Each spring term, the Faculty Steering Committee (FSC) of the Social Justice Research Institute (SJRI) seeks to elect new members for two-year terms to commence July 1 (shorter terms can be negotiated in the event of pending sabbaticals, etc.). The FSC is the governing body responsible for the overall direction, financial oversight, and long-term viability of SJRI. FSC membership is a rewarding service commitment as you get to be involved in shaping and guiding the SJRI, while working with an engaging group of colleagues.
Responsibilities of the FSC:
- Advance the vision, goals and objectives of SJRI;
- Work with the Director and Project Facilitator on planning and executing initiatives that will strengthen the SJRI organizationally, advance the SJRI’s knowledge production and mobilization agenda, and help to secure the long-term sustainability of the SJRI;
- Work with the Director to ensure sound financial management of SJRI and to align budget priorities with planning and programming priorities;
- Work with the Director to develop protocols for adjudicating funding competitions and fellowships, the disbursement of funds, financial reporting and to amend SJRI procedures and governance issues as necessary;
- Provide guidance and feedback to the Director, including providing input on the drafting of terms of reference for staff positions, serving as a sounding board for staff requests and issues as needed; provide input on the Director’s annual reviews of staff;
- Complete a review of the Director, in cases when a request is made by more than 50% of FSC members.
Responsibilities of individual FSC members:
- Attend, and be well prepared for, FSC meetings (generally one per month);
- Provide input for FSC meeting agendas and participate in meetings;
- Fulfill committee and project responsibilities when needed;
- Attend events organized or co-sponsored by the SJRI.
Interested individuals may apply for SJRI affiliation by submitting the following information to [email protected]:
- a one paragraph statement outlining their interest in serving on the FSC, and their capability to do so effectively.
The FSC will review nominations and bring forward appropriate candidates for voting by affiliated members at SJRI’s next Spring Semi-Annual General meeting, the date for which will be set in winter 2024.
We urge SJRI affiliates both to consider applying to become an FSC member themselves and to encourage others who they feel would be good candidates to serve on the FSC. It is especially important to have diverse representation on the FSC.
For more information please email [email protected].