International Student Ambassador Program Application Form

Applicants should read these instructions thoroughly before completing the application. Any questions may be directed to [email protected].

Application completion details

  1. Allow plenty of time for your endorsers to complete their letters of recommendation.
  2. For contact information, if you are studying away from home, use the address of your parent(s) or guardian(s). Note that dual citizens between Canada and another country are not eligible.
  3. Supplemental information can be included and will be considered. All documents must be submitted as PDFs.

A completed application will include

  1. A completed and signed online application form.
  2. Two signed and dated letters of recommendation from people who are nominating you for this award.
  3. A 2-5 minute video describing why you feel you would make an excellent International Student Ambassador. An uploaded file or a link to where we can access your video will be required within the application. Examples of possible platforms to post your video are: YouTube, Dropbox, and iCloud. Alternatively, you can upload a video file.

Submitting the application

Your application and all supporting documents must be uploaded and submitted in the form below no later than April 1st , 2025 at 11:59 pm EDT.
International Student Ambassador Application Overview

Note: Please make sure you have all materials prior to starting the application below.  You cannot save and go back to the application once it is started.

Failure to complete any requirement in the form below will result in the application being void and not considered.