perspective on Understanding and Addressing Bullying (PREVNet Series Volume 1, pp. 97-126). Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. Click here to view a penultimate version of this paper.
- Leenaars, L., Dane, A., & Marini, Z.A. (2008). Evolutionary perspective on indirect victimization in adolescence: The role of attractiveness, dating and sexual behaviour. Aggressive Behaviour, 34, 404-415. Click here to view a penultimate version of this paper.
- Lacharite, M., & Marini, Z. A. (2008). Bullying prevention and the rights of children: Psychological and democratic aspects. In T. O’Neill & D. Zinga (Eds.). Children’s Rights: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Participation and Protection (pp. 297-325). University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Ontario.
- Morra, S., Gobbo, C., Marini, Z., & Sheese, R. (2008). Cognitive Development: Neo-Piagetian Perspectives. Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
- Marini, Z.A. (2007). Review of E. Elliott & R. Gordon (Eds.), New Directions in Restorative Justice: Issues, Practice, Evaluation. Cullompton , UK : Willan Publishing (2005). Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 49(1), 127-128.
- Willoughby , T., Chalmers, H., Busseri, M., Bosacki, S., Dupont, D., Marini, Z., Rose-Krasnor, L., Sadava, S., Ward, T., & Woloshyn, V. (2007). Adolescent non-involvement in multiple risk behaviours: An indicator of successful development? Applied Developmental Science, 11(2), 89-103.
- Bosacki, S. L., Dane, A. V., & Marini, Z. A. (2007). Peer relationships and internalizing problems in adolescents: Mediating role of self-esteem. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 1 2(4), 261-282. Click here to view the penultimate version of this paper.
- Sandrock, J., Wolshyn, V., Gallagher, T., Di Petta, T., & Marini, Z.A. (2007). Educational Psychology (Second Canadian Edition). Whitby , Ontario : McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
- Marini, Z. A., Koruna, B., & Dane, A. (2006). Individualized interventions for ESL students involved in bullying and victimization. Contact, 32(2), 22-41.
- DiPetta, T., Novak, J. M., & Marini, Z. A. (2006). A guide to inviting on-line education: Welcome to the on-line world of education. In J. M. Novak, W. Rocca & A.-M. DiBiase. Creating Inviting Schools ( pp. 101-121). San Francisco, CA: Caddo Gap Press.
- Marini, Z. A, Dane, A., Bosacki, S. & YLC-CURA. (2006). Direct and indirect bully-victims: Differential psychosocial risk factors associated with adolescents involved in bullying and victimization. Aggressive Behaviour, 32, 551-569.
- Bosacki, S. L., Marini, Z. A., & Dane, A. (2006). Voices from the classroom: Pictorial and narrative representations of middle school bullying experiences. Journal of Moral Education, 35(2), 1-15.
- Marini, Z.A., McWhinnie, M., & Lacharite, M. (2004). Preventing school bullying: Identification and intervention strategies involving bystanders. Teaching and Learning,3(1), 17-21.
- Di Petta, T., Novak, J. M., & Marini, Z. A. (2002). Inviting on-line education . Phi Delta Kappa Fastback. Bloomington, IN: Educational Foundation. Marini, Z. A. , Fairbairn, L., & Zuber, R. (2001). Peer harassment in individuals with developmental disabilities: Towards the development of a multidimensional bullying identification model. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin , 29, 170-195.
- Marini, Z. A. , Fairbairn, L., & Zuber, R. (2001). Peer harassment in individuals with developmental disabilities: Towards the development of a multidimensional bullying identification model. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin , 29, 170-195.
- Marini, Z. A., Federici, C. (2001). A historical and panoramic view of play. A Review of Paola de Sanctis Ricciardone. Antropologia e gioco. TASP: The Association for the Study of Play Newsletter (Winter Issue), 6-7.
- Marini, Z. A. , Bombay, K., Hobin, C., Winn, D., & Dumyn, P. (2000). From peer victimization to peer mediation: A public health approach to the prevention and management of school bullying. Brock Education , 10, 1-29.
- Griffiths, D., & Marini, Z. A. (2000). Interacting with the legal system regarding a sexual offence: Social and cognitive considerations for persons with developmental disabilities. Journal on Developmental Disabilities , 7, 77-121.
- Keenan, T., Olson, D., Marini, Z. A. (1998). Working memory and Children’s developing understanding of mind. Australian Journal of Psychology, 50, 76-82.
- Marini, Z. A. , & Case, R. (1994). The development of abstract reasoning about the physical and social world. Child Development , 65, 147-159.
- Marini, Z. A. (1992). Synchrony and asynchrony in the development of children’s scientific reasoning (pp. 53-73). In R. Case (Ed.), The mind’s staircase: Exploring the conceptual underpinnings of children’s thought and knowledge . Hillsdale , NJ : Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, Publishers.
- Marini, Z. A., & Federici, C. (1992, published in 1994). A Hypermedia approach to the learning and teaching of phonetics. Language Teaching Strategies, 6, 32-39.
