Become an Affiliate

Twice each year, the Faculty Steering Committee (FSC) of the Social Justice Research Institute (SJRI) invites applications for affiliation from Brock-based tenured and tenure-track faculty members, Emeritus Professors, professional librarians, LTAs, ILTAs, and post-doctoral fellows.

Affiliated Members are expected to share a commitment to social justice and transdisciplinary scholarship, and to involve themselves according to their capabilities in the governance of the SJRI by: putting their names forward for the FSC; attending the semi-annual general meetings; voting on affiliated membership, directorship, FSC membership, and changes to governance practices; serving on SJRI standing committees; and/or participating in and sharing information about SJRI events.

Affiliated Members are also eligible to:

  • apply to be Principal Investigators on applications to the SJRI Grants Program;
  • have access SJRI’s project facilitation and knowledge mobilization services and resources;
  • propose motions to the FSC;
  • propose and execute ideas for SJRI events, working groups, and workshops;
  • attend FSC meetings as non-voting members.

Interested individuals may apply for SJRI affiliation by submitting the following information to [email protected]  by April 25, 2024:

  • a one-to-two page statement of intent outlining the relevance of their research with explicit reference to the definitions of transdisciplinarity and social justice outlined on our website ( and to their planned contributions to SJRI
  • an up-to-date CV.

The FSC will review all applications and forward the names of recommended applicants to the wider membership for voting as part of SJRI’s next semi-annual general meeting, which will take place on May 15, 2024.

For More Information…

about SJRI’s purpose and activities, and other categories of SJRI membership, please email [email protected].