SJRI has developed a Grants Program to support Affiliated Members with their transdisciplinary social justice research.
Research Seed Grants are designed to support affiliates’ transdisciplinary social justice research in its initial stages and help researchers, if appropriate, to leverage funding for larger external grants.
SJRI Research Seed Grant proposals are expected to respond explicitly to the following main objectives:
- build knowledge and understanding using transdisciplinary perspectives;
- fund research proposals that are animated by a concern for social justice;
- provide meaningful and high-quality research training experience for Brock students;
- fund original and high quality research proposals.
NOTE: The SJRI Research Seed Grants program is distinct from CRISS, BSIG, and other internal funding programs because its focus is on transdisciplinary social justice research with a view toward funding projects that help further build and sustain SJRI’s activities, including acknowledgment thereof. Therefore, grant holders may be asked to share findings at SJRI events such as workshops, semi-annual general meetings, and/or on the SJRI website.
Value and Duration
There is a total of $14,000 allocated to each grant type and the maximum value of each award is $7,000 for two years.
Any proposed variations from the project’s budget must be submitted in writing for approval.
Any unused money will be reverted to SJRI two years from the grant award date, unless an extension is requested and granted one month prior to this date.
Budget variations and grant extension requests are to be sent to [email protected].
Knowledge Mobilization and Acknowledgement
A final report is to be submitted by the date stipulated in the SJRI Grant Funding Agreement and is to include information on participation, project outcomes, expenditures and additional funds secured, as applicable. If applicable, electronic copies of publications, presentations, and promotional materials developed for the project should also be included. SJRI must be clearly acknowledged in all publications and presentations that occur as a result of the grant. The SJRI Grant Funding Report template, which is shared with recipients at the time of the award announcement, includes these details. Please submit these materials to [email protected].
Members of the adjudication committee shall not evaluate grant proposals involving affiliates with whom they share a conflict of interest. The names of the adjudication committee members are available upon request after the adjudication process has been completed.
In advance of each competition, a committee will be assembled that consists of three SJRI affiliates who, ideally, provide some representation across faculties and who will serve as adjudicators for at least one year (two competition rounds). In cases when the PF is aware that there will be fewer applications to a competition round than available funding, the FSC will be notified, and the decision may be made to extend that associated deadline (which is otherwise strict) and/or to re-allocate funds across grant types. In these cases, the PF will announce any agreed upon extensions/changes to the wider membership.
For each application, the adjudication committee members will assign a score based on the respective grant type evaluation criteria and scoring weight (see below for details). The appropriate weighting is then applied to arrive at a final score.
Only SJRI affiliates are eligible to serve as principal applicants on SJRI Research Seed Grants. Preference will be given to applicants who have not received an SJRI Grant in the past two years.
- The title page of your application must include the title of your proposed project and the names, contact information and affiliations of the principal applicants as well as any co-applicants.
- Attach a list of all references cited in your application (maximum 3 pages).
- The rest of the application should speak directly to the grant objectives (see above) and evaluation criteria (see below) and be organized accordingly.
- Applications must be single-spaced and use 12 point New Times Roman font. Applications that are not formatted properly will not be considered.
- All proposed budgetary expenditures must adhere to Tri-Council guidelines (see also here). In the case of SJRI Research Seed Grants, additional budgetary expenditure restrictions are noted below.
Evaluation Criteria and Scoring (6 pages max + CV)
The following criteria and scoring scheme are used by adjudication committee members to evaluate SJRI Research Seed Grant applications:
- Significance (maximum 3 pages) (50%)
- expected contribution to knowledge;
- originality and significance;
- appropriateness of the literature review/works cited;
- evidence of transdisciplinarity;
- social justice focus;
- appropriateness of theories/methods.
- knowledge dissemination strategies.
- Viability (maximum 2 pages) (25%)
- probability of effective and timely completion of the research;
- inclusion of a detailed budget, indicating other grant support for the proposed project (where relevant) and clearly aligned strategies and timelines for the design and conduct of the proposed activity/activities and roles;
- appropriateness of the requested budget and justification of proposed costs (SJRI Seed Grants may not be used to defray costs associated with: accommodation, sustenance, or conference travel);
- Other considerations:
- All applicants must comment on if/how the proposed research plan incorporates physical distancing practices, adheres to public health guidelines and/or any other strategy and timeline considerations for undertaking the research within the current pandemic context (whatever that is at the time of application submission). If such adjustments are not relevant, please provide a justification. Explanation of these considerations will not count toward this sub-section page limit.
- LTA applicants must ensure that the proposed timeline and funding request aligns with their current Brock-based appointment and note that any unspent funds must be returned to the SJRI at that time unless the SJRI is notified ahead of time that this appointment has been renewed, in which case access to the awarded funds will be available for the normal two-year timeframe.
- Training and mentoring (maximum half page) (10%)
- quality of training and mentoring to be provided to Brock students;
- opportunities for Brock students to contribute to research;
- if training/mentoring is not relevant provide a justification.
- Record (no page maximum) (15%)
- CVs of the principal applicant and co-applicants must be attached to the application.
Scoring table
Adjudication committee members assign a score for each of the criteria listed above, based on the following scoring table. The appropriate weighting is then applied to arrive at a final score. Applications must receive a score of 5 or above in each category in order to be considered for funding.
Score | Descriptor |
9 to 10 | Excellent |
7 to 8.9 | Very good |
5 to 6.9 | Good |
Below 5 | Not recommended for funding |