Professor Farrell co-founded new academic journal

Professor Thomas Farrell recently co-founded and will serve as co-editor of a new journal commencing in 2022 with Equinox, UK.

Second Language Teacher Education (SLTE) is a peer-reviewed international forum devoted to research on the policy and practice of second language teacher education. SLTE welcomes submissions which approach issues in teacher education from the perspectives of globalization, postcolonial debates, English as an international language (EIL), sociocultural theory, postmethod pedagogy, constructivist views, and critical applied linguistics.

SLTE encourages submissions on teacher education in various international contexts and publishes studies with a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods design. Hence, studies which report on data collected through surveys, interviews, narrative frames, observations, stimulated recall, reflective journals, think aloud, and focus groups in the context of second language teacher education, rather than teacher education in other fields, fall within the scope of SLTE. In addition, SLTE publishes invited feature articles, state of the art articles, and meta-analysis and synthesis studies focused on language teacher education.

Call for papers: SLTE Flyer