Associate Professor

905-688-5550 x5682
[email protected]
Dr. Matthew Kwan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Studies and Director of the Infant, Child, and Youth Health Lab at Brock University. He is Adjunct Professor in Family Medicine at McMaster University. Dr. Kwan has formal training in Kinesiology with a specific focus in health and exercise psychology, but his current research interests reflects a broader interdisciplinary science comprised of psychology, behavioural medicine, and population health. The primary objective of Dr. Kwan’s program of research is to understand the determinants of physical activity and other health-promoting behaviours, and its impact on mental health and wellbeing from childhood through emerging adulthood. Guided by a socio-ecological perspective on behaviour change, his work aims to better understand the complex interplay between environmental, social, and individual factors. Implications of such research consider how socio-environmental contexts along with generalized and momentary cognitions influence behaviours and mental health and wellbeing. Dr. Kwan’s current research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Rossy Family Foundation.
Please visit Dr. Kwan’s lab website.
Determinants of physical activity and health-promoting behaviour
Mental-health and wellbeing through childhood and emerging adulthood
Interplay between environmental, social, and individual factors
Physical literacy and activity
Development coordination disorder
- Newcomer children and youth and community action research
Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)
Note: Names of trainees underlined
- Brown, D.M.Y., Porter, C., Huong, C., Groves, C., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (In Press). Predictive utility of the multi-process action control framework for self-reported and device-measured adolescent physical activity behavior. Behavioral Sciences.
- Letts, E., King-Dowling, S., , M.Y.W., Trost, S., Obeid, J., & Cairney, J. (In Press). Device-measured physical activity in preschoolers with and without developmental coordination disorder assessed using machine learning activity classification model. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. (role: co-author)
- Harris, S., Brown, D.M.Y., King-Dowling, S., Cairney, J., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2024). Examining real-time physical activity in adolescents using the Multi-Process Action Control Model: An ecological momentary assessment study. Current Issues in Sport Science, 9, 005-015. (role: senior author)
- Kandasamy, S., Rowe, T., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2024) Community-academic partnerships catalyze and sustain impact in research activities: A commentary. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 115, 622-627. (role: senior author)
- Jefferies, P., Kwan, M.Y.W., Brown D.M.Y.,Bruner, M.W., Tamminen, K.A., & Cairney, J. (2024) The sport experience measure for children and youth (SEM:CY): A Rash validation. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1(aop), 1-13. (role: co- lead author)
- Porter, C., Kwan, M.Y.W. Meca, A., & Brown, D.M.Y (2024) Exercise identities and physical activity behavior during late adolescence: A four wave cross-legged panel model. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 73, 102641. (role: co-author)
- Graham, J.D., Babij, S., Bedard, C., Bremer, E., Powell, A., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.A., Kwan, M.Y.W. & Cairney, J. (Accepted). An Evaluation of the Sharing Dance Public School Program: A Creative Movement Arts-Based Approach to Promoting Physical Literacy. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science. (role: co-author)
- Brown D.M.Y., Lerner, I., Cairney, J., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2024) Independent and Joint Associations of Physical Activity and Sleep on Mental Health among 220,324 adults in 214 countries. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (role: senior author)
- James, M.E., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.P. Kwan, M.Y.W. King-Dowling, S., & Cairney, J. (2024). Physical activity and motor skill development during early childhood: Investigating the role of parental support. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. (role: co- author)
- Groves, C.I., Huong, C., Porter, C.D., Summerville, B., Swafford, I., Witham, B., Hayward, M., Kwan, M.Y.W., & Brown, D.M.Y (2024). Optimal combinations of 24- hour movement behaviors for mental health across the lifespan: A systematic review. Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors. 3(1), 9. (role: co-author)
- Kandasamy, S., Kwan, M.Y.W., Memon, P., Desai, D., deSouza, R., Montague, P., Sherifali, D., Wahi, G., & Anand, S. (2024) Understanding newcomer challenges and opportunities to accessing nature and greenspace in Riverdale, Hamilton, Ontario: A neighbourhood-centred photovoice study. Health Promotion Practice. (role: co-senior author)
- Cairney, J., Townsend, S., Brown, DMY, Graham, J., & Kwan, M.Y.W (2023) The Golden Ratio in Baseball: The influence of historical eras on winning percentage in Major League Baseball. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living (role: co-author)
- King-Dowling, S., Fortnum, K., Kwan, M.Y.W., & Cairney, J. (2023) Response to letter to editor: Enhancing the discussion on physical fitness assessment in preschool children: A focus on PREFIT battery. Journal of Human Biology. e24017 (role: co-author)
- King-Dowling, S., Fortnum, K., Chirico, D., Le, T., Kwan, M.Y.W., Timmons, B.W., & Cairney, J. (2023) Reliability of field- and laboratory-based assessments of health-related fitness in preschool-aged children. Journal of Human Biology. e23987, 1-7 (role: co- author)
- Anderson, L.N., Alvarez, E., Incze, T., Tarride, J.E., Kwan, M.Y.W., & Mbuagbaw, L. (2023). Motivational interviewing to promote healthy behaviours for obesity prevention in young adults (MOTIVATE): A pilot randomized controlled trial protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9, 156.
