This yearly event with faculty and local community speakers and artists brings together two traditions of social justice scholarship (Humanities and Social Sciences) in order to facilitate transdisciplinarity and nurture cross-faculty collaboration. This event highlights the contributions of Humanities to social justice research and knowledge mobilization.

Arts, Archives & Affinities X: In a context where QTBIPOC (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) are under attack, this event refuses the victim narrative. Come hear Vivek Shraya ( Rabia Choudhary talk about making trans joy through art and cultural practice.

Art, Archives & Affinities IX: This virtual event featured talks by Stephen Collis (artist), Jane Andres (activist), and Jean Ntakirutimana (academic) who all spoke about different, but inter-related connections between the arts and activism in relation to migration and racialized migrant labour.

Art, Archives & Affinities VIII: This virtual event featured talks by Gale Coskan-Johnson (academic), Sachiko Murakami (poet), and Karrie Porter (city councillor; housing manager with Community Care, St. Catharines & Thorold) who each spoke to different aspects of what it means to dwell and to shelter.

Art, Archives and Affinities VII: This virtual event was co-sponsored by ACCUTE, Brock’s Department of English Language & Literature, and SJRI as part of our annual Art, Archives & Affinities symposium. It featured a talk by Dr. Richard Monture (Mohawk, Literary Scholar and Director of the Indigenous Studies Program at McMaster University) and a dramatic reading of an original play by Monique Mojica (Guna and Rappahannock, Actor and Playwright).

Art, Archives and Affinities VI: This event featured interactive and inspiring talks by Dolana Mogadime and Joe Norris (with the support of actors from Mirror Theatre) in relation to the overarching topic of Public Pedagogies.

Art, Archives and Affinities V: This event featured an art installation, poetry readings, a student performance and related talks by Candace Couse, Adam Dickinson, and Yasmine Kandil, which each spoke to different aspects of the representation of (un)healthy bodies.
Click here to access a Brock News article about this event.

Art, Archives and Affinities IV: This event featured presentations and panel discussion on social-justice based theatre productions: “Arts and Academia Intersecting in the Pursuit of Social Justice”; “Social Justice on the Stage – The Intersection of Theatre Work and Social Activism” ; “The Past made Present – Utilizing Graphic Design, Theatre and Oral Narrative to Explore Canadian Labour Histories.”

Art, Archives and Affinities III: This event featured photos of and by migrant workers in Niagara, a Screening of Migrant Dreams followed by Q and A with the Director, as well as a discussion of mobilizing the arts in solidarity work with migrant labourers in Ontario through photography, collaborative theatre and dance and movement therapy.

Art, Archives and Affinities II: This event featured a Social Justice and Research Panel discussion, Spoken word poetry, dance and a video installation.

Art, Archives and Affinities I: This event featured an interdisciplinary research panel, an art exhibit titled “My Dog is my Home”, a keynote address by the exhibit curator and a poetry reading.
Click here to access a Brock News story about this event.