
Office: CRN 333
905-688-5550 x4807
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Frances Owen is a psychologist interested in the relationship between organizational systems and clinical practice, and issues related to mental health promotion and intervention in children, youth, adults and families. She has professional experience in children’s mental health, developmental services and schools. Her research, usually conducted in partnership with community organizations, focuses on human rights and community engagement of persons with intellectual disabilities, deinstitutionalization, inter-organizational and interdisciplinary partnerships in community services, cyber abuse prevention, and social service impact evaluation.
- Education and advocacy for the human rights of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in employment and daily life
- Organizational issues in service delivery for children, youth and families
- Evaluation of social service impacts
- Promotion of education and awareness about cyber bullying, especially sexting
Books, Chapters in Books (selected sample)
- Tarulli, D., Griffiths, D., & Owen, F. (2017) Human rights and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities: An elusive but emerging paradigm. In J-S Gordon (Ed.). Human rights and disability. London: Routledge
- Griffiths, D., Owen, F. & Condillac, R. (Eds.) (2016). A difficult dream: Ending institutionalization for persons with intellectual disabilities. Kingston, NY: NADD Press.
- Owen, F., Readhead, A., Bishop, C., Hope, J., & Campbell, J. (2015). Common Ground Co-operative: Supporting employment options. In J. Quarter, S. Ryan & A. Chan (Eds.), Social purpose enterprises: Case studies in doing business differently (pp. 27-51). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- Griffiths, D., Owen, F., & Watson, S. (Eds.) (2012). The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities. Kingston, NY: NADD
- Owen, F. & MacKinnon, G. (2012). The right to community living. In D. Griffiths, F. Owen, & S. Watson (Eds.). The human rights agenda for persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 39-58). Kingston, NY: NADD.
- Owen, F. & Griffiths, D. (Eds.) (2009). Challenges to the Human Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London.
- Owen, F., Griffiths, D., Tarulli, D., & Murphy. Historical and Theoretical Foundations of the Rights of People with Intellectual Disabilities: Setting the Stage. In F. Owen & D. Griffiths (Eds.) (2009), Challenges to the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities (pp. 23-42). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Owen, F., Julien, M., Sales, C., Tardif-Williams, C. Y., Vyrostko, B. & Stoner, K. (2009). Ensuring Rights: Systematic and Educational Approaches. In F. Owen & D. Griffiths (Eds.) (2009). Challenges to the human rights of people with intellectual Disabilities (pp. 263-279). London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Owen, F., Tardif-Williams, C.Y., Tarulli, D., McQueen-Fuentes, G., Feldman, M., Sales, C., Stoner, K., Gosse, L., & Griffiths, D.. Human rights for children and youth with developmental disabilities. In T. O’Neill and D. Zinga (Eds.). (2008) Children’s rights: Multidisciplinary approaches to participation and protection (pp. 267-318). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Refereed Journals (selected sample)
- Readhead, A., Whittingham, L., McKay, K., Bishop, C. & Owen F. (2019). Transitional aged youth: Navigating planning across systems.
Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 24(1), 3-8. - Gosse, L., Griffiths, D., Owen, F., & Feldman, M. (2017). Impact of an individualized planning approach on personal outcomes and supports for persons with intellectual disabilities. Journal on Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 14(23), 198-204.
- Feldman, M.A., Owen, F., Andrews, A.E., Tahir, M., Barber, R., Griffiths, D. (2016). Randomized control trial of the 3Rs Health Knowledge Training Program for persons with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 29(3) doi: 10.1111/jar.12186 (May 5, 2015, Epub ahead of print).
- Griffiths, D., Owen, F., & Condillac, R. (2015). Family feedback on the closure of institutions for persons with intellectual disabilities in Ontario, Journal on Developmental Disabilities 21(2), 28-37.
- Griffiths, D., Owen, F., Condillac, R. (2015). The Facilities Initiative in Ontario: A survey of community agencies, Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 21(2), 38- 48.