- Babij, S., James, M., Veldhuizen, S., Rodriquez, C., Price, D., Kwan, M.Y.W, & Cairney J. (2023). Cumulative Perinatal Risk Factors and Developmental Coordination Disorder in Young Children. Maternal and Child Health Research. (role: co-author)
- Wahi, G., Kandasamy, S., Bangdiwala, S.I., Baumann, A., Crea-Arsenio, M., Desai, D., Georgiades, K., Jackson-Best, F., Kwan, M.Y.W., Montague, P., Newbold, K.B., Sherifali, D., Sim, A., de Souza, R.J., & Anand, S.S. (2023). Strengthening community roots: Anchoring newcomers in wellness and sustainability (SCORE!): A protocol for the co-design and evaluation of a healthy active living program among a newcomer community in Canada. PLOSone, 18, e23987. (role: co-author)
- Brown D.M.Y., Cairney, J., Azimi S., Vandenborn, E., Bruner, M.W., Tamminen, K.A., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2023) Towards the development of a quality youth sport experience measure: Understanding participant and stakeholder perspectives. PLOSone, 18, e0287387. (role: senior author)
- Porter, C., McPhee, P.G., Kwan, M.Y.W., Timmons, B. W. & Brown, D. M. Y., (2023). 24-hour movement guideline adherence and mental health: A cross-sectional study of emerging adults with chronic health conditions and disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 101476. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Kandasamy S., Graham J., Konopaki, J., & Brown, DMY. (2023) Development and evaluation of WinSport’s IPLAY program: A protocol for a mixed methods feasibility study targeting newcomer youths. PLOSone, 18, e0284373. (role: primary author)
- Ogrodnik, M, Fenesi, B., Kwan, M.Y.W. & Heinz, J. (2023). A qualitative investigation of perceived barriers and facilitators to physical activity for adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Health Education Research. 1-21 (role: co-author)
- Carl, J., Barratt, J., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.P., Barnett, L.M., Dudley, D.A., Holler, P., Keegan, R., Kwan, M.Y.W, Scurati, R., Sum, R.K.W., Wainwright, N., & Cairney, J. (2023) Development, Explanation, and Presentation of the Physical Literacy Interventions Reporting Template. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 20, 1-15. (role: co-author)
- Veldhuizen, S., Bedard, C., King-Dowling, S., Barratt, J., & Kwan, M.Y.W. & Cairney, J. (2023). Stability of motor functioning in early childhood: evidence from a large prospective cohort. Human Movement Science, 87, 103037. (role: co-author)
- Haider, I., Brown D.M.Y., Bray, S.R., Dutta, P., Rhodes, R.E. & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2022) Understanding the Intention-to-Behavior Relationship for Adolescents: An Application of the Multi-Process Action Control Model. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 22, 52-69. (role: senior author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. Li, Y.C. & Cairney, J. (2022) Theory-based correlates of physical activity among children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A brief review. Current Developmental Disorders Report, 9, 104-109. (role: primary author)
- Kovacevic, D., Brown D.M.Y., Bray, S.R., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2022) Understanding changes in adolescent physical activity behaviors and cognitions prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, (role: co-senior author)
- Brown D.M.Y., Kwan, M.Y.W. King-Dowling, S., & Cairney, J. (2021) Cross-sectional associations between wake-time movement behaviour compositions and indicators of mental health among young children. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 9, 752333. (role: co-author)
- Brown D.M.Y. & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2021) Movement Behaviours and Mental Wellbeing: A Cross-Sectional Isotemporal Substitution Analysis of Canadian Adolescents. Frontiers in Behavioral Neurosciences, 15, 736587. (role: senior author)
- Brown, D.M.Y., Faulkner G.E.J., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2022). Healthier movement behavior profiles are associated with higher psychological wellbeing among emerging adults attending post-secondary education. Journal of Affective Disorders, 319, 511-517. (role: co-senior author)