- Marini, Z. A. , Mitterer, J., & Powell, A. (1991). Toward a desktop system for effective Computer-aided language learning. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication , 20, 171-187.
- Marini, Z. A. , & Auld-Cameron, J. (1991). Understanding conflicts in troubled and non-troubled high school students. Exceptionality Education Canada , 1, 103-124.
- Mitterer, J., Marini, Z.A., MacRae, D., Joe, B. (1990). Hypermedia and direct manipulation interfaces in CALL (pp. 135-142). In M.L. Craven, R. Sinyor & D. Paramskas (Eds.), CALL: Selected Papers and Reports. La Jolla , CA : Athelstan Publishing.
- Marini, Z. A, & Case, R. (1989). Parallels in the development of preschoolers’ knowledge about their physical and social worlds. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 35, 63-87.
- Van Houten, R., Nau, P., & Marini, Z.A. (1980). An Analysis of public positing in reducing speeding on an urban highway. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 13, 383-395.
- Dane, A. V., Marini, Z. A., Volk, A. A. & Vaillancourt, T. (2013, October). Bullying in relation to adolescent sexual activities. Presentation made as part of a symposium on Darwin Days, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario.
- Volk, A. A., Camilleri, J. A., Dane, A. V., & Marini, Z. A. (2013, July). Is Adolescent Bullying An Evolutionary Adaptation? Presentation made at the Human Behaviour and Evolution Society, Miami, Florida.
- Dane, A., & Marini, Z. A. (2013, April). Emotion regulation in overt and relational forms of reactive aggression: Differential relations with temperament. Poster presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington.
- Marini, Z. A. (2012, June). Creating a Civil Learning Community. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 32th Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec.
- Dane, A., & Marini, Z. A. (2011, July). Emotion regulation in overt and relational forms of reactive aggression: Differential relations with temperament. Symposium presentation at the 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Dane, A., & Marini, Z. A. (2011, March). Reactive control in reactive relational and reactive overt aggression: Variations in the protective function of fearfulness. Poster to be presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec.
- Dane, A., & Marini, Z. A. (2011, March). Self-regulation of reactive-overt and proactive-overt aggression: Gender-specific reactive and effortful control processes. Poster to be presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec.
- Polihronis, C. N., & Marini, Z. A. (2010, May). “Because bullies like to do mean things”: Examining children’s understanding of bullying motivations and solutions after participating in a Roots of Empathy programme. Poster presented at Development 2010: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
- Marini, Z., Polihronis, C., Dane, A., & Volk, A. (2010, June). Towards the Development of a Civil Learning Community: Differentiating Between Intentional and Unintentional In/Civility. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 30th Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
- Hunt, C., & Marini, Z. (2010, June). Sharing Stories: Understanding the Nature of In/Civility in Nursing Education. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 30th Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
- Brooks, T., Marini, Z., & Radue, J. (2010, June). Transitioning to University: Attitudes Towards Classroom Civility and Academic Integrity. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 30th Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
- Marini, Z. A., Polihronis, C., & Blackwell, W. (2009, June). Understanding and fostering academic civility. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 29th Annual Conference, University of New Brunswick,Fredericton, NB.
- Marini, Z., & Dane, A. (2009, April). Unpacking self-regulation: The role of activation control in the development of adolescent delinquency. Poster presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, Colorado.
- Dane, A., & Marini, Z. (2009, April). The indirect link between authoritative parenting and adolescent delinquency: The role of self-regulation. Poster presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, Colorado.
- Marini, Z., Dane, A., Vaillancourt, T., Cunningham, L., Short, K. & Mac-CURA (2008, July). Anti-Bullying Practices and Moral Disengagement: Key Gender Differences. Poster presented at the 20th Biennial International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Meeting held Würzburg, Germany.
- Marini, Z. A., Polihronis, C., & Riley, A. (2008, May). Understanding and fostering civility in university classrooms: Exploring the link between incivility and bullying. Paper presented at the Canadian Association for Educational Psychology Conference, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
- Marini, Z. A. (2008, June). Understanding and promoting civility in university classrooms. Workshop Presentation made at the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 28th Annual Conference, held at the University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario.
- Marini, Z.A., Kennedy, R., Kingston , S., Busser, D. & YLC-CURA (2007, March). Emotional dysregulation in adolescent bully/victims: The relationship between temperament and parental monitoring. Poster presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston , MASS.
- Leenaars, L., Dane, A. Marini, Z.A., & YLC-CURA. (2007, March). Indirect victimization in adolescence as a function of attractiveness, dating and sexual behaviour: An Evolutionary Perspective. Poster presented at the biennial conference of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MASS.
- Member, University Speakers Bureau.
- Past or present member of the following organizations, Board of Directors of the Niagara Child and Youth Services, Board Member of Niagara Child and Youth Care, Niagara Parenting Conference Organizing Committee, Niagara College Early Childhood Education Advisory Committee, Niagara Children’s Services Committee, Niagara Violence Prevention Coalition, and Niagara Community Observatory.