Brock offers a variety of competitive program for children, youth and adults of all ages.

Brock Niagara Aquatics
Niagara’s competitive swim team. We offer a complete swimming training program that encompasses approximately 100 Niagara youth. Various squads within the team provide for all interested swimmers, ranging from novice racers to experienced national-level competitors.
All groups are instructed by experienced coaches with a focus on stroke refinement and speed acquisition.

Brock Niagara Synchro
Brock offers a complete lineup of lessons from beginner to competitive programs.
This creative, routine-based synchro orientation program is designed to develop basic synchro skills while increasing existing swimming skills. The Swim Synchro! program is comprised of 6 levels including core programming at each level. With topics like “Ariana’s Underwater Challenge” and “WOW! Highlights” swimmers are sure to enjoy all of the 9 topics covered in each level. Also, swimmers will have a chance to earn fun “Ariana” badges!
Prerequisite: Swimmer 4
Brock Niagara’s Synchro’s Recreational program is a great introduction to a unique and challenging sport. The focus of the program is to build strong basic synchro skills in a team environment while having fun. The program provides physical and artistic challenges, preparing the swimmer for participation on a competitive team in the future. The Recreational team will learn a choreographed routine for presentation at our year end water show and Recreational Meets.
Prerequisite: minimum Synchro Swim Level 1 completed
For more information on the competitive teams: please contact Quinn MacDonald at 905 688 5550 x3555 or email [email protected].
For more information on the sport of Synchronized Swimming, please visit

Brock Niagara Masters Swimming
Master swimmers practice 3 times per week in the evenings. Workouts are planned by our coaches who are available for your assistance. The Masters 2023-2024 season runs September to June. We accept registrations for each session (Fall, Winter, Spring). Masters swimmers must be 18+ years of age.
New for 2023… Choose one of the following class options:
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 6:30-8 am
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 11:30 am-1 pm
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday – 6:30-8 pm
- Per-session payments (Fall, Winter, Spring)
Additional Costs
All swimmers are registered with Masters Swim Ontario. Competition costs such as entry fees are extra, as are any travel and accommodation costs incurred to attend a competition.
Current members are invited to discuss their progress with their coach before or after practice.
Questions regarding the team, fees or billings should be directed to Gokhan Bozyigit, [email protected]
For more information regarding Masters Swimming in Canada, please visit the Masters Swimming Canada website.

Brock Niagara Penguins
A Swim and Gym Program for Youth and Young Adults with a Disability
Penguins offers a swim program on Thursdays, 4:15–5:30 pm, and a gym program focusing on wheelchair basketball on Saturdays, 12:15–2:00 pm. All swimmers must be comfortable in the water, but do not need to know how to swim. All swimmers will be given the opportunity to compete in a swim meet each session.