- Keating, S.E., Mielke, G.I., King-Dowling, S., Timmons, B.W., Kwan M.Y.W., & Cairney, J. (2022) Association between fitness, physical activity, and fatness in pre- school aged children with typical and atypical motor coordination. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 10, (role: co-author)
- Hothi, H., Bedard, C., Ceccacci, A., DiRezze, B. & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2022) Effects of Developmental Transition Programs: A Meta-Analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation. 44, 1-11 (role: senior author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. Brown D.M.Y., Dutta, P., Haider, I., Cairney J., & Rhodes, R.E. (2021) Application of the Multi-Process Action Control Model to Predict Physical Activity during Late Adolescence. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1(osp), 1-7. (role: primary author)
- Brown D.M.Y., McPhee, P., Kwan, M.Y.W. & Timmons, B.W. (2021) Implications of disability severity on 24-hour movement guidelines adherence among children with neurodevelopmental disorders in the United States. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 18, 1325-1331. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. King-Dowling, S, Veldhuizen, S., & Cairney, J. (2021) Examining device-assessed physical activity the transition into emerging adulthood: Results from the MovingU Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69, 477-481. (role: primary author)
- Macedo, L., Richardson, J., Battie, M., Hancock, M, Kwan MYW,& Hlaydsh, G. (2021) Back to Living Well Community-based management of low back pain: A Feasibility Study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7, 1-11. (role: co-author)
- Weatherson, K.A., Joopally, H., Wunderlich K., Kwan, M.Y.W., Tomasone, J.R. & Faulkner, G. (2021) Post-secondary students’ adherence to the Canadian 24-hour Movement Guidelines for Adults: Results from the first deployment of the Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey (CCWS). Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention, 41, 173-181. (role: co-author)
- Brown D.M.Y., Cairney, J., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2021) Adolescent Movement Behaviour Profiles are Associated with Indicators of Mental Wellbeing. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 20, 100387. (role: senior author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Brown, D.M.Y., MacKillop, J., Beaudette, S., Van Koughnett, S., & Munn, C. (2021). Evaluating the Impact of Archway: A Personalized Program for 1st Year Student Success and Mental Health and Wellbeing. BMC Public Health, 20, 1-8. (role: primary author)
- Brown D. M.Y., Kwan, M.Y.W., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.A., & Cairney, J. (2021) Identifying Patterns of Movement Behaviours in Relation to Depressive Symptoms during Adolescence: A Latent Profile Analysis Approach. Preventive Medicine, 143, 106352. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. Hothi, H., Ceccacci, A., Bedard, C., Dutta, P., Canete, A., & DiRezze, B. (2021) Evaluated interventions addressing developmental transitions for youth with mental health disorders: An updated scoping review. Current Developmental Disorders Report, 8, 23-55. (role: primary author)
- Li, Y.C., Kwan, M.Y.W., King-Dowling, S., Rodriguez, C.M., & Cairney, J. (2021) Does physical activity and BMI mediate the association between DCD and internalizing problems in early childhood? A partial test of the Environmental Stress Hypothesis. Human Movement Science, 75, 102744. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Graham, J, Healey, C., Paolucci, N., & Brown, D.M.Y. (2020) Stopping the Drop: Examining the Impact of a Physical Literacy-based Intervention Program on Physical Activity Behaviours and Fitness During the Transition into University. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16) 5832. (role: primary author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Dutta, P., Bray, S.R., Brown, D., Cairney, J. Dunton, G., Graham, J.D. & Rhodes, R. (2020). Methods and Design for the ADAPT Study: Application of integrated Approaches to understanding Physical activity during the Transition into emerging adulthood. BMC Public Health, 20, 1-8. (role: primary author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. Ceccacci A, Paolucci, N., & Rebar, A. (2020) Physical activity and its impact on mental health during the late adolescent and emerging adulthood period: A systematic review. Adolescent Research Review, 21, 1-5. (role: primary author)
