Welcome! This page highlights animals and social justice people, research, and courses at Brock.
CHYS 4P08 — Companion Animals in the Lives of Children and Youth
ENGL 4P91 — Animal Studies and Literature
LABR/SOCI 2Q95 — Animals at Work
POLI 3P37 — The Politics of Human-Animal Relations
SOCI 2P85 — Animals and Human Society
SOCI 3P65 — Animals and the Law
SOCI 3P75 — Sociology of Animal Agriculture
SOCI 3P85 — Animals in Cross-Cultural Perspective
SOCI 3P87 — Sociology of Human-Canid Interactions
SOCI 3P95 — Sociology of Wildlife
SOCI 4P65 — Animals and the Law
SOCI 4P80 — Critical Animal Studies
SOCI 4P85 — Animals and Human Societies
TREN 3P96 — Tourism, Animals and Ethics
VISA 3P98 — Special Studies in Visual Culture: Picturing Animals

Photo credit: Peter Power
Dr. Kendra Coulter
Associate Professor
Centre for Labour Studies
[email protected]
I study labour involving animals, including the work done with, by, and for animals. I am committed to scholarship that improves human and animal lives, and that helps foster sustainable and solidaristic societies. In that spirit, I am developing a project on how to conceptualize, expand, and create what I call humane jobs: jobs that are good for people and for animals. I teach Brock’s unique Animals at Work course, and am the author of Animals, Work, and the Promise of Interspecies Solidarity (Forthcoming 2015).

Photo credit: Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals
Dr. Keri Cronin
Associate Professor
Visual Arts
[email protected]
My research focuses on the ways in which visual culture and animal advocacy intersect. I’m currently completing a book manuscript on the ways in which animal welfare, animal rights, and anti-vivisection activists used art and other imagery in England and North America between 1875-1914. I teach a senior-level undergraduate course called “Picturing Animals.”

Dr. Stefan Dolgert
Assistant Professor specializing in Political Theory
Political Science
[email protected]
I am a posthumanist political theorist, and I study and teach ancient and contemporary texts that challenge the preeminence of human beings. I have two manuscripts in progress: The Sirens of Equality: Politics, Sacrifice, and the Limits of Animal Rights, a friendly critique of the “all animals are equal” framework; and The Posthuman Greeks: Our Radical Animal Past and the Zoopolis to Come, on Homer, Plato, and Aristotle as posthumanist thinkers. In addition I am also editing an introduction to posthumanist politics for Rowman & Littlefield, So You Want to Be a Posthuman: A Guide to Politics for 2216 and Beyond. I regularly teach a graduate seminar in posthumanist theory, and next year I will inaugurate the only undergraduate course in Canada solely devoted to the political agency of nonhuman animals, “Animals Sex Power.”

Dr. David A. Fennell
Professor, Department of Tourism Management
[email protected]
905 688 5550 x4663
My main focus, both in research and teaching, is on ecotourism as well as the moral issues tied to the use of animals in the tourism industry. I have published widely in these areas, including several monographs on ecotourism as well as the field’s first comprehensive work on tourism, animals and ethics. A major thrust of my research involves the use of theory from other disciplines (e.g., biology, philosophy) to gain traction on many of tourism’s most persistent issues and problems. I am the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Ecotourism, and continue to work as an active member on editorial boards of many academic journals.