- Owen, F., Griffiths, F., & Condillac, R. The Ontario Facilities Initiative: Perceptions of the deinstitutionalization process (2015), Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 21(2), 49-59
- Owen, F., Li, J., Whittingham, L., Hope, J., Bishop, C., Readhead, A. , & Mook, L. (2015). Social return on investment of an innovative employment option for persons with developmental disabilities: Common Ground Co-operative. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 26(2), 209-228. DOI: 10.1002/nml.21187
- Feldman, M.A., Owen, F., Andrews, A.E., Tahir, M., Barber, R., Griffiths, D. (in press). Randomized control trial of the 3Rs Health Knowledge Training Program for persons with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. doi: 10.1111/jar.12186 (May 5, 2015, Epub ahead of print).
- Owen, F. (2013). It’s going to take how long? Benefits and boundaries in community based research. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 19(2), 10-13. ISSN: 118- 9136
- Saaltink, R., MacKinnon, G., Owen, F. and Tardif-Williams, C. (2012), Protection, participation and protection through participation: young people with intellectual disabilities and decision making in the family context. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56: 1076–1086. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01649.x
- Feldman, M. A., Owen, F., Andrews, A., Hamelin, J., Barber, R. and Griffiths, D. (2012), Health self-advocacy training for persons with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56: 1110–1121. doi: 10.1111/j.1365- 2788.2012.01626.x
- Tardif-Williams, C.Y., Owen, F., Feldman, M., Griffiths, D., Sales, C., McQueen- Fuentes, G., & Stoner, K. (2007). Comparison of interactive computer-based and classroom training on human rights awareness in persons with intellectual disabilities. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 42 (1), 48-58.
- Tarulli, D., Tardif, C., Griffiths, D., Owen, F., McQueen-Fuentes, G., Feldman, M., Sales, C., & Stoner, K. (2004). Human rights and persons with intellectual disabilities: Historical, pedagogical, and philosophical considerations. Encounters on Education, 5, 161-181.
- Griffiths, D., Owen, F., Gosse, L., Stoner, K., Tardif, C., Watson, S., Sales, C., & Vyrostko, B. (2003). Human rights and persons with intellectual disabilities: An action-research approach for community-based organizational self-evaluation. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 10 (2), 25-42.
- Owen, F., Griffiths, D., Stoner, K. Gosse, L., Watson, S., Tardif, C., Sales, C., & Vyrostko, B. (2003). Multi-level human rights training in an Association for Community Living: First steps toward systemic change. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 10 (2), 43-64.
- Owen, F. A., Sales, C. A., Griffiths, D. M., & Richards, D. A. (2001). Prelude to a code of ethics for caregivers in services for persons with developmental disabilities: A systemic approach to preventing abuse. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 29,152-169.
- Owen, F. A., Griffiths, D. M., Feldman, M. A., Sales, C. A., & Richards, D. A. (2000).Perceptions of acceptable boundaries by persons with developmental disabilities and their care-providers. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 7, 34-49.
- Owen, F. A., Pappalardo, S .J. & Sales, C. A. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviour: Proposal for a new dimension in counsellor education. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 34, 98-110.
- Gee, A., Kucan, M., MacKenzie, B., Rasmussen, S., Pearce, M., & Owen, F. (2015, November 24). Let’s talk about sexting! Poster Presentation at the Annual Conference of Children’s Mental Health Ontario. Toronto, ON.
- Owen, F., Hope, J., Readhead, A., Bishop, C., Li, J., Fayez, E., Garcia, A., & Whittingham, L. (2014, May 29). The social and economic impacts of Common Ground Co-operative. Panel presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
- Granich, A., MacKenzie, B., Owen, F., & Rasmussen, S. (2013, November 19). A group approach to treatment of “sexting.” Poster presentation at the Annual Conference of Children’s Mental Health Ontario, Toronto.