- Li, Y.C., Chirico, D., Graham, J.D., Kwan, M.Y.W., & Cairney, J. (2020) The indirect effect of physical self-concept on the relationship between motor coordination and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in emerging adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 3748. (role: co-author)
- Hoang, P., Moore, K., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2020) Examining the utility of a mindfulness intervention for the prevention of falls: A pilot study. Canadian Journal on Aging, 39, 1-8. (role: senior author)
- Cairney, J, Veldhuizen, S, King-Dowling, S, Kwan M.Y.W., Rodriguez, C., Price, D., Missuna, C., Timmons, B., & Wade, T. (2019) Cohort Profile: The Canadian Coordination and Activity Tracking in Children (CATCH) longitudinal cohort. BMJ Open, 9, e029784. (role: co-author)
- Weatherson, K., Kwan, M., Ramanathan, S., & Faulkner, G. Development of the Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey (CCWS). CCWS Technical Report Series 2019; 1(1). Vancouver, BC: The University of British Columbia. Available at: www.ccws-
- Mahlberg, N., James, M.G., Bulten, R., Kwan, M.Y.W. & Cairney, J. (2019) Investigating the Association between Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in Utero and Developmental Coordination Disorder. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 7, 438. (role: co-author)
- Faulkner, G.E.J., Ramanathan, S., & Kwan, M.Y.W. Stakeholder Working Group (2019). Developing the Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey: Results from a modified Delphi process. BMJ Public Health, 19, 935. (role: co-senior author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. Graham, J., Bedard, C., Healy, C., Bremer, E., & Cairney, J. (2019) Examining the effectiveness of a pilot physical literacy-based intervention targeting first- year university students: The PLUS program. Sage Open, 9, 2. (role: primary author)
- Cairney, J., Dudley D., Kwan, M.Y.W., Bulten R., & Kriellaars. D. (2019) Physical literacy, physical activity and health: Towards an evidence-informed conceptual model. Sports Medicine,49, 371-383. (role: co-author)
- King-Dowling, S., Kwan M.Y.W., Rodriguez, C., Missuna, C., Timmons, B., & Cairney, J. (2019) Physical activity in young children with and without motor coordination difficulties. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 61, 1302-1308. (role: co- author)
- Li, Y.C., Kwan, M.Y.W., & Cairney, J. (2019) Motor coordination problems and psychological distress in young adults: A test of the environmental stress hypothesis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 84, 112-121. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. Bedard, C., Velhuizen, S., King-Dowling, S, & Cairney, J. (2018) Understanding response patterns and compliance to Ecological Momentary Assessment in university students. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 15, 7-8. (role: primary author)
- Cairney, J., Clark, H., Kwan, M.Y.W., Tamminen, K., & Bruner M. (2018) Measuring Sport Experiences in Children and Youth to Better Understand the Impact of Sport on Health and Positive Youth Development: Theoretical Model and Research Design. BMC Public Health, 18, 446. (role: co-author)
- Li, Y.C., Kwan, M.Y.W., Clark, H., & Cairney, J. (2018) A test of the Environmental Stress Hypothesis in children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 37, 244-250. (role: co-author)
- Brown, A., Greenway, M., Kwan, M.Y.W., & Grierson, L. (2017). Two birds, one stone: Medical education as context for early engagement in quality improvement. Academic Medicine, 51- 1164-1165. (role: co-author)
- Crouch, M., Mack, D., Wilson, P., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2017). Variability of coefficient alpha: An empirical investigation of the scales of psychological well-being. Review of General Psychology, 21(3), 255-268. (role: co-author)
- Bedard, C., King-Dowling, S, MacDonald, M., Dunton, G., Cairney, J. & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2017). Examining the feasibility of using wrist-worn accelerometers and Ecological Momentary Assessment to examine physical activity behaviours in university students. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 3(2), e32. (role: senior/corresponding author)