- Griffiths, D., Condillac, R., & Owen, F. (2013, October 24). Deinstitutionalization in Ontario, Canada. Annual Conference and Exhibit Show of NADD. Baltimore, MD
- Owen, F., Griffiths, D., Condillac, R., Bishop, C., Ioannou, S., & Ireland, L. (2013, October, 25). Facilitating organizational change using positive behavioural supports. Annual Conference and Exhibit Show of NADD). Baltimore, MD
- Owen, F., Readhead, A., Bishop, C., Hope, J., & Campbell, J. (2012, July 13). Social businesses owned and operated by persons with intellectual disabilities: A case study. Presentation at the World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Halifax, NS.
- Condillac, R., Griffiths, D. & Owen, F. (2012, July 12). Processes and outcomes of deinstitutionalization in Ontario: The Facilities Initiative Studies. Presentation at the World Congress International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, Halifax, NS.
- Hope, J., Campbell, J., Owen, F., Readhead, A., & Bishop, C. (2012, May). Common Ground Cooperative: A Mixed Model Approach to Social Entrepreneurship. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, Waterloo, ON.
- Helmeczi, B., Morrice, L., Wilson, A., Owen, F., Moroz, L., Readhead, A., Waboso, K., & Bruni, T. (2011, November 22). A community and university collaborative pilot project response for dually diagnosed children and youth. Poster presentation at the Children’s Mental Health Ontario Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
- Helmeczi, B., Morrice, L., Owen, F., Waboso, N., Readhead, A., Wilson, & Moroz, L. (2011, May). Community and university collaboration: Guiding principles for proposed framework for professionals working with children who have a dual diagnosis. CUExpo 2011, Waterloo, ON.
- Campbell, J., Readhead, A., & Owen, F. (2011, April). Case Study of a Social Business for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Presentation at Pacific Rim International Conference on Disabilities, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Helmeczi, B., Wilson, A., Morrice, L., & Moroz, L., Waboso, K., & Owen, F., (2011, April). Community and university collaboration: Guiding principles for proposed framework for professionals working with children that have a dual diagnosis. OADD Conference, Thorold, ON.
- Owen, F., Griffiths, D., Gosse, L., Agnew, S., & Sokoloski, B. (2010, April). The 3Rs Project: Focus on rights education for everyday life. Presentation at the Human Rights and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.
- Mullins, L., Owen, F., & Griffiths, D. (2010, April). Organizational implications of the 3Rs Human Rights Project: A systemic analysis. Presentation at the Human Rights and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.
- Griffiths, D., Owen, F., & Vyrostko, B. (2008, November). Changing and emerging systems to support person with ID and challenging needs. National Association for Dual Diagnosis Annual Conference Preconference presentation, Niagara Falls, ON.
- Owen, F., Gosse, L., Feldman, M., & Mullins, L. (2008, August). Asserting rights in everyday life: Rights education for people who have intellectual disabilities. Disability Rights and Social Participation: Engaging Society for All, Rehabilitation International 21st World Congress, Quebec City, QC.
- Owen, F., Griffiths, D., Yeager, D., Gosse, L., Tardif-Williams, C., Sales, C., Feldman, M., Tarulli, D., Marinos, V., Robinson, J., & Vyrostko, B. (2008, May). An alliance for human rights promotion for people with ID: The 3Rs project, CUExpo 2008, Victoria, B.C.
- Tardif-Williams, C. Y., Owen, F., Tarulli, D., Feldman, M., Sales, C., McQueen-Fuentes, G., & Griffiths, D. (July 2006). Balancing human rights, respect, and responsibility: identifying the concerns of children and youth who have intellectual disabilities and their family members. Symposium Presentation at Investment and Citizenship; Towards a Transdisciplinary Dialogue on Child and Youth Rights, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
- Owen, F., Agnew, S., Moyer, A., & Gosse, L. (May, 2006). Human rights education for people with intellectual disabilities: A multi-systemic, interdisciplinary approach. Symposium presentation at The International Summit for the Alliance on Social Inclusion, Montreal, QC.
- Rose-Krasnor, L., Owen, F., VanLankveld, J., Ward, A., Dupont, D., & Phipps, S. (June 2005). Young children with and without a communication delay: A one-year follow-up. Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network Conference, Toronto, ON.