- Mitchell, M.S., White, L., Oh, P.I., Leahey T.M., Kwan, M.Y.W., & Faulkner G.E. (2017). Uptake of an incentive-based mHealth app: Process evaluation of the Carrot Rewards app. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 5(5), e70. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Bedard, C., King-Dowling, S, Wellman, S., & Cairney, J. (2016). Moving U: A study to understand behavioural and environmental contexts influencing physical activity during emerging adulthood. BMC Public Health, 16(1), 728. (role: primary author)
- Mitchell, M.S., White, L., Oh, P.I., Kwan, M.Y.W., Gove P., Leahey T.M., & Faulkner G.E. (2016). Examining financial health incentives to promote physical activity among hospital employees not achieving 10,000 daily steps. JMIR Research Protocol, 5(4), e231. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.A., Duku, E., & Faulkner, G.E.J. (2016). Patterns of Multiple Health-Risk Behaviours in University Students and its Association with Mental Health Outcomes. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 36(8), 163-170. (role: primary author)
- Lum, I., Swartz, R., Kwan, M.Y.W. (2016). Accessibility and use of primary healthcare amongst immigrants in smaller urban centres. Social Science and Medicine, 156, 73-79. (role: primary author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., King-Dowling, S., & Cairney, J. (2016). Objective assessments of physical activity and sedentary behaviors among children with DCD. Human Movement Sciences, 47, 159-165. (role: primary author)
- Cairney, J. Li, Y.C., Joshi, D., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2016). The impact of the Olympics on regular season team performance in the National Hockey League. Journal of Athletic Enhancements, 7, 2. (role: co-author)
- Grierson, L. & Fowler, N., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2015). Tracking residency program outcomes in Family Medicine: An innovative Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Journal of Canadian Family Practice, 61, e-524-e531. (role: co-senior author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Cairney, J., Hay, J.A., & Faught, B.E. (2015). Understanding the role of physical activity cognitions for middle-aged children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities 37. (role: primary author)
- Li, Y.C., Kwan, M.Y.W., King-Dowling, S., & Cairney, J. (2015). Determinants of physical activity among preschool aged children: a systematic review. Advances in Physical Education, 5, 116. (role: co-senior author)
- Cairney, J., Joshi, D., Kwan, M.Y.W., Hay, J.A., & Faught, B.E. (2015). Investigation of the impact of socio-economic status on physical activity during childhood: A longitudinal investigation. Sociology of Sport Journal, 32, 266-283. (role: co-author)
- Stork, M.J., Kwan, M.Y.W., Gibala M.J., & Martin Ginis K.A. (2015). Staying ‘On Beat’ With High-Intensity Interval Training: The Impact of Music on Exercise Performance and Social Cognitions. Medicine in Science of Sports and Exercise, 47 1052-1060. (role: co-author)
- Brown, D., Bray, S.R., Beatty, K., & Kwan, M.Y.W. (2014). Healthy Active Living: A Residence Community-based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Healthy Eating during the Transition to First-year University. Journal of American College Health, 62(4), 234-242. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Bobko, S., Faulkner, G., Donnelly, P., & Cairney, J. (2014). Sport participation and alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review. Addictive Behaviors, 39, 497-506. (role: primary author)
- Batey, C. A., Kwan, M.Y.W., Missiuna, C. A., Timmons, B. W., Hay, J. A., Faught, B. E., & Cairney, J. (2014). Self-efficacy toward physical activity and the physical activity behavior of children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder. Human movement Science, 36, 258-271. (role: co-author)
- Parmar, A., Kwan, M.Y.W., Rodriquez, C., Missuna, C. & Cairney, J. (2014). Psychometric properties of the DCD-Q-07 in young children aged 4-to-6. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 330-339. (role: student advisor and co-author)
- Cairney, J., Kwan, M.Y.W., Faulkner, G.E.J., & Velduizen, S. (2014). Who uses exercise as a coping strategy for stress? Results from a national survey of Canadians. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(5), 908-916. (role: co-author)
- Cairney, J., Veldhuizen, S., Kwan, M.Y.W., Hay, J.A., & Faught, B.E. (2014). Biological age and sex-related declines in physical activity during adolescence. Medicine in Science of Sports and Exercise, 46, 730-735. (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Abour-Nicitopoulos, K.A., Faulkner, G., & Cairney, J. (2013). Health Behaviours among Canadian Undergraduate Students: Descriptive data from the National College Health Assessment. BMC Public Health, 13, (role: primary author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Faulkner, G.E.J. & Bray, S.R. (2013). Evaluation of Active Transition, A Website Delivered Physical Activity Intervention for University Students: Pilot Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 2(1), e16. (role: primary author)
- Cairney, J., Kwan, M.Y.W. Hay, J., & Faught, B.E. (2012). Developmental Coordination Disorder, Gender, and Body Weight: Examining the impact of participation in active play. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33(5), 1566-1573. (role: co-author)
- **Kwan, M.Y.W., Cairney, J. Faulkner, G.E.J. & Pullenayegum, E.E. (2012). Physical activity and other health-risk behaviors during the transition into early adulthood: A longitudinal cohort study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 42, 14-20. (role: primary author)
**Paper was selected to be a videocast in concert with publication (
- Cairney, J., Kwan, M.Y.W., & King-Dowling, S. (2012). Obesity risk in children with developmental coordination disorder: What do we know? The Dyspraxia Foundation Professional Journal, 10, 21-32. (role: co-author)
- *Cairney, J., Kwan, M.Y.W. Velduizen, S., Hay, J., Bray, S.R., & Faught, B.E. (2012). Gender, perceived competence, and the enjoyment of physical education in children: A longitudinal Examination. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9, (*highly accessed article) (role: co-author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. & Faulkner, G.E.J. (2011). Informing to intervene: Barriers and intervention preferences among students transitioning into first-year university. American Journal of Health Studies, 26, 87-96. (role: primary author)
- Faulkner, G.E.J Kwan, M.Y.W., MacNeill, M., & Brownrigg, M. (2011). Outcomes of the Long Live Kids Campaign: Examination of children’s campaign recall. Journal of Health Communications, 16, 519-532. (role: co-author)
- Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.A. Kwan, M.Y.W., Taman, S., Lowe, D. & Faulkner, G.E.J. (2010). Normative beliefs in health behavioural practices in a college population. Journal of American College Health, 59, 191-196. (role: co-primary author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.A., Lowe, D., Taman, S. & Faulkner, G.E.J. (2010). Seeing may not be believing: Believability of health-related information in college students. Journal of American College Health, 58, 555-562. (role: co-primary author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W. & Faulkner, G.E.J. (2010). The need for a physical education. The Psychologist, 23, 116-119. (role: primary author)
- Kwan, M.Y.W., Bray, S.R. & Martin Ginis, K.A. (2009). Predicting physical activity during transition to university: An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Journal of American College Health, 58, 45-52. (role: primary author)
- Bray, S.R. & Kwan, M.W. (2006). Physical activity is associated with better heath and psychological well-being during transition to university. Journal of American College Health, 55, 75-82. (role: co-author)
- Gyurcsik, N.C., Spink, K.S., Bray, S.R., Chad, K. & Kwan, M. (2006). An ecological- based examination of barriers to physical activity in students from grade seven through first-year university. Journal of Adolescent Health, 38, 704-711. (role: co-author)
- Bray, S.R., Obera, J. & Kwan, M. (2005). Batting last as a factor in home field advantage in men’s NCAA tournament baseball. Journal of Sport Sciences, 23, 681-686. (role: co